[ANN] parseargs-0.0.0






parseargs is a library that faciltates the parsing of arguments and keywords
from method paramters, setting of default values, validation, contraints via
class based or duck based typing, and coercion/convincing to type/ducktype
when possible.



initial version


ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov


<========< sample/a.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/a.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# simple use will declare which required and optional arguments a method can
# accept. default values may be specifed if a hash is given as the argument
# specification. an exception is thrown if required arguments are not given at
# method invocation.

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
required_argument :a
optional_argument :b => 2

puts "#{ pa.a }#{ pa.b }"

method 4

~ > ruby sample/a.rb


<========< sample/b.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/b.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# keywords can be declared in exactly the same way, and can be given at
# invocation as either strings or symbols. default values may also be named for
# both arguments and keywords. note that a required keyword with a default
# specified is really an optional keyword ;-)

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
required_argument :a
required_keyword :b, :default => 2
optional_keyword :c

puts "#{ pa.a }#{ pa.b }"

method 4, 'b' => 2

~ > ruby sample/b.rb


<========< sample/c.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/c.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# several abbreviations exist to make the declaration more compact.

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
r_arg :a
r_kw :b
o_kw :c

if pa.c
puts "#{ pa.c }"
puts "#{ pa.a }#{ pa.b }"

method 4, :b => 2
method 4, :b => 2, 'c' => 42

~ > ruby sample/c.rb


<========< sample/d.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/d.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# many keywords or arguments can be specified at once using a list

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
r_arg 'req_arg'
o_kw ('a'..'z').to_a

kw = pa.a ? pa.a : pa.z

puts "#{ pa.req_arg }#{ kw }"

method 4, 'a' => 2
method 4, 'z' => 2

~ > ruby sample/d.rb


<========< sample/e.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/e.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# a single, or list of types may be given and the argument of invocation must be
# one of those types as reports by '==='

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
req_arg 'number', 'types' => [Float, Fixnum]

p pa.number

method 42
method 42.0
method '42.0'

~ > ruby sample/e.rb

./lib/parseargs.rb:112:in `value=': value given not of type(Float,Fixnum) in 'number=' (TypeError)
from ./lib/parseargs.rb:296:in `parse'
from ./lib/parseargs.rb:291:in `each'
from ./lib/parseargs.rb:291:in `parse'
from ./lib/parseargs.rb:393:in `parseargs'
from ./lib/parseargs.rb:376:in `parseargs'
from sample/e.rb:11:in `method'
from sample/e.rb:20

<========< sample/f.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/f.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# failure of an argument to match a given type will cause coercion to be applied
# if specified. the coerce argument may be either a method name or a proc that
# receives the obj to be coerced. in either case the return value is used as
# the new argument.

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
arg :a, :types => Fixnum, :coerce => 'to_i'
kw :b, :types => Fixnum, :coerce => lambda{|obj| obj.to_i}

p [pa.a, pa.b]

method 4, :b => 2
method '4', :b => '2'

~ > ruby sample/f.rb

[4, 2]
[4, 2]

<========< sample/g.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/g.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# ducktyping is supported as a method name, or list of method names - all of
# which an argument must respond_to? in order for an exception not to be thrown.
# this is a very simple ducktype signature.

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
r_arg 'string', 'ducktype' => [:upcase, :downcase]

puts pa.string.upcase.downcase

method ['42']

~ > ruby sample/g.rb


<========< sample/h.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/h.rb

require 'parseargs'
include ParseArgs

# a kind of ducktype 'coercion' - somthing i'm calling 'convincing' - may be
# applied in order to convince an object that it really can play a certain role.
# an argument may be 'convinced' via a module, which will be used to extend the
# object on the fly, or a block which is passed the object and expected to
# modify it's singleton class in such a way as to allow the object to become a
# valid argument

module M
def quack

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
ra 'a', 'ducktype' => :quack,
'convince' => lambda{|obj| class << obj; def quack; 4; end; end}

ra 'b', 'ducktype' => :quack,
'convince' => M

puts "#{ pa.a.quack }#{ pa.b.quack }"

method 'any ol', 'objects'

~ > ruby sample/h.rb


<========< sample/i.rb >========>

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/i.rb

require 'parseargs'

# of course all this would be kind of silly for the simple cases shown - but it
# can become very powerful as a form of meta-programming aid or when many
# kewords are to be supported

class Command
include ParseArgs


ParseArgs::parser::new {
KEYWORDS.each{|kw| optional_keyword kw}

def initialize cmd
@cmd = cmd

def execute(*argv)
opts = PARSER.parse argv
p @cmd => opts.select{|k,v| not v.nil?}

def background(*argv)
opts = PARSER.parse argv
p @cmd => opts.select{|k,v| not v.nil?}


foo = Command::new 'foo.exe'
foo.execute 'verbose' => true, 'stdin' => 'input.txt'
bar = Command::new 'bar.exe'
bar.execute 'verbose' => false, 'stdout' => 'output.txt'

~ > ruby sample/i.rb

{"foo.exe"=>[["stdin", "input.txt"], ["verbose", true]]}
{"bar.exe"=>[["stdout", "output.txt"], ["verbose", false]]}


this library is experimental.


| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso

Hal Fulton

Ara.T.Howard said:

parseargs is a library that faciltates the parsing of arguments and
from method paramters, setting of default values, validation,
contraints via
class based or duck based typing, and coercion/convincing to
when possible.

