ANN: REXML 3.1.1


Sean Russell

This release consists primarily of improvements to the RelaxNG
validation mechanism, although there are some bug fixes in here.
Unless you're testing the validation code, you probably aren't
interested in this.

Here's the list of changes from 3.1.0:

* Improved support for converting XPaths to strings.
* XPath wasn't parsing ")" correctly.

Validation improvements:
* Fixed text support
* Fixed <attribute>s in <choice>s
* Fixed text in choices. This change improves handling of all events
that occur without an end step (which is most of them).
* Fixed a bunch of cases
* Added support for <group>
* Added support for <value>

To be more concise, here is the list of implemented and unimplemented
RelaxNG features:

* empty
* element
* attribute
* text
* optional
* choice
* oneOrMore
* zeroOrMore
* group
* value

Not implemented:
* ref
* interleave
* mixed
* grammar
* start
* define
* data
* param
* include

Incidentally, the documentation -- which has long been due for a
rewrite -- is now scheduled to get that rewrite. There are a number
of undocumented features of REXML, and most of the new documentation
will be in the form of an expanded tutorial.

As usual, you can get this version from the REXML homepage:

--- SER


I really appreciate the hard work you're putting into this... and I'm
_really_ looking forward to the tutorials and new documentation!!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Russell" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
To: "ruby-talk ML" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: ANN: REXML 3.1.1

Sean Russell

Rich said:
I really appreciate the hard work you're putting into this... and I'm
_really_ looking forward to the tutorials and new documentation!!

Thanks! It is always good to know people find the effort useful.

As regards the documentation: I don't know if you're aware of it, but
in the REXML tarball is a directory called "test". In there are unit
tests for almost every REXML feature. While it isn't a substitute for
documentation, it does constitute a really good source of example
code. One of the things that I've been meaning to do is make links
from the API documentation to these files; it would be a nightmare to
maintain, so I'm going to try to write a cross-referencing tool to
automate the job... but I digress.

--- SER

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