[ANN] - install.rb hack # 42



this bloody hack makes install.rb handle user defined bindir (-b) and
auto-shebangifies any ruby programs found in the ./bin dir while installing
using the path to the ruby interpreter used for the install or the one named
with the -r switch.

essentially this allows you to write your scripts as in



and they will be installed as



eg. the user's path to ruby will be added to the program and your script
appended vebetim.

i don't know who originally wrote install.rb or where i got it so thanks to
original author and here's the hack:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rbconfig'
require 'find'
require 'ftools'
require 'tempfile'
include Config

LIBDIR = "lib"

BINDIR = "bin"

$srcdir = CONFIG["srcdir"]
$version = CONFIG["MAJOR"]+"."+CONFIG["MINOR"]
$libdir = File.join(CONFIG["libdir"], "ruby", $version)
$archdir = File.join($libdir, CONFIG["arch"])
$site_libdir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby$/}
$bindir = CONFIG["bindir"]
$ruby_install_name = CONFIG['ruby_install_name'] || CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']
$ruby = File.join($bindir, $ruby_install_name || 'ruby')

if !$site_libdir
$site_libdir = File.join($libdir, "site_ruby")
elsif $site_libdir !~ %r/#{Regexp.quote($version)}/
$site_libdir = File.join($site_libdir, $version)

def install_rb(srcdir=nil, destdir=nil, mode=nil, bin=nil)
path = []
dir = []
Find.find(srcdir) do |f|
next unless FileTest.file?(f)
next if (f = f[srcdir.length+1..-1]) == nil
next if (/CVS$/ =~ File.dirname(f))
path.push f
dir |= [File.dirname(f)]
for f in dir
next if f == "."
next if f == "CVS"
File::makedirs(File.join(destdir, f))
for f in path
next if (/\~$/ =~ f)
next if (/^\./ =~ File.basename(f))
unless bin
File::install(File.join(srcdir, f), File.join(destdir, f), mode, true)
from = File.join(srcdir, f)
to = File.join(destdir, f)
shebangify(from) do |sf|
$deferr.print from, " -> ", File::catname(from, to), "\n"
$deferr.printf "chmod %04o %s\n", mode, to
File::install(sf, to, mode, false)
def shebangify f
open(f) do |fd|
buf = fd.read 42
if buf =~ %r/^\s*#\s*!.*ruby/o
ftmp = Tempfile::new("#{ $$ }_#{ File::basename(f) }")
ftmp.puts "#!#{ $ruby }"
while((buf = fd.read(8192)))
ftmp.write buf
yield ftmp.path
yield f
def ARGV.switch
return nil if self.empty?
arg = self.shift
return nil if arg == '--'
if arg =~ /^-(.)(.*)/
return arg if $1 == '-'
raise 'unknown switch "-"' if $2.index('-')
self.unshift "-#{$2}" if $2.size > 0
self.unshift arg
def ARGV.req_arg
self.shift || raise('missing argument')

# main program

libdir = $site_libdir
bindir = $bindir

while switch = ARGV.switch
case switch
when '-d', '--destdir'
libdir = ARGV.req_arg
when '-l', '--libdir'
libdir = ARGV.req_arg
when '-b', '--bindir'
bindir = ARGV.req_arg
when '-r', '--ruby'
$ruby = ARGV.req_arg
raise "unknown switch #{switch.dump}"
STDERR.puts $!.to_s
STDERR.puts File.basename($0) +
" -d <destdir>" +
" -l <libdir>" +
" -b <bindir>"
" -r <ruby>"
exit 1

install_rb(LIBDIR, libdir, LIBDIR_MODE)
install_rb(BINDIR, bindir, BINDIR_MODE, bin=true)

| EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| PHONE :: 303.497.6469
| A flower falls, even though we love it;
| and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
| --Dogen


I believe install.rb is now setup.rb:

to my knowledge setup.rb is distinct, and probably more fully featured, than

in either case i've been using intall.rb and it doesn't solve the 'shebang'
problem - does setup.rb handle the shebang issue? if so i'll probably start
using it - i use install.rb because i have been. ;-)


| EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| PHONE :: 303.497.6469
| A flower falls, even though we love it;
| and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
| --Dogen

Hal Fulton

to my knowledge setup.rb is distinct, and probably more fully featured,

in either case i've been using intall.rb and it doesn't solve the 'shebang'
problem - does setup.rb handle the shebang issue? if so i'll probably
using it - i use install.rb because i have been. ;-)

I'm not sure, but I think setup.rb (because it is more fully featured) has
replaced install.rb.