Interesting. I look forward to checking this out.


Hmm, I think I used a prior version of it... ;)


Joel VanderWerf

Hal said:
Hmm, I think I used a prior version of it... ;)

Was that, or ;)

Ruby folks are so conservative in version numbering that it wouldn't be
surprising to see negative versions... "Your library looks nice, but I'm
not going to use use it until it goes positive."


Interesting. I look forward to checking this out.

i'd love some feedback. i end up writing the code the library contains plenty
so it seemed like a good candidate for a general purpose lib.
Hmm, I think I used a prior version of it... ;)

lol. ;-)

| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso


Was that, or ;)

Ruby folks are so conservative in version numbering that it wouldn't be
surprising to see negative versions... "Your library looks nice, but I'm not
going to use use it until it goes positive."

i use the libtool/ld versioning system:


the first two are pretty self explanatory, the age bit need examples to

first of all, interface - age > 0 demonstrates backwards compatibility. so
a lib like


supports interfaces


but NOT interface zero. a lib like


supports interfaces


and so on.

the idea is that if you are using somethign arrayfields 3.4.0 in your code
alot and see the version bump up to 3.5.0 you will know that only the
implementation, not the interface, to the code has changed and can upgrade
with some confidence. if, however, you saw the version go from 3.4.0 to 4.0.1
you know that the interface has changed and you should upgrade with caution.
an interface change might be something major like changing a method signature
or name, or it could be something minor like adding a new method (but all olds
one stay the same) - in either case the version gives you certain hints.

i'd be curious to know the rational behind other ruby project's version
numbers and what information can be gleaned from them.

for mor about the versioning i use see



| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso

Zev Blut


This looks like a nice tool!
Looking at your samples made me think about a few interesting details
about Ruby. To start the discussion, below is your posted (a.rb)

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
required_argument :a
optional_argument :b => 2

puts "#{ pa.a }#{ pa.b }"

method 4

~ > ruby sample/a.rb


This looks like a fairly reasonable API, but one thing really struck
me was that your variables needed to be referenced with the pa
instance. This is understandable, but I kind of feel that if I were
to use this API a lot I would really rather have parseargs just go
ahead and set the variables in the current method's binding. Thus I
can just reference a and b without the need to use pa.

I was going to post a patch to your code, but decided it might be
better to flesh out this idea. Below is some sample code that will
display how I implemented a simple example of how you could remove the
need to reference pa.

def parse_data_hash(data, bd = binding)
data.each do |k,v|
vid = v.object_id
eval("#{k.to_s} = ObjectSpace._id2ref(#{vid})", bd)

def parse_test(data_hash)
puts local_variables.join(",")

puts "Explicit binding passed"
parse_data_hash(data_hash, binding)
puts local_variables
local_variables.each do |k|
print "#{k} => "
eval("print #{k}.inspect")

parse_test({:a => [1,2,3], :b => "hello"})

Writing this brought out a few really interesting details about Ruby
that I would like to discuss.

1) I had to use ObjectSpace._id2ref in order to achieve the ability to
set variable a to the passed Array. I did not like using this method,
even without the warning not to use it found in the "Ruby in a
Nutshell" book. Interestingly this warning is not found in the RDoc
and ri generated description. Is there a better way to do this?

2) In parse_data_hash I attempted to make passing the binding
optional. As you see in the parse_test that does not work, because it
is assigning the binding to the binding of the parse_data_hash method
and not from its' caller.

2.1 ) eval currently makes passing the binding optional. Is there a
way to do this in Ruby or is this something only available to the
internal implementation?

2.2) I was thinking it might be interesting if you could get the
binding of the caller from calling "caller". Of course, having this
ability opens your self up to a lot of dangerous usages and possibly
some powerful usages too. One usage would be a way to get the binding
of the caller for parse_data_hash. I am wondering if this is a bad
idea and if any other languages allow you to do this?

2.3) Does anyone have an example of how you can use eval with a Proc
object instead of an binding? The docs say you can do this, but does
not provide an example and my test below does not work either..

p = Proc.new { x = "Hello" }
eval("puts x", p)
t.rb:1: undefined local variable or method `x' for main:Object (NameError)
from t.rb:1

I have some other fuzzy ideas about the binding and method objects,
but I better save that for another day when I can unfuzz them.
Although, one quick idea is if it would be possible in the future to
save the binding to disk or send it to another Ruby process?

