ANN: Sequel 3.11.0 Released


Jeremy Evans

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

* Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL
for constructing database queries and table schemas.
* Sequel also includes a lightweight but comprehensive ORM layer for
mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.
* Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
statements, bound variables, stored procedures, master/slave
configurations, and database sharding.
* Sequel makes it easy to deal with multiple records without having
to break your teeth on SQL.
* Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, DataObjects,
DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle,
PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Sequel 3.11.0 has been released and should be available on the gem

= New Features

* A few new features were added to query logging. Sequel now
includes execution time when logging queries. Queries that
raise exceptions are now logged at ERROR level. You can now
set the log_warn_duration attribute on the Database instance
and queries that take longer than that will be logged at WARN
level. By using different log levels, you can now only log
queries that raise errors, or only log queries that take a long

# The default - Log all successful queries at INFO level
DB.log_warn_duration = nil

# Log all successful queries at WARN level
DB.log_warn_duration = 0

# Log successful queries that take the database more than half a
# second at WARN level, other successful queries at INFO level
DB.log_warn_duration = 0.5

All adapters included with Sequel have been modified to support
the new logging API. The previous API is still available, so
any external adapters should still work, though switching to the
new logging API is encouraged.

* Sequel::Model now has a require_modification flag. If not set
explicitly, it is enabled by default if the dataset provides an
accurate number of rows matched by an update or delete statement.
When this setting is enabled, Sequel will raise an exception if
you attempt to update or delete a model object and it doesn't end
up affecting exactly one row. For example:

DB.create_table:)as){primary_key :id}
class A < Sequel::Model; end
a = A.create

# delete object from database

a.require_modification = false # no error!
a.delete # no error!

a.require_modification = true # Sequel::NoExistingObject exception raised
a.delete # Sequel::NoExistingObject exception raised

Like many other Sequel::Model settings, this can be set on a
global, per class, and per instance level:

Sequel::Model.require_modification = false # global
Album.require_modification = true # class
album.require_modification = false # instance

* An instance_filters plugin was added to the list of built in
plugins, allowing you to add arbitrary filters when updating or
destroying an instance. This allows you to continue using models
when previously you would have had to drop down to using datasets
to get the desired behavior:

class Item < Sequel::Model
plugin :instance_filters

# These are two separate objects that represent the same
# database row.
i1 = Item.first:)id=>1, :delete_allowed=>false)
i2 = Item.first:)id=>1, :delete_allowed=>false)

# Add an instance filter to the object. This filter is in effect
# until the object is successfully updated or deleted.

# Attempting to delete the object where the filter doesn't
# match any rows raises an error.
i1.delete # raises Sequel::Error

# The other object that represents the same row has no
# instance filters, and can be updated normally.

# Even though the filter is now still in effect, since the
# database row has been updated to allow deleting,
# delete now works.

* An :after_connect database option is now supported. If provided,
the option value should be a proc that takes a single argument.
It will be called with the underlying connection object before
connection object is added to the connection pool, allowing you
to set per connection options in a thread-safe manner.

This is useful for customizations you want set on every connection
that Sequel doesn't already support. For example, on PostgreSQL
if you wanted to set the schema search_path on every connection:

DB = Sequel.postgres('dbname', :after_connect=>(proc do |conn|
conn.execute('SET search_path TO schema1,schema2')

* A :test database option is now supported. If set to true, it
automatically calls test_connection to make sure a connection can
be made before returning a Database instance. For backwards
compatibility reasons, this is not set to true by default, but it
is possible that the default will change in a future version of

* The Dataset#select_append method was added, which always appends
to the existing selected columns. It operates identically to
select_more, except in the case that no columns are currently

ds = DB[:a]
# SELECT * FROM items
# SELECT id IN (SELECT a_id FROM b) AS in_b FROM a
# SELECT *, id IN (SELECT a_id FROM b) AS in_b FROM a

* The Dataset#provides_accurate_rows_matched? method was added which
allows you to see if the dataset will return the actual number of
rows matched/affected by an update or delete call.

* Sequel will now emulate DISTINCT ON support using GROUP BY on
MySQL. On MySQL, GROUP BY is similar to DISTINCT ON, except that
the order of returned rows is not deterministic.

* Support for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server using the JTDS JDBC
driver was added to the jdbc adapter.