The reason I'm not sure is that I am not much of a packaging person. :/
My packaging tends to consist of "here's a tgz, unpack it and put it wherever
you want." Yes, I need to break that habit.


trans. (T. Onoma)

to my knowledge setup.rb is distinct, and probably more fully featured,
than install.rb.

in either case i've been using intall.rb and it doesn't solve the 'shebang'
problem - does setup.rb handle the shebang issue? if so i'll probably
start using it - i use install.rb because i have been. ;-)

I use my own variation of install.rb, but have wanted to use setup.rb instead
b/c it seems to be more robust and feature rich. BUT it clutters up the main
directory more (e.g. 'setup.rb' plus 'config.save' and 'InstalledFiles'), and
it also is not as simple to use, requiring three operations:

ruby setup.rb config
ruby setup.rb setup
ruby setup.rb install

Lastly, install.rb is small enough to easily be placed in a rakefile, which
makes my life easir. Say you're currently in a test dir running a test, you
can fix a bug and run 'rake install' w/o cd'ing up the main dir. (Sure
there's many ways to deal with such things, but that's how I do it.)

If setup.rb ever addressed these issues then I would switch, but until then
install.rb works fine for my Ruby projects.

I like your modification too, I will use it :)


( o _ カラãƒ
// trans.
/ \ (e-mail address removed)

I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
-Mark Twain


I'm not sure, but I think setup.rb (because it is more fully featured) has
replaced install.rb.

The reason I'm not sure is that I am not much of a packaging person. :/
My packaging tends to consist of "here's a tgz, unpack it and put it wherever
you want." Yes, I need to break that habit.

put your files in a subdir called 'lib' within your tarball. put install.rb
at the same level


tar cvfz my_package.tgz my_package/


it's all i ever do - it's too not much, but 'just enough'.


| EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| PHONE :: 303.497.6469
| A flower falls, even though we love it;
| and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
| --Dogen


I use my own variation of install.rb, but have wanted to use setup.rb
instead b/c it seems to be more robust and feature rich. BUT it clutters up
the main directory more (e.g. 'setup.rb' plus 'config.save' and
'InstalledFiles'), and it also is not as simple to use, requiring three

ruby setup.rb config
ruby setup.rb setup
ruby setup.rb install

Lastly, install.rb is small enough to easily be placed in a rakefile, which
makes my life easir. Say you're currently in a test dir running a test, you
can fix a bug and run 'rake install' w/o cd'ing up the main dir. (Sure
there's many ways to deal with such things, but that's how I do it.)

i'll look into that - i've never used rake. it seems very cool though.
If setup.rb ever addressed these issues then I would switch, but until then
install.rb works fine for my Ruby projects.

exactly again.
I like your modification too, I will use it :)

it's been done the typical way - write - run once - seems to work - done!

in my office we call it the design-implement-test-production phase, it's how
nearly all of our important work gets done. ;-)

| EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| PHONE :: 303.497.6469
| A flower falls, even though we love it;
| and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
| --Dogen

Minero Aoki


In mail "Re: [ANN] - install.rb hack # 42"
trans. (T. Onoma) said:
I use my own variation of install.rb, but have wanted to use setup.rb instead
b/c it seems to be more robust and feature rich. BUT it clutters up the main
directory more (e.g. 'setup.rb' plus 'config.save' and 'InstalledFiles'), and
it also is not as simple to use, requiring three operations:

ruby setup.rb config
ruby setup.rb setup
ruby setup.rb install

Try latest version of setup.rb (3.3.0).
you are only required to type:

ruby setup.rb

It automatically invokes config, setup, then install.

