ANN: Sequel 3.1.0 Released


Jeremy Evans

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

* Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL
for constructing database queries and table schemas.
* Sequel also includes a lightweight but comprehensive ORM layer for
mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.
* Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
statements, bound variables, stored procedures, master/slave
configurations, and database sharding.
* Sequel makes it easy to deal with multiple records without having
to break your teeth on SQL.
* Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, DataObjects,
DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle,
PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Sequel 3.1.0 has been released and should be available on the gem
mirrors. The 3.1.0 release adds numerous improvements:

New Plugins

3 new plugins were added that implement features supported by
DataMapper: identity_map, tactical_eager_loading, and
lazy_attributes. These plugins don't add any real new features,
since you could do everything they allow before simply by being
a little more explicit in your Sequel code. However, some people
prefer a less explicit approach that uses a bit more magic, and
now Sequel can accomodate them.

* The identity_map plugin allows you to create a 1-1
correspondence of model objects to database rows via a temporary
thread-local identity map. It makes the following statment true:

Sequel::Model.with_identity_map do
Album.filter{(id > 0) & (id < 2)}.first.object_id == \

As the code above implies, you need to use the with_identity_map
method with a block to use the identity mapping feature.

By itself, identity maps don't offer much, but Sequel uses them
as a cache when looking up objects by primary key or looking up
many_to_one associated objects. Basically, it can be used as a
performance enhancer, and it also allows the support of the
later plugins.

The identity_map plugin is expected to be most useful in web
applications. With that in mind, here's a Rack middleware that
wraps each request in a with_identity_map call, so the
identity_map features are available inside the web app:

Sequel::Model.plugin :identity_map
class SequelIdentityMap
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)

* The tactical_eager_loading plugin allows you to eagerly load an
association for all models retrieved in the same group whenever
one of the models accesses the association:

# 2 queries total
Album.filter{id<100}.all do |a|

In order for this correctly, you must use Dataset#all to load the
records, you cannot iterate over them via Dataset#each. This is
because eager loading requires that you have all records in
advance, and when using Dataset#each you cannot know about later
records in the dataset.

Before, you could just be explicit about the associations you
needed and make sure to eagerly load them using eager before
calling Dataset#all.

* The lazy_attributes plugin builds on the identity_map and
tactical_eager_loading plugins and allows you to create
attributes that are lazily loaded from the database:

Album.plugin :lazy_attributes, :review

This will remove the :review attribute from being selected by
default. If you try to access the attribute after it is selected,
it'll retrieve the value from the database. If the object was
retrieved with a group of other objects and an identity map is in
use, it'll retrieve the lazy attribute for the entire group of
objects at once, similar to the tatical_eager_loading plugin:

# 2 queries total
Sequel::Model.with_identity_map do
Album.filter{id<100}.all do |a|

Before, you could just set the default selected columns for a model
to not include the lazy attributes, and just use select_more to
add them to any query where the resulting model objects will
need the attributes.

* A many_through_many plugin was also added. This very powerful
plugin allows you to create associations to multiple objects through
multiple join tables. Here are some examples:

# Assume the following many to many associations:
Artist.many_to_many :albums
Album.many_to_many :tags

# Same as Artist.many_to_many :albums
Artist.many_through_many :albums,
[[:albums_artists, :artist_id, :album_id]]

# All tags associated to any album this artist is associated to
Artist.many_through_many :tags,
[[:albums_artists, :artist_id, :album_id],
[:albums, :id, :id],
[:albums_tags, :album_id, :tag_id]]

# All artists associated to any album this artist is associated to
Artist.many_through_many :artists,
[[:albums_artists, :artist_id, :album_id],
[:albums, :id, :id],
[:albums_artists, :album_id, :artist_id]]

# All albums by artists that are associated to any album this
# artist is associated to
Artist.many_through_many :artist_albums,
[[:albums_artists, :artist_id, :album_id],
[:albums, :id, :id],
[:albums_artists, :album_id, :artist_id],
[:artists, :id, :id],
[:albums_artists, :artist_id, :album_id]]

Basically, for each join table between this model and the
associated model, you use an array with a join table name, left key
name (key closer to this model), and right key name (key closer to
the associated model).

In usual Sequel fashion, this association type works not just
for single objects, but it can also be eagerly loaded via eager or
eager_graph. There are numerous additional configuration options,
please see the RDoc for details.

many_through_many should be able to handle any ActiveRecord has_many
:through association, as well as many associations that aren't
handled by any other ruby ORM.

