another matrix thingy.




while (1)
print " " x int rand (60);
print "| | |\n";
last if $c == 200;


Brian McCauley

robin said:

while (1)
print " " x int rand (60);
print "| | |\n";
last if $c == 200;

I have no idea what purpose that code is supposed to fullfill nor what
if anything it has to do with the subject line.

There are, of couse, several things wrong with the code.

David K. Wall

Brian McCauley said:
I have no idea what purpose that code is supposed to fullfill nor
what if anything it has to do with the subject line.

The output is apparently supposed to look like the computer screens
from the movie "The Matrix".


David said:
The output is apparently supposed to look like the computer screens
from the movie "The Matrix".

I think that this looks a bit better.

#Wed Jun 1 15:56:43 MDT 2005
use warnings;
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );


for (my $c; $c <= 200; $c++){
print " " x int rand 60;
print "\033[32m|||\n";
usleep 500;

But there is so much that could be done with this.


[snip code]
I think that this looks a bit better.

[snip code]
But there is so much that could be done with this.

Hmm. I don't think *either* of those look terribly "Matrix-like".
Niether does this particularly, but it was entertaining to write.


# Set the randomness to zero and you have Rain.
# Set the randomness low WRT Velocity and you have Swarm
# Set the randomness high WRT Velocity and you have Brownian Motion

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;

my $top = MainWindow->new();

my $maxobj = 50;
my $maxvel = 15;
my $run = 0;
my ($height,$width,$maxx, $maxy, $minx, $miny);
my @objects;
my @printable;
my $color = '';
my $randomness = 4;

$minx = $miny = 0;

for (20 .. 255){
push @printable, chr($_) if (chr($_) =~ /\p{Print}/);

my $canvas = $top->Canvas(
-background => 'black'
)->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 'y');

$top->bind('<Configure>' => sub {
$maxx = $canvas->width - $minx;
$maxy = $canvas->height - $miny;

my $frame = $top->Frame->pack;

-text => 'Number of objects',
)->grid(-row => 1, -column => 0);

my $maxobjentry = $frame->Entry(
-textvariable => \$maxobj,
-width => 5
)->grid(-row => 1, -column => 1);

-text => 'Maximum Velocity'
)->grid(-row => 1, -column => 2);

my $maxventry = $frame->Entry(
-textvariable => \$maxvel,
-width => 5,
-validate => 'all',
-vcmd => sub{
if ($_[0] =~ /[^\d]+/){
return 0;
return 1;
)->grid(-row => 1, -column => 3);

-text => 'Randomness'
)->grid(-row => 1,-column => 4);

my $maxrandentry = $frame->Entry(
-textvariable => \$randomness,
-width => 5,
-validate => 'all',
-vcmd => sub{
if ($_[0] =~ /[^\d]+/){
return 0;
return 1;
)->grid(-row => 1,-column => 5);

-text => 'Start',
-command => sub{ $run = 1; setup(); run_it();},
-width => 6,
)->grid(-row => 1, -column => 6);

-text => 'Pause',
-command => sub{
$run = 0;
$maxobjentry->configure(-state => 'normal');
-width => 6,
)->grid(-row => 1, -column => 7);

-text => 'Resume',
-command => sub{ $run = 1; run_it(); },
-width => 6,
)->grid(-row => 1, -column => 8);

my @letters = split //,'Not "The Matrix")';

for (0..$#letters){
$objects[$_]{object} = $canvas->createText((120+$_*18),100,
-text => $letters[$_],
-fill => 'light green',
-font => '-*-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-280-*-*-*-*-*-*'

$maxventry->bind($maxventry, '<Up>' => sub { $maxvel++ });
$maxventry->bind($maxventry, '<Down>' => sub { $maxvel-- });

$maxrandentry->bind($maxrandentry, '<Up>' => sub { $randomness++ });
$maxrandentry->bind($maxrandentry, '<Down>' => sub { $randomness-- });

$top->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub{$run = 0, $top->update; $top->destroy});


sub setup{
return unless $run;
$maxobjentry->configure(-state => 'disabled');
if (@objects){
for (@objects){
@objects = ();
my @fnames = qw/Times Hevatica Courier/;
for (0 .. $maxobj-1){
my $x = int(rand($maxx));
my $y = int(rand($maxy));
for (0 .. 2){
my $rgb = unpack('H*', pack('n', (int(rand(192)+64))));
$rgb =~ s/.+(\w\w)$/$1/;
$color .= $rgb;
my $font = '-*-'.$fnames[int(rand(2)+.5)].'-Medium-R-Normal--*-'.(int(rand(40)+20)*10).'-*-*-*-*-*-*';
$objects[$_]{velx} = 0;
$objects[$_]{vely} = int(rand($maxvel)+1);
$objects[$_]{object} = $canvas->createText($x, $y,
-text => $printable[int(rand(@printable))],
-fill => '#'.$color,
-font => $font
$color = '';
sub run_it{
while ($run) {
$maxvel = 0 if ($maxvel !~ /\d/);
$randomness = 0 if ($randomness !~ /\d/);
for(0 .. $#objects){
$objects[$_]{velx} += int(rand($randomness*2)+.5)-$randomness if $randomness;
$objects[$_]{vely} += int(rand($randomness*2)+.5)-$randomness if $randomness;

$objects[$_]{velx} = $maxvel if ($objects[$_]{velx} > $maxvel);
$objects[$_]{velx} = -$maxvel if ($objects[$_]{velx} < -$maxvel);
$objects[$_]{vely} = $maxvel if ($objects[$_]{vely} > $maxvel);
$objects[$_]{vely} = -$maxvel if ($objects[$_]{vely} < -$maxvel);

$canvas->move($objects[$_]{object}, $objects[$_]{velx}, $objects[$_]{vely});

my ($x,$y) = $canvas->coords($objects[$_]{object});

if ($x > $maxx){ $canvas->move($objects[$_]{object}, -$maxx,0) }
if ($x < $minx){ $canvas->move($objects[$_]{object}, $maxx,0) }
if ($y > $maxy){ $canvas->move($objects[$_]{object}, 0, -$maxy) }
if ($y < $miny){ $canvas->move($objects[$_]{object}, 0, $maxy) }

Jürgen Exner

wow....this is great.
I gotta learn more.

What is great? It would be great if you would quote enough context such that
people could know what you are talking about.
Hopefully one of the first things you learn will be how to create Usenet
postings that other people can understand.


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