[ANN] rbbr-0.5.0


Masao Mutoh


rbbr-0.5.0 is now available. Enjoy!

* New module list view
Easy to find classes with search box.
* Support L10n for menus/labels
English/French/Japanese are available. (optional)
* Support Ruby-GNOME2-0.8.1
* Support ReFe-0.8.0
* Updated Ruby-GNOME2 API Reference. (optional)
rbbr-0.5.0-withapi.tar.gz include this reference.
* Fixed some bugs.


Screenshots are also available.


What's rbbr?
rbbr (RuBy BRowser) is an Ruby/GTK2 application to browse
modules/classes hierarchy and their constants and methods.
If the optionally modules to refer documents are installed,
you can also refer the document of methods in the browser.

* ruby 1.8.0 or later
* Ruby/GTK2 0.7.0 or later
* (optional) Ruby-GNOME2 API Documents in RD.
rbbr-0.4.0-withapi.tar.gz include this reference.
* (optional) ri 0.8a or later
* (optional) ReFe 0.7.1 or later (Japanese only)
* (optional) Ruby-GetText-Package 0.5.3 or later for L10n menus/labels.

gabriele renzi


rbbr-0.5.0 is now available. Enjoy!

thank you for this, rbbr rox.
BTW, someone has it working on windows?

It segfaults on my box with:
[BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i386-mswin32]

gtk is v2.2.4 from dropline and Gtk::BINDING_VERSION gives 0,7,0.

Masao Mutoh



rbbr-0.5.0 is now available. Enjoy!

thank you for this, rbbr rox.
BTW, someone has it working on windows?

It segfaults on my box with:
[BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i386-mswin32]

gtk is v2.2.4 from dropline and Gtk::BINDING_VERSION gives 0,7,0.

Hmm, Could you try it with Ruby/GTK2-0.8.0 ?


In my environment, it works fine.

#gtk+ is v2.2.4 from dropline and ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i386-mswin32]


How could I make it run or show up in Ruby, is it possible by just using
freeRide or SciTE in Windows
not via command line , since I hated using the command line option.

Tk Kuo

Masao Mutoh


How could I make it run or show up in Ruby, is it possible by just using
freeRide or SciTE in Windows
not via command line , since I hated using the command line option.

I don't know FreeRIDE and SciTE well. So I can't answer your question.

But if you want to run it not to use command line, there are some ways.
#You need to set PATH to c:\...\ruby\bin correctly.

1. Copy c:\....\ruby\bin\rbbr to c:\anywhere\rbbr.rb and click it
from Explorer.

2. Create c:\anywhere\rbbr.bat and write script below:

ruby -rrbbr -e 'RBBR::UI::GTK.main'

Then click it from Explorer.

3. Create c:\anywhere\rbbr.vbs and write script below:

Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run "rubyw -rrbbr -e 'RBBR::UI::GTK.main'"

I recommand the 3rd because it doesn't show dos prompt.

#I don't know Windows well, so there may be other solutions.


I moved the required *.rb files to c:\ruby\lib\ruby/1.8, then, wrote a small
ruby scriptit:
" system('ruby install.rb config')
system('ruby install.rb setup')
system('ruby ins`tall.rb install')
system('ruby -rrbbr -e "RBBR::UI::GTK.main"')"
I run it from SciTE, it worked smoothly until executing the last line, an
error message showed in the output window:
"c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/glib2.rb:18:in `require': No such file to load --
glib2.so (LoadError)"
I supposed it warned that there was no "glib2.so" file in my system.

So, I thought my main problem now is: ( eagerly waiting for kindly answers)
where could I get the file: "glib2.so" , is this file named so in
Windows? or there are other widonw's DLL file with the same utility or there
are other workarounds?


Tk Kuo

Masao Mutoh


I moved the required *.rb files to c:\ruby\lib\ruby/1.8, then, wrote a small
ruby scriptit:
" system('ruby install.rb config')
system('ruby install.rb setup')
system('ruby ins`tall.rb install')
system('ruby -rrbbr -e "RBBR::UI::GTK.main"')"

Hmm, why did you move *.rb to c:\ruby\lib\ruby\1.8?
I think It may causes some troubles.