New bin/sequel Features

The bin/sequel command line tool now supports the following options:

* -C: Copies one database to another. You must specify two database
arguments. Works similar to Taps, copying the table schema, then
the table data, then creating the indexes.

* -d: Dump the schema of the database in the database-independent
migration format.

* -D: Dump the schema of the database in the database-specific
migration format.

* -h: Display the help

* -t: Output the full backtrace if an exception is raised

The bin/sequel tool is now better about checking which options can
be used together. It also now supports using the -L option multiple
times and having it load model files from multiple directory trees.

New Features

* Dataset#qualify_to and #qualify_to_first_source were added. They
allow you to qualify unqualified columns in the current dataset
to the given table or the first source. This can be used to join
a dataset that has unqualified columns to a new table which has
columns with the same name.

For example, take this dataset:

ds = DB[:albums].select:)name).order:)name).filter:)id=>1)
# SELECT name FROM albums WHERE (id = 1) ORDER BY name

Let's say you want to join it to the artists table:

ds2 = ds.join:)artists, :id=>:artist_id)
# SELECT name FROM albums
# INNER JOIN artists ON ( = albums.artist_id)
# WHERE (id = 1) ORDER BY name

That's going to give you an error, as the artists table already has
columns named id and name. This new feature allows you to do the

ds2 = ds.qualify_to_first_source.join:)artists, :id=>:artist_id)
# SELECT FROM albums
# INNER JOIN artists ON ( = albums.artist_id)

By doing this, all unqualified columns are qualified, so you get
a usable query. This is expected to be most useful for users that
have a default order or filter on their models and want to join
the model to another table. Before you had to replace the filters,
selection, etc. manually, or use qualified columns by default even
though the weren't needed in most cases.

* Savepoints are now supported using SQLite and MySQL, assuming you
are using a database version that supports them. You need to
pass the :savepoint option to Database#transaction to use a

* Model plugins can now depend on other plugins, simply by calling
the Model.plugin method inside the plugin's apply method:

module LazyAttributes
def self.apply(model)
model.plugin :tactical_eager_loading

* Model.plugin now takes a block with is passed to the plugin's
apply and configure method (see Backwards Compatibility section for
more information on the configure method).

* You can see which plugins are loaded for a model by using

* You can use Sequel.extension method to load extensions:

Sequel.extension :pagination, :query

This will only load extensions that ship with Sequel, unlike the
Model.plugin method which will also load external plugins.

* You can now use Database#create_table? to create the table if it
doesn't already exist (a very common need, it seems). The schema
plugin now supports Model.create_table? as well.

* #sql_subscript is now an allowed method on most SQL expression
objects that Sequel generates. Also, arguments to #sql_subscript
can now be other expressions instead of just integers.

* Associations can now take a :cartesian_product_number option, which
can be used to tell Sequel whether to turn on duplicate object
detection when eagerly loading objects through eager_graph. This
number should be 0 if the association can never create multiple
rows for each row in the current table, 1 if it can create multiple
rows in the each row in the current table, and 2 if the association
itself causes a cartesian product.

* On MySQL, Dataset#insert_ignore now affects #insert as well as
multi_insert and import.

* Database#create_table now supports an :ignore_index_errors option,
and Database#add_index now supports an :ignore_errors option.
These are used by the schema_dumper when dumping an database
schema to be restored on another database type, since indexes
aren't usually required for proper operation and some indexes
can't be transferred.

* The ADO adapter now takes a :provider option, which can be used
to set the provider.

* The ADO adapter now takes a :command_timeout option, which tells
the connection how long to wait before giving up and raising an

* The Sequel.amalgalite adapter method was added. Like the
Sequel.sqlite method, you can call it with no arguments to get
an in memory database.

Other Improvements

* MySQL "commands out of sync" errors should no longer occur unless
you are nesting queries (calling Dataset#each inside Dataset#each).
A bug dating at least to 2007 and possibly since the initial
creation of the Sequel MySQL adapter was the cause. Before, SQL
that caused a result set that was sent using a method where Sequel
doesn't yield a result set would cause the "commands out of sync"
error on the following query. For example, the following code
would cause the error:


If for some reason a "commands out of sync" error does occur,
Sequel will disconnect the connection from the connection pool,
so it won't continually stay in the pool and raise errors every
time it is used.