Zev Blut

Stephan Kämper

Joel said:
Was that, or ;)

Ruby folks are so conservative in version numbering that it wouldn't be
surprising to see negative versions... "Your library looks nice, but I'm
not going to use use it until it goes positive."

And the version numbers of ideas (read: vapour ware) might well be
imaginary numbers....
"I' won't think about using it, before it becomes real." :)

Happy rubying


Jim Weirich

i use the libtool/ld versioning system:


the first two are pretty self explanatory, the age bit need examples to

I hadn't seen age used like that before. Interesting.
i'd be curious to know the rational behind other ruby project's version
numbers and what information can be gleaned from them.

The recommended RubyGems versioning policy is summarized at
http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/7. The main purpose of the policy is
to allow reasonable version comparisons for dependency declarations,
especially the use of the "approximately greater than" version operator (see

The libtool/ld policy would work gems as well, except that RubyGems wouldn't
know the fine distinctions provided by the age field.



This looks like a nice tool! Looking at your samples made me think about a
few interesting details about Ruby. To start the discussion, below is your
posted (a.rb) sample:

def method(*a)
pa =
parseargs(a) {
required_argument :a
optional_argument :b => 2

puts "#{ pa.a }#{ pa.b }"

method 4

~ > ruby sample/a.rb


This looks like a fairly reasonable API, but one thing really struck me was
that your variables needed to be referenced with the pa instance. This is
understandable, but I kind of feel that if I were to use this API a lot I
would really rather have parseargs just go ahead and set the variables in
the current method's binding. Thus I can just reference a and b without the
need to use pa.

I was going to post a patch to your code, but decided it might be better to
flesh out this idea. Below is some sample code that will display how I
implemented a simple example of how you could remove the need to reference

def parse_data_hash(data, bd = binding)
data.each do |k,v|
vid = v.object_id
eval("#{k.to_s} = ObjectSpace._id2ref(#{vid})", bd)

def parse_test(data_hash)
puts local_variables.join(",")

puts "Explicit binding passed"
parse_data_hash(data_hash, binding)
puts local_variables
local_variables.each do |k|
print "#{k} => "
eval("print #{k}.inspect")

parse_test({:a => [1,2,3], :b => "hello"})

the problem here is that the variables will only be __available__ through eval
either. eg. you'd have to

p 'eval a'

and could never

p a

i seem to recall a way of working around this but can't remember the thread...
if i can figure it out i'll add this feature. currently parsearges supports
an undoccumented feature, if you

parseargs(argv => receiver) {
arg 'a'
kw 'b'

then receiver will be used to 'receive' the arguments. this works by

receiver.send '[]=', name, value
rescue NoMethodError
receiver.send "#{ name }=", value
rescue NoMethodError
receiver.send "#{ name }", value

eg. any object that responds_to? []=, #{name}=, or #{name} can be used.
examples would be

parseargs(argv => a_hash) {
arg 'a'
kw 'b'


parseargs(argv => a_open_struct) {
arg 'a'
kw 'b'

and those objects will be parsed 'into'. this means that, if a way can be
found to 'set the variable a, given the string "a", in the current scope' i
could have the following work fine

parseargs(argv => binding) {
arg 'a'
kw 'b'

p a
p b

to accomplish what you want.

so. how can one do this??

eval 'a = 42'
p a

i don't know how...

| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso


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I hadn't seen age used like that before. Interesting.

The recommended RubyGems versioning policy is summarized at
http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/7. The main purpose of the policy = is
to allow reasonable version comparisons for dependency declarations,
especially the use of the "approximately greater than" version operator (= see

The libtool/ld policy would work gems as well, except that RubyGems would= n't
know the fine distinctions provided by the age field.

thanks for the input jim. i dunno about switching all my libs though ;-( =
age thing is really handy so that applications can say "give me the more
recent version that supports my interface" and end up getting v17.2.16 even=
the initial application was built against v3.2.2. on the other hand there =
no ruby 'linker' other than require_gem so maybe i ought to convert...


| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso


Zev Blut


the problem here is that the variables will only be __available__
through eval
either. eg. you'd have to

p 'eval a'

and could never

p a

i seem to recall a way of working around this but can't remember the
if i can figure it out i'll add this feature.

Wow I am quite surprised at this! It is quite odd that adding a
variable through the use of eval, makes the variable appear in the
local_variables method, but that you cannot access the variable unless
you use eval... Below is a simpler example showing how using eval
modifies the the local_variables response.

puts "[" + local_variables.join(" , ") + "]"
#=> []
eval 'a = 42'
puts "[" + local_variables.join(" , ") + "]"
#=> [a]
puts a
#=> undefined local variable or method `a' for main:Object (NameError)

If you cannot access a in your binding, why would eval add a to the
local_variables? Can anyone explain this? I would like to know.

