[ANN] systemu-1.0.0






univeral capture of stdout and stderr and handling of child process pid for windows, *nix, etc.




gem install systemu


<========< samples/a.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/a.rb

# systemu can be used on any platform to return status, stdout, and stderr of
# any command. unlike other methods like open3/popen4 there is zero danger of
# full pipes or threading issues hanging your process or subprocess.
require 'systemu'

date = %q( ruby -e" t = Time.now; STDOUT.puts t; STDERR.puts t " )

status, stdout, stderr = systemu date
p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/a.rb

[#<Process::Status: pid=9960,exited(0)>, "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n", "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n"]

<========< samples/b.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/b.rb

# quite a few keys can be passed to the command to alter it's behaviour. if
# either stdout or stderr is supplied those objects should respond_to? '<<'
# and only status will be returned
require 'systemu'

date = %q( ruby -e" t = Time.now; STDOUT.puts t; STDERR.puts t " )

stdout, stderr = '', ''
status = systemu date, 'stdout' => stdout, 'stderr' => stderr
p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/b.rb

[#<Process::Status: pid=9965,exited(0)>, "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n", "Fri Nov 03 17:22:23 MST 2006\n"]

<========< samples/c.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/c.rb

# of course stdin can be supplied too. synonyms for 'stdin' include '0' and
# 0. the other stdio streams have similar shortcuts
require 'systemu'

cat = %q( ruby -e" ARGF.each{|line| puts line} " )

status = systemu cat, 0=>'the stdin for cat', 1=>stdout=''
puts stdout

~ > ruby samples/c.rb

the stdin for cat

<========< samples/d.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/d.rb

# the cwd can be supplied
require 'systemu'
require 'tmpdir'

pwd = %q( ruby -e" STDERR.puts Dir.pwd " )

status = systemu pwd, 2=>(stderr=''), :cwd=>Dir.tmpdir
puts stderr

~ > ruby samples/d.rb


<========< samples/e.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/e.rb

# any environment vars specified are merged into the child's environment
require 'systemu'

env = %q( ruby -r yaml -e" puts ENV[ 'answer' ] " )

status = systemu env, 1=>stdout='', 'env'=>{ 'answer' => 0b101010 }
puts stdout

~ > ruby samples/e.rb


<========< samples/f.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/f.rb

# if a block is specified then it is passed the child pid and run in a
# background thread. note that this thread will __not__ be blocked during the
# execution of the command so it may do useful work such as killing the child
# if execution time passes a certain threshold
require 'systemu'

looper = %q( ruby -e" loop{ STDERR.puts Time.now.to_i; sleep 1 } " )

status, stdout, stderr =
systemu looper do |cid|
sleep 3
Process.kill 9, cid

p [ status, stdout, stderr ]

~ > ruby samples/f.rb

[#<Process::Status: pid=9985,signaled(SIGKILL=9)>, "", "1162599744\n1162599745\n1162599746\n1162599747\n"]




Looks great Ara as always.
I am using Popen7 very often (Linux only) it is the heart of many a webrick
code to administer my Linux Boxes via my Browser, I never had *any*
problems. (little data in the pipes for sure << 1MB)
But I'll definitely switch to this one looks so concise.

Thx for your efforts.



i should have mentioned in the first message, but there's no need to switch
from open4 if you're on a posix operating system - the main reason for this
package is people wanting to write open4 style code that will be portable on
windows, or windows users who need open4 semantics. basically, afaik, the
popen4 module for windows has a fatal flaw which can/will cause hangs in some
situations. open4, on *nix, will never cause hangs and systemu on windows or
nix shouldn't either.

summary: if you are on windows and need process control with pid, stderr, and
stdout - or if you are trying to write unix/windows code that requires those
things this is for you. otherwise i'd highly reccomend sticking with open4,
the performance is better and the spawn method gives you everything systemu
does and more with less overhead.

sorry for any confustion - hopefully this has made it clear.

kind regards.



# quite a few keys can be passed to the command to alter it's behaviour. if
# either stdout or stderr is supplied those objects should respond_to? '<<'
# and only status will be returned [snip]
# of course stdin can be supplied too. synonyms for 'stdin' include '0' and
# 0. the other stdio streams have similar shortcuts [snip]
# the cwd can be supplied [snip]
# any environment vars specified are merged into the child's environment [snip]
# if a block is specified then it is passed the child pid and run in a
# background thread. note that this thread will __not__ be blocked during the
# execution of the command so it may do useful work such as killing the child
# if execution time passes a certain threshold

There's a scene in Total Recall where the cabbie says to the prostitute
with three breasts:
"Damn, baby, you make me wish I had three hands!"

You, Ara, make me wish that I had a burning need to frequently capture
stdout and stderr from system processes on Windows. Preferably while
specifying extra environment variables.

Looks nice. :)

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