* JDNI connection strings are now supported in the JDBC adapter.

* The JDBC adapter should now work in situations where driver
auto-loading has problems, just as when using Tomcat or Trinidad.

* Sequel's JDBC adapter schema parsing now supports a :scale option,
useful for numeric/decimal columns.

* Sequel's schema parsing on Microsoft SQL Server now supports
:column_size and :scale options.

* When connecting to SQLite, a Database#sqlite_version method is
available that gives you the SQLite version as an integer (e.g.
30613 for 3.6.13).

= Other Improvements

* Sequel no longer raises an error if you give Dataset#filter or
related method an empty argument such as {}, [], or ''. This allows
code such as the following to work:

h = {}
h[:name] = name if name
h[:number] = number if number
ds = ds.filter(h)

Before, this would raise an error if both name and number were

* Numeric and decimal columns with a 0 scale are now treated as
integer columns by the model typecasting code, since such columns
cannot store non-integer values.

* Calling Database#disconnect when using the single threaded
connection pool no longer raises an error if there is no current

* When using the :ignore_index_errors options to
Database#create_table, correctly swallow errors raised by Sequel
due to the adapter not supporting the given index type.

* The JDBC adapter no longer leaks ResultSets when retrieving

* You can now connect to PostgreSQL when using ruby 1.9 with the
-Ku switch.

* When using the native MySQL adapter, only tinyint(1) columns are
now returned as booleans when using the convert_tinyint_to_bool
setting (the default). Previously, all tinyint columns would
be converted to booleans if the setting was enabled.

* Correctly handle inserts returning the autogenerated keys when
using MySQL JDBC Driver version 5.1.12 with the jdbc adapter.

* The native MySQL adapter now supports :config_default_group and
:config_local_infile options.

* When connecting to SQLite, you can provide the :auto_vacuum,
:foreign_keys, :synchronous, and :temp_store options for
making the appropriate PRAGMA setting on the database in a
thread-safe manner. The previous thread-unsafe PRAGMA setting
methods are available, but their use is discouraged.

* Sequel will not enable savepoints when connecting to SQLite
unless the version is 3.6.8 or greater.

* Using limit with distinct now works correctly on Microsoft SQL

* Database#rename_table now works correctly on Microsoft SQL Server.

* If you specify an explicit :provider when using the ADO adapter,
transactions will now work correctly. The default :provider uses
a new native connection for each query, so it cannot work with
transactions, or things like temporary tables.

* If you specify an explicit :provider when connecting to Microsoft
SQL Server using the ADO adapter (e.g. SQLNCLI10 or SQLNCLI),
Sequel is now able to provide an accurate number of rows modified
and deleted.

* Using set_column_allow_null with a decimal column with a precision
and scale now works correctly when connecting to Microsoft SQL

* You can now connect to Microsoft SQL Server using the dbi adapter.

* Sequel now recognizes the NUMBER database type as a synonym for
NUMERIC and DECIMAL, which may help some Oracle users.

* Transactions can now be rolled back correctly when connecting to
Oracle via JDBC.

* The active_model plugin now supports ActiveModel 3.0.0beta2.

* Many documentation improvements were made, including the addition
of a dataset basics guide, an association basics guide, an expanded
virtual row guide, and the separation of the Sequel::Dataset RDoc
page into sections. Additional, the RDoc class/method
documentation now contains links to the appropriate guides.

= Backwards Compatibility

* When connecting to SQLite, Sequel now automatically sets the
foreign_keys PRAGMA to true, which will make SQLite 3.6.19+ use
database enforced foreign key constraints. If you do not want
the database to enforce the foreign key constraints, you should
use the :foreign_keys=>false option when connecting to the

* Sequel no longer creates #{plugin_name}_opts class, instance, and
dataset methods for each plugin loaded. No built-in plugin used
them, and I couldn't find an external plugin that did either.

* The Model#associations method is no longer available if the
default Associations plugin is not loaded due to the
SEQUEL_NO_ASSOCIATIONS constant or environment variable being set.

* DISTINCT ON support is turned off by default, and only enabled when
using PostgreSQL, since that appears to be the only database that
supports it. Previously, it was enabled by default and most common
adapters turned it off.


* {Website}[]
* {Source code}[]
* {Blog}[]
* {Bug tracking}[]
* {Google group}[]
* {RDoc}[]

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