[ANN] Instiki 0.9.0: Rendering improvements, Latex integration, OS X version

  • Thread starter David Heinemeier Hansson
  • Start date

David Heinemeier Hansson

What's new in Instiki 0.9.0?

It’s finally here! And with a ton of cool stuff as well. Mark Reid has
done a massive job implementing a new rendering pipeline that fixes a
bunch of bugs, adds aliased links, inclusion of other pages, and more.
On top of that there’s now a native OS X-version where you just
double-click and go (no need to install Ruby 1.8, it’s included!). And
experimental Latex integration. Oh, and did I mention much, much more?

Full changelog:

* Added aliased links such as [[HomePage|that nice home page]] [Mark
* Added include other page content with [[!include TableOfContents]]
[Mark Reid]
* Added delete orphan pages from the Edit Web screen [by inspiration
from Simon Arnaud]
* Added logging of IP address for authors (who's behind the rollback
Unfortunately, it doesn't work for wikis behind mod_proxy :/
* Added Categories pages through backlinks (use "categories: news,
instiki" on start of line) [Mark Reid]
* Added option to use bracket-style wiki links only (and hence ban
* Added command-line option to specify different storage path
* Added print view without navigation
* Added character and page (2275 characters including spaces) counter
(important for student papers)
Off by default, activate it on the Edit Web screen
* Added LaTeX/PDF integration on Textile installations with pdflatex
installed on system (EXPERIMENTAL)
Use the home page as a table of contents with a unordered list to
control sections
* Added limit of 15 to the number of pages included in RSS feed
* Moved static parts of stylesheet to separate file [Lau Tårnskov]
* Fixed better semantics for revision movement [Ryan Singer]
* Fixed color diffs to work much better [Xen/Mertz/Atkins]
* Fixed performance problems for All Pages list [Dennis Mertz]
* Fixed lots of rendering bugs [Mark Reid]
* Upgraded to RedCloth 2.0.11 [integrating the fine work of Dennis

Read more and download from http://www.instiki.org. There's also an IRC
channel called #instiki on Freenode where I usually hang for questions
and talk.

P.S.: A GEM version of Instiki is in the pipeline. Stay tuned...

/ David

gabriele renzi

il Mon, 7 Jun 2004 06:32:41 +0900, David Heinemeier Hansson
* Added LaTeX/PDF integration on Textile installations with pdflatex
installed on system (EXPERIMENTAL)

killer feature. All the other are fine, but I plain love this :)
Just on thing is unclear to me: does this:
Use the home page as a table of contents with a unordered list to
control sections

mean that we can generate a whole big hyperlinked doc from a whole
wiki or what else?

Richard Kilmer

Wow...very nice OS X integration. You guys did an amazing job of making it
seamless. Quick question on it though...where is the wiki data stored?

Keep up the EXCELLENT work.


David Heinemeier Hansson

killer feature. All the other are fine, but I plain love this :)
Just on thing is unclear to me: does this:

mean that we can generate a whole big hyperlinked doc from a whole
wiki or what else?

Exactly. Having an unordered list on the HomePage serves like a table
of contents where each referenced page is put where it is. Example:

* [[Introduction]]
** [[Project statement]]
** [[Organization]]
* [[Methodology]]

Is turned into:

All the content from the introduction wiki page

\subsection{Project statement}
All the content from the project statement wiki page

All the content from the organization wiki page

All the content from the methodology wiki page

I recently finished a 100-paged bachelor's project written in all
Instiki like this.
David Heinemeier Hansson,
http://www.instiki.org/ -- A No-Step-Three Wiki in Ruby
http://www.basecamphq.com/ -- Web-based Project Management
http://www.loudthinking.com/ -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.nextangle.com/ -- Development & Consulting Services

David Heinemeier Hansson

Wow...very nice OS X integration. You guys did an amazing job of
making it
seamless. Quick question on it though...where is the wiki data stored?

Where all good OS X citizens are supposed to store their data :)

~/Library/Application Support/Instiki/2500
Keep up the EXCELLENT work.

Thank you. I'd like to instantly extend this gratitude to all of the
many, many contributors that Instiki has attracted and that has pushed
the wiki so much further than what it is. What a ride!
David Heinemeier Hansson,
http://www.instiki.org/ -- A No-Step-Three Wiki in Ruby
http://www.basecamphq.com/ -- Web-based Project Management
http://www.loudthinking.com/ -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.nextangle.com/ -- Development & Consulting Services

Carl Youngblood

David said:
What's new in Instiki 0.9.0?

It’s finally here! And with a ton of cool stuff as well. Mark Reid has
done a massive job implementing a new rendering pipeline that fixes a
bunch of bugs, adds aliased links, inclusion of other pages, and more.
On top of that there’s now a native OS X-version where you just
double-click and go (no need to install Ruby 1.8, it’s included!). And
experimental Latex integration. Oh, and did I mention much, much more?

Can I upgrade seamlessly from older versions and keep my old wiki? Just
thinking out loud, do you have a plan in place for identifying which
version of instiki someone was running and running successive
transformations on the persistent data to bring it into the format of
the current version?


Curt Hibbs

Carl said:
Can I upgrade seamlessly from older versions and keep my old wiki? Just
thinking out loud, do you have a plan in place for identifying which
version of instiki someone was running and running successive
transformations on the persistent data to bring it into the format of
the current version?

The readme says that as long as you are running 0.5.0 or later, the data
format is compatible and you can simply copy the data files to your new


Carl Youngblood

Curt said:
The readme says that as long as you are running 0.5.0 or later, the data
format is compatible and you can simply copy the data files to your new

Thanks for answering for those lazy sods like myself who didn't want to
bother downloading the new version and reading the README.

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