AJAX Exception handling




I hope this is the correct group.

How should a HttpServlet include custom errors in in AJAX response.

I need to be able to control some client side behaviour based on the
error returned.

I have tried using cuctom status codes in the
HttpServletResponse.setStatus() and sendError() methods but I always
receieve a Status 500 such as in response below.
If an exception is thrown by the servlet a Status 500 is also

Thanks in advance.

responseText = Error 500: null ErrorMessage
Error 500: Server caught unhandled exception from servlet
[testServlet]: ERROR: Cannot set header. Response
already committed.
responseXML.xml =
status = 500
statusText = Internal Server Error

Silvio Bierman


I hope this is the correct group.

How should a HttpServlet include custom errors in in AJAX response.

I need to be able to control some client side behaviour based on the
error returned.

I have tried using cuctom status codes in the
HttpServletResponse.setStatus() and sendError() methods but I always
receieve a Status 500 such as in response below.
If an exception is thrown by the servlet a Status 500 is also

Thanks in advance.

responseText = Error 500: null ErrorMessage
Error 500: Server caught unhandled exception from servlet
[testServlet]: ERROR: Cannot set header. Response
already committed.
responseXML.xml =
status = 500
statusText = Internal Server Error

At the time the exception occurs you have already written to the response.
Therefore, a response header can not be written.

The simplest but not neccesarily most efficient way to handle this is
generate the response to a seperate buffer
(StringWriter/ByteArrayOutputStream will do) and write that out at once if
no errrors occur or just set the error status if one does occur.


Silvio Bierman

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