[ANN] Logging 0.1.0


Tim Pease


Logging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the
design of Java's log4j library. It features a hierarchical logging system,
custom level names, multiple output destinations per log event, custom
formatting, and more.

Logging is intended to supersede the orphaned Log4r project.


To install:

$ gem install logging

A tarball is also available on the RubyForge project page:



require 'rubygems'
require 'logging'
include Logging

log = Logger.new 'test'
log.appenders = Appender.stdout
log.level = 'info'

log.debug 'debug message'
log.info 'informational message'
log.warn 'Danger! Danger! Will Robinson'
log.error {
# ... some very time consuming code goes here
'this log message took a long time to construct'
log.fatal 'Die Die Die'

The following lines are printed to STDOUT

INFO test : informational message
WARN test : Danger! Danger! Will Robinson
ERROR test : this log message took a long time to construct
FATAL test : Die Die Die


Although Logging is intended to supersede Log4r, it is not a one-to-one
replacement for the Log4r library. Most notably is the difference in name spaces
-- Logging vs. Log4r. Other differences include renaming Log4r::Outputter to
Logging::Appender and renaming Log4r::Formatter to Logging::Layout. These
changes were meant to bring the Logging class names more in line with the Log4j
class names.

This is an alpha release, and as such it is not yet feature complete. Neither
the YAML configuration nor the XML configuration have been incorporated into the
Logging library. Not all the logging appenders have been incorporated into the
Logging library either. If you would like to port any code from Log4r please
contact me (contact info can be found in the gem specification).

Tim Pease

Yes ! A decent ruby logger. I was waiting for this since a long time.

Hmmm ... I would download the code first and poke around ... kick the
wheels. But thanks for the exuberance :)
Are you going to fix the syslog adapter ? In Log4r, when you used syslog, it
would change the error level and reporting methods. It's pretty annoying.

Sure. The field is wide open at the moment. I'm looking for
suggestions / requests from developers.

My thought on syslog is to require a mapping from the user that maps
the defined logging levels to the syslog logging levels. If the user
has not defined any logging levels, then the syslog levels become the
default (i.e. the current Log4r behavior).


Tim Pease

No problem, I've tried to contact the Log4r developper regarding some bugs
and I'm happy that the project revives. I have a big project and once I've
added Log4r support, it became much easier to debug.

Ok, I'll let you know on this. In the meantime, can you check why the
loggging gem is not available ? I think you should contact rubyforge people.
It's maybe related to the fact that somebody else already released a
logging.tgz file, as package names are locked to a project for security

They are doing some security audits / updates on RubyForge right now.
Gems are not being migrated over for distribution until they are done
with this. You can manually download the gem and install it if you
would like to tinker.



Tom Copeland

Ok, I'll let you know on this. In the meantime, can you check why the
loggging gem is not available ? I think you should contact rubyforge people.
It's maybe related to the fact that somebody else already released a
logging.tgz file, as package names are locked to a project for security

Nah, only gems are affected by the namespace thing since they are the
only things for which RubyForge builds an index. All the other files
are "scoped" by their project's name.



Tom Copeland

Thanks for all the time you took to solve that issue. Your solution looks

Thanks! I'm just glad that security hole has been found and closed.



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