You may hate command line,
but I recommand to remove installed/moved files once,
and re-install rbbr on dos prompt again.
And you don't need to run "ruby install.rb xxxx" everytime.
I run it from SciTE, it worked smoothly until executing the last line, an
error message showed in the output window:
"c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/glib2.rb:18:in `require': No such file to load --
glib2.so (LoadError)"
I supposed it warned that there was no "glib2.so" file in my system.

So, I thought my main problem now is: ( eagerly waiting for kindly answers)
where could I get the file: "glib2.so" , is this file named so in
Windows? or there are other widonw's DLL file with the same utility or there
are other workarounds?

It's in ruby-gtk2-0.8.0-1-i386-msvcrt-1.8.zip and it's installed to

c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/glib2.rb seems wrong.
Usually, it's installed to c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/glib2.rb
I suspect the files of old version remains in your environment.

If you find the files below,
remove them once, and re-install ruby-gtk2-0.8.0 again.

c:/rub/lib/ruby/1.8/glib2.rb, gtk2.rb, gdk_pixbuf2.rb, pango.rb
c:/rub/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-xxxx/glib2.so, gtk2?.so, gdk_pixbuf2.so, pango.so

gabriele renzi

il Mon, 08 Dec 2003 00:30:00 GMT, gabriele renzi
done, not working yet.. It goes fine if I remove the line (and thus,
the icon).

If I change the file from png to jpg or gif it works fine, so I
suppose I could have messed up something with the png support..

same for the about dialog. Intersting note: if I delete the lines
about the icon in abutdialog.rb and put 'icon.jpg' instead of icon.png
in browser.rb, the icon shows up in *both* windows :)


Thanks again. I found some conditions after making several efforts
according your instructions as below:
If you find the files below,
remove them once, and re-install ruby-gtk2-0.8.0 again.
c:/rub/lib/ruby/1.8/glib2.rb, gtk2.rb, gdk_pixbuf2.rb, pango.rb
c:/rub/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-xxxx/glib2.so, gtk2?.so, gdk_pixbuf2.so,
I removed those files by your descriptions...
It's in ruby-gtk2-0.8.0-1-i386-msvcrt-1.8.zip and it's installed to
I installed ( actually copy the files to the directory) those missing *.so
3. I run the install.rb....
This time, no problem.
4. Then weired things happened :
Whenever I run those gtk-samples, including the ruby script
"ruby -rrbbr -e "RBBR::UI::GTK.main", error message prompted immediately in
a window prompt showing:
ruby.exe error
"Entry point could not be found in gdk_display_manager_get_type
( in DLL: libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll)"
and the output window showed:
"c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i386-msvcrt/gtk2.so: 127: no
indicated procedure found.
- c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i386-msvcrt/gtk2.so
Then, the script exited or aborted actually.
I figured that there seemed some mismatch between "gtk2.so" and
"libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll" ( I'v tried version 1.3, 2.2.1 etc from
http://www.gtk.org, but in vain).

Is it so, I'm pondering and much confused, sorry, ask your help again!


Tk Kuo

Masao Mutoh


4. Then weired things happened :
Whenever I run those gtk-samples, including the ruby script
"ruby -rrbbr -e "RBBR::UI::GTK.main", error message prompted immediately in
a window prompt showing:
ruby.exe error
"Entry point could not be found in gdk_display_manager_get_type
( in DLL: libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll)"
and the output window showed:
"c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i386-msvcrt/gtk2.so: 127: no
indicated procedure found.
- c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i386-msvcrt/gtk2.so
Then, the script exited or aborted actually.
I figured that there seemed some mismatch between "gtk2.so" and
"libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll" ( I'v tried version 1.3, 2.2.1 etc from
http://www.gtk.org, but in vain).

gdk_display_manager_get_type() is a new function since GTK+-2.2.x.
And ruby-gtk2-0.8.0-1-i386-msvcrt-1.8.zip requires GTK+-2.2.x not GTK+-2.0.x.