There is one more new feature, `all':

ruby setup.rb all --prefix=$HOME

This also invokes config-setup-install but you can invoke
setup.rb with any config options.

Minero Aoki

trans. (T. Onoma)

Try latest version of setup.rb (3.3.0).
you are only required to type:

ruby setup.rb

It automatically invokes config, setup, then install.

There is one more new feature, `all':

ruby setup.rb all --prefix=$HOME

This also invokes config-setup-install but you can invoke
setup.rb with any config options.

That's great!

That means it's almost there. Now if I can only integrate it with Rake, I'll
be a happy camper. Hmm... how best to do?

Also, minor question: why is config.save downcase, but InstalledFiles is

Thanks again,

trans. (T. Onoma)

Try latest version of setup.rb (3.3.0).

Oh. Almost forgot. Does setup.rb have Ara's hack #42 ?

( o _ カラãƒ
// trans.
/ \ (e-mail address removed)

I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
-Mark Twain


The reason I'm not sure is that I am not much of a packaging person. :/
My packaging tends to consist of "here's a tgz, unpack it and put it wherever
you want." Yes, I need to break that habit.

Don't be too hard on yourself. I've been known (as recently as 6 months
or so ago) to say:

Here's the IP if the FTP server. Use "guest" and something that
looks like an e-mail address. The file names should be pretty
self explanatory. Enjoy.

-- MarkusQ


It has been doing shebang correction since mmm the beginning of time :)

i know it's supposed to - but i can't seem to make it:

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > for f in bin/*;do file $f;done
bin/a.out: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), forGNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
bin/a.pl: a perl script text executable
bin/a.rb: a ruby script text executable

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby setup.rb config --ruby-path=/dmsp/reference/bin/ruby --bin-dir=/home/ahoward/bin
---> bin
<--- bin

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby setup.rb setup
---> bin
<--- bin

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby setup.rb install
---> bin
mkdir -p /home/ahoward/bin/
install a.out /home/ahoward/bin/
install a.rb /home/ahoward/bin/
install a.pl /home/ahoward/bin/
<--- bin

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > cat /home/ahoward/bin/a.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts 42

?? what am i doing wrong ??


jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby install.rb -b ~/bin/
bin/a.pl -> /home/ahoward/bin/a.pl
chmod 0755 /home/ahoward/bin/a.pl
bin/a.rb -> /home/ahoward/bin/a.rb
chmod 0755 /home/ahoward/bin/a.rb
bin/a.out -> /home/ahoward/bin/a.out
chmod 0755 /home/ahoward/bin/a.out

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > cat /home/ahoward/bin/a.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts 42

also, the commandline parsing in setup.rb is very dangerous.

when i was playing around i did this:

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby setup.rb config --ruby-path=`which ruby` --bin-dir ~/bin
config: --bin-dir requires argument
Try 'ruby setup.rb --help' for detailed usage.

oops, forget the '='s

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby setup.rb config --ruby-path=`which ruby` --bin-dir=~/bin
---> bin
<--- bin

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby setup.rb setup
---> bin
<--- bin

looks good

jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > ruby setup.rb install
---> bin
mkdir -p ~/bin/
install a.out ~/bin/
install a.rb ~/bin/
install a.pl ~/bin/
---> bin/~
mkdir -p ~/bin/~
---> bin/~/bin
mkdir -p ~/bin/~/bin
install a.out ~/bin/~/bin
install a.rb ~/bin/~/bin
install a.pl ~/bin/~/bin
---> bin/~/bin/~
mkdir -p ~/bin/~/bin/~
---> bin/~/bin/~/bin
mkdir -p ~/bin/~/bin/~/bin
setup.rb:396:in `mkdir_p': Interrupt from setup.rb:394:in `each_index'
from setup.rb:394:in `mkdir_p'
from setup.rb:1159:in `install_files'
from setup.rb:1140:in `install_dir_bin'
from setup.rb:1292:in `__send__'
from setup.rb:1292:in `traverse'
from setup.rb:1290:in `dive_into'
from setup.rb:1290:in `traverse'
... 25 levels...
from setup.rb:644:in `__send__'
from setup.rb:644:in `invoke'
from setup.rb:616:in `invoke'
from setup.rb:1323