Zev Blut

Glenn Parker

Zev said:
If you cannot access a in your binding, why would eval add a to the
local_variables? Can anyone explain this? I would like to know.

It is a curious side effect of the way Ruby is interpreted. Perhaps it
is a performance optimization? It doesn't really have to be this way,
but it won't affect you (much) in practical terms.

Variables that are "visible" when a method is compiled are added to a
table somewhere in the AST, and only those variables can be accessed
directly in that method. Clearly, this table is not the same one that
"eval" consults so we have, to put it diplomatically, a little
disconnect. Eval can find the variable when asked, but the interpreter
simply refuses to go looking for it in the first place.

Now, ask yourself if you really care. Are you going to be writing code
where you know the name of a variable ahead of time, but only initialize
it inside an eval statement? If so, there are two simple workarounds:

1. Initialize the variable before the eval.

x = nil # make "x" visible beforehand
eval "x = 1"
print "#{x}\n"

2. Assign the eval-initialized variable to a "visible" variable.

eval "y = 2"
y = eval "y" # make "y" visible afterwards
print "#{y}\n"

Jim Weirich

Glenn Parker said:
2. Assign the eval-initialized variable to a "visible" variable.

eval "y = 2"
y = eval "y" # make "y" visible afterwards
print "#{y}\n"

Actually, you don't even have to actually assign anything to y, you just
need to make sure that the Ruby interpreter sees an assignment to y before
the print. It's a subtle distinction, but consider the following code:

eval "y = 2"
y = 0 if false
puts y # => 2 (not 0)

Glenn Parker

Jim said:
Actually, you don't even have to actually assign anything to y, you just
need to make sure that the Ruby interpreter sees an assignment to y before
the print. It's a subtle distinction, but consider the following code:

eval "y = 2"
y = 0 if false
puts y # => 2 (not 0)

OK, but you have to admit that "y = 0 if false" is Dark Magic. Who is
going to understand what is going on there? An optimizing interpreter
might justifiably toss the entire statement.


Wow I am quite surprised at this!

everyone is! ;-)
It is quite odd that adding a variable through the use of eval, makes the
variable appear in the local_variables method, but that you cannot access
the variable unless you use eval... Below is a simpler example showing how
using eval modifies the the local_variables response.

puts "[" + local_variables.join(" , ") + "]"
#=> []
eval 'a = 42'
puts "[" + local_variables.join(" , ") + "]"
#=> [a]
puts a
#=> undefined local variable or method `a' for main:Object (NameError)

i didn't know about that, but it suggests a way to rig method_missing in
Object to make it __seem__ like a variable has been created in scope:

for example:

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'binding_of_caller'

class Object
def create_var name, env = nil
Binding::eek:f_caller do |bnd|
eval("#{ name }=nil", env || bnd)
def set_var name, value, env = nil
Binding::eek:f_caller do |bnd|
eval("#{ name }=ObjectSpace::_id2ref(#{ value.object_id })", env || bnd)
def get_var name, env = nil
Binding::eek:f_caller do |bnd|
eval("#{ name }", env || bnd)
alias __method_missing__ method_missing
def method_missing(m,*a,&b)
Binding::eek:f_caller do |bnd|
lv = eval 'local_variables', bnd
name = m.to_s
if lv.include? name
return(get_var(name, bnd))

set_var 'a', 42
p a

harp:~ > ruby a.rb

wow! it __can__ be done. now someone try to break it please! ;-)

| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso

Jim Weirich

Glenn Parker said:
OK, but you have to admit that "y = 0 if false" is Dark Magic. Who is
going to understand what is going on there? An optimizing interpreter
might justifiably toss the entire statement.

No argument ... I wasn't offering it as a coding practice, but as a
demonstration that it is the presence of the "y=something" at compile
time, as opposed to the execution of the statement at runtime, that makes
the difference.


Ask and thou shalt receive:

def a; "ouch"; end

You get a name clash between methods and local variables. Otherwise, your
code should work fine, AFAIKT.

hmm. i guess here

def a; 'forty-two'; end

set_var 'a', 42
p a

we get the method. and here

def a; 'forty-two'; end

a = 42
p a

we get the local_variable. so in either case you get a name clash - but the
sense of it is reversed with set_var. i wonder if this is un-intuitive enough
to render it useless?


| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso

Sean O'Halpin

~ > ruby -e'puts(IO::read(ARGV.shift))' sample/a.rb

If this is to avoid 'cat', then you could also use

~ > ruby -e'puts *ARGF' sample/a.rb


If this is to avoid 'cat', then you could also use

~ > ruby -e'puts *ARGF' sample/a.rb

i'll take it ;-)

| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso

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