So, I suspect your ruby found an old libdk-win32-2.0-0.dll(version 2.0.x) first.


1. Remove *ALL* libgdk-.......dll in your environment once.
2. Remove *ALL* libgtk-...., libpango...., libgdkpixbuf..., libgobject...
libatk..., libglib...., too.
3. Install new gtk+-2.2.4 from dropline.

Read our Install Guide again. And check the PATH variable and others.


After removing those lib*.* files in my environment ( which were found
in c:\windows\system32) and reinstall new gtk+-2.2.4 from dropline, it
worked finally.
However, as it was mentioned in the document ( I noticed somewhere, but
cann't recall exactly ), Gtk currently cann't support Chinese fonts ( I'm
using Big-5 encoding):
i.e. when running the test GUI samples, warnings always appeared:
WARNING **: [Invalid UTF-8] Couldn't load font "???? 9" falling back to
"Sans 9"
and then, the GUI was displayed without any fonts shown..... another oddity.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your patient instructions.
I hope someday it will work in my system.

Best regards,

Tk Kuo

Masao Mutoh


After removing those lib*.* files in my environment ( which were found
in c:\windows\system32) and reinstall new gtk+-2.2.4 from dropline, it
worked finally.
However, as it was mentioned in the document ( I noticed somewhere, but
cann't recall exactly ), Gtk currently cann't support Chinese fonts ( I'm
using Big-5 encoding):
i.e. when running the test GUI samples, warnings always appeared:
WARNING **: [Invalid UTF-8] Couldn't load font "???? 9" falling back to
"Sans 9"
and then, the GUI was displayed without any fonts shown..... another oddity.

Is your sample written in Big-5 ?
If so, you need to convert it to UTF-8 before you execute your sample.

And how about rbbr? does it work?


I didn't write any sample scripts, all the tests are included in the
downloaded packages.
The same issue also encountered when running rbbr, all the fonts in the
widges such as lables, texts , menus etc in the GUI
are shown in blank.
This, IMHO, might impart a critical frustrating situation in any
mission critical task to the struggling developers in the eastern language
environment such as Big5, who may therefore unwillingly move away from any
further attempts of programming enthuiasm on Ruby + GTK+, despite how nicely
and elegant it is.
I am a nuby, starting to be a regular Ruby hbbyist, hope eagerly that
someone shed light on settling down these anomalies, .

Best regards,
Tk Kuo

Masao Mutoh


I didn't write any sample scripts, all the tests are included in the
downloaded packages.
The same issue also encountered when running rbbr, all the fonts in the
widges such as lables, texts , menus etc in the GUI
are shown in blank.

I think it's just only a font configuration problem.
Japanese characters have already shown in my environment.

Try to replace C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc
to a sample below.
#Change the path where you installed it by yourself.


style "wimp-default"
GtkWidget::interior_focus = 1
GtkOptionMenu::indicator_size = { 9, 5 }
GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing = { 7, 5, 2, 2 }
GtkMenuBar::shadow-type = etched-in
GtkToolBar::shadow-type = etched-in
GtkHandleBox::shadow-type = none
GtkSpinButton::shadow-type = in

GtkTreeView::allow-rules = 0
GtkTreeView::expander_size = 11

engine "wimp"

class "GtkWidget" style "wimp-default"

style "user-font"
font_name="MingLiU 10"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"


I don't have a knowledge about chinese font.
Try some font name which are installed to your environment by yourself.
This, IMHO, might impart a critical frustrating situation in any
mission critical task to the struggling developers in the eastern language
environment such as Big5, who may therefore unwillingly move away from any
further attempts of programming enthuiasm on Ruby + GTK+, despite how nicely
and elegant it is.
I am a nuby, starting to be a regular Ruby hbbyist, hope eagerly that
someone shed light on settling down these anomalies, .

I can understand your fraustration, because I'm japanese.
But I think it's a chance for you to be a pioneer.
Please make efforts to do anything ;).


Sorry, it still doesn't work. I'll keep open eyes on forthcoming
solutions, thanks.

Best regards,
Tk Kuo

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