yikes - i've started making a recursive directory structure. this was my own
fault: because i said


the shell could not expand the '~' and i gave it '~/bin' instead of
'/home/ahoward/bin' as bin-dir. for some reason this resulted in the the
recursive dir hierarchy being made - i haven't checked to figure out why. my
point is that configure lines will often contain shell meta characters, and
that having to slam them up against the '=' sign can result in suprising
behaviour. it would probably be better if setup.rb used getoptlong or
optparse for this bit of code since they allow the

--bin-dir ~/bin


that being said, setup.rb is about a million times better than install.rb; if
i can figure out the shebang problem i will probably migrate too.


| EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| PHONE :: 303.497.6469
| A flower falls, even though we love it;
| and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
| --Dogen

Mauricio Fernández

It has been doing shebang correction since mmm the beginning of time :)

i know it's supposed to - but i can't seem to make it: [...]
jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > cat /home/ahoward/bin/a.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

From setup.rb:

# modify: #!/usr/bin/ruby
# modify: #! /usr/bin/ruby
# modify: #!ruby
# not modify: #!/usr/bin/env ruby
that being said, setup.rb is about a million times better than install.rb;
i can figure out the shebang problem i will probably migrate too.

It works that way by design, but you could try to convince Minero Aoki
to change it, or just modify the associated regexp yourself:

SHEBANG_RE = /\A\#!\s*\S*ruby\S*/

Minero Aoki


In mail "Re: [ANN] - install.rb hack # 42"
i know it's supposed to - but i can't seem to make it:
jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > cat /home/ahoward/bin/a.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
?? what am i doing wrong ??

setup.rb does not replace #!/usr/bin/env hack because
it is better than the abstract path, in many cases.
In the past day someone (I forget) asked me this feature.
When and only when you use abstract path to ruby,
setup.rb replaces shabeng.

Minero Aoki

Minero Aoki


In mail "Setup+ (was: install.rb hack # 42 <-- TMOLTUE ;)"
trans. (T. Onoma) said:
Also, minor question: why is config.save downcase, but InstalledFiles is

Because capital filenames are shown before lower case filenames
in UNIX ls. I think that users may want to use InstalledFiles,
but not config.save.

By the way, config.save is now renamed to ".config".

Minero Aoki



In mail "Re: [ANN] - install.rb hack # 42"
i know it's supposed to - but i can't seem to make it:
jib:~/eg/ruby/tmp > cat /home/ahoward/bin/a.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
?? what am i doing wrong ??

setup.rb does not replace #!/usr/bin/env hack because
it is better than the abstract path, in many cases.
In the past day someone (I forget) asked me this feature.
When and only when you use abstract path to ruby,
setup.rb replaces shabeng.

this makes good sense - but i do think it there should be a flag to override
it. in any case you'll be happy to know that i'm in the process of switching
much of my packages over to setup.rb - nice work on that!


| EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| PHONE :: 303.497.6469
| A flower falls, even though we love it;
| and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
| --Dogen

trans. (T. Onoma)


In mail "Setup+ (was: install.rb hack # 42 <-- TMOLTUE ;)"

Because capital filenames are shown before lower case filenames
in UNIX ls. I think that users may want to use InstalledFiles,
but not config.save.

I see. I wonder if there's a constant I can change? I'll have to look. I'd
might prefer it be called 'FILES' instead, to go along with my other files,
like README, TODO, etc.
By the way, config.save is now renamed to ".config".

Getting better all the time! :)

Thank you very much Minero Aoki,

( o _ カラム(a place in Paki)
// trans.
/ \ (e-mail address removed)

I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
-Mark Twain

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