* The schema_dumper extension is much better about parsing defaults
from the database. It can now correctly parse most defaults on
MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL databases. It no longer includes
defaults that it can't parse to a ruby object unless a database-
specific dump is requested.

* The schema_dumper extension now dumps tables in alphabetical order.

* Ordered and limited datasets are now handled correctly when using
union, intersect, and except. Also, union, intersect, and except
now always return a from_self dataset, so further limiting,
filtering, and ordering of them now works as expected.

* Dataset#graph now works correctly with a complex dataset without
having to use from_self. Before, code like the following didn't
do what was expected:

graph(DB[:artists].filter{name > 'M'}, :id=>:artist_id)

Before, the filter on DB[:artists] would be dropped. Now, Sequel
correctly uses a subselect.

* You can now specify serialization formats per column in the
serialization plugin, either by calling the plugin multiple
times or by using the new serialize_attributes method:

Album.plugin :serialization
Album.serialize_attributes :marshal, :review
Album.serialize_attributes :yaml, :name
Album.serialization_map #{:name=>:yaml, :review=>:marshal}

The public API for the serialization plugin is still backwards
compatible, but the internals have changed slightly to support
this new feature.

* You can now use eager_graph to eagerly load associations for models
that lack primary keys.

* The :eager_graph association option now works when lazily-loading
many_to_many associations.

* Dataset#add_graph_aliases now works correctly even if
set_graph_aliases hasn't been used.

* The PostgreSQL Database#tables method now assumes the public schema
if a schema is not given and there is no default_schema.

* The PostgreSQL Database#indexes method no longer returns partial
indexes or functional indexes.

* The MySQL Database#indexes method no longer returns indexes on
partial columns (prefix indexes).

* Default values for String :text=>true and File columns on MySQL
are ignored, since MySQL doesn't support them. They are not
ignored if you use text and blob, since then you are using the
database-specific syntax and Sequel doesn't do translation when
the database-specific syntax is used.

* On PostgreSQL, attempting the reset the primary key sequence for a
table without a primary key no longer causes an error.

* Using a placeholder string in an association's :condition option
now works correctly (e.g. :conditions=>['n = ?', 1])

* An error is no longer raised if you attempt to load a plugin that
has a DatasetMethods module but no public dataset methods.

* The check for dataset[n] where n is an integer was fixed. It now
raises an error inside of returning a limited dataset.

* On PostgreSQL, Dataset#insert with static SQL now works correctly.

* A reflection.rdoc file was added giving an overview of Sequel's
reflection support.

* The Migrator now works correctly with file names like

* The association code now requires the classes match when looking
for a reciprocal association.

* An unlikely threading bug (race condition) was possible when using
the validation_class_methods plugin. The plugin was refactored and
now uses a mutex to avoid the issue. One of the refactoring changes
makes it so that you can no longer use a class level vaildation
inside a block (since inherited isn't called until the
block finishes).

* The exception messages when Sequel.string_to_* fail have been fixed.

* The String :text=>true generic database type has been fixed when
using the Firebird adapter.

Backwards Compatibility

* A plugin's apply method is now only called the first time a plugin
is loaded. Plugins can now have a configure method that is called
every time the plugin is loaded, and is always called after the
instance methods, class methods, and dataset method submodules have
been added to the model. This is different from apply, which is
called before the submodules are loaded.

If you are a plugin author, please check your implementation to
make sure this doesn't cause problems for you. If you have
questions, please post on the Sequel mailing list.

This new plugin feature will make certain things a lot easier, and
it should be mostly backwards compatible. However, if a plugin
was previously expected to be loaded multiple times with the apply
method called each time, it will no longer work correctly.

* The plugin_opts methods defined now include multiple args in an
array if multiple args are given. Before, the plugin_opts methods
just returned the first argument.

* Database#table_exists? no longer checks the cached schema
information. By default, it will always do a database query
(unless overridden in an adapter). This shouldn't affect the
results, but if were using the method a lot and expecting it to
use cached information, it doesn't have the same performance

* The internal storage of the :select option for datasets have
changed. You can no longer use a hash as a way of aliasing
columns. Dataset#select now does the translation from the hash to
SQL::AliasedExpression instances. Basically, if you were using
Dataset#clone directly with a :select option with hashes for
aliasing, you should switch to using Dataset#select or changing
the hashes to AliasedExpressions yourself.


* {Website}[]
* {Source code}[]
* {Bug tracking}[]
* {Google group}[]
* {RDoc}[]

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