Atomically Thread-Safe Mostly Lock-Free Reference Counted Pointer For C...


Chris Thomasson

Here is where to find the raw code:

Here is the very crude documentation:

Forget the C++ smart pointer wrapper. After all, its "basic" use is for
syntactic sugar over the C interface... This can serve as a basic example of
how strong thread-safety can be applied to C. This C-based smart pointer is
more "flexible" than Boost shared_ptr:

C++ is the sugar that makes this attractive... However, its all based on the
underlying C API which is ultimately based on underlying Intel assembly
language. This example shows how to mix several languages (e.g., C/C++/Intel
ASM) together in a coherent fashion.

Any thoughts?

Chris Thomasson

Chris Thomasson said:
Here is where to find the raw code:

Here is psuedo-code:

rc* copy(rc **sloc, int count) {
1: load ptr from *sloc
if ptr is null goto 2
lock spinlock associated with ptr
re-load ptr from *sloc
compare w/ previous load
if not equal unlock and goto 1
XADD ptr's with count
* if the previous value was less than 1 unlock and goto 1
2: return ptr

bool dec(rc *ptr, int count) {
XADD ptr's refs with negated count;
if new value is greater than 0 then return false;
D1: lock spinlock associated with ptr;
unlock spinlock associated with ptr;
call ptr dtor;
return true;

This can be implemented with POSIX of course. No assembly language required.
The reason I was forces to use asm for the example impl is because neither C
or C++ has ANY concept of threads. Well, and of course because of this:

Section 2.1 is the relevant part...

Walter Roberson

Chris Thomasson said:
Forget the C++ smart pointer wrapper. After all, its "basic" use is for
syntactic sugar over the C interface... This can serve as a basic example of
how strong thread-safety can be applied to C.
C++ is the sugar that makes this attractive... However, its all based on the
underlying C API which is ultimately based on underlying Intel assembly
language. This example shows how to mix several languages (e.g., C/C++/Intel
ASM) together in a coherent fashion.
Any thoughts?

If it has to resort to assembly, then it is *not* an indication
of "how strong thread-safety can be applied to C" -- it is an
indication at most of how strong thread-safety can be applied
to "C plus some extensions that restrict the portability severely."

You indicated in your follow up that it could be done in POSIX without
any extensions. I question that. POSIX.1, IEEE 1003.1-1990,
specifically refused to get into any kind of mandatory locking
or mutexes or semaphores. All that it has is -advisory- locking,
and -advisory- locking is WEAK thread-safety, not strong thread-safety.

The POSIX.* mandatory locking mechanisms don't come in until
"POSIX threads", which is a relatively heavy-weight package,
in the implementation sense of requiring a lot of changes to the
internals of any kernel not designed for threads from the ground up --
changes that are easy to get wrong. And I've seen a number of
grumblings about POSIX threads being hard to use and slow, leading
to people implementing their own "lightweight thread packages"
that are often somewhat clearer to use than native POSIX threads.

Chris Thomasson

Walter Roberson said:
If it has to resort to assembly, then it is *not* an indication
of "how strong thread-safety can be applied to C" -- it is an
indication at most of how strong thread-safety can be applied
to "C plus some extensions that restrict the portability severely."

Fair enough.

You indicated in your follow up that it could be done in POSIX without
any extensions. I question that. POSIX.1, IEEE 1003.1-1990,
specifically refused to get into any kind of mandatory locking
or mutexes or semaphores. All that it has is -advisory- locking,
and -advisory- locking is WEAK thread-safety, not strong thread-safety.

You can get strong thread-safety from mutexs. You basically have to use two
global array's of mutexs and hash the address of the reference count into an
index. If you use a mutex per-object your assertion that mutexs provide weak
thread-safety only basically holds true. You can get into a situation where
you need to destroy the object and unlock its mutex in a single atomic
operation. Here is a rough-draft pseudo-code sketch of how you can implement
my refcount algorithm using 100% POSIX and some C:

/* Global Lock Table
#define LOCKTBL_HASHPTR(mp_ptr) \
(((mp_ptr)ptrdiff_t) % LOCKTBL_HASHPTR_DEPTH())

static pthread_mutex_t g_locktbl[2][LOCKTBL_DEPTH] = {
/* you can use the following pre-processor technique to initalize the


So, using that technique, the code looks like this:

/* here is another method to setup the locking tables

#define locktbl_lock(mp_ptr) \

#define locktbl_unlock(mp_ptr) \

#define locktbl_swaplock(mp_ptr) \

#define locktbl_swapunlock(mp_ptr) \

/* Atomic Reference Counting
typedef struct refcount_s refcount;
typedef void (*refcount_fp_dtor) (void*);

struct refcount_s {
int refs;
refcount_fp_dtor fp_dtor;
void *state;

int refcount_init(
refcount** const _pthis,
refcount_fp_dtor fp_dtor,
void* state
) {
int status = ENOMEM;
refcount* const _this = malloc(sizeof(*_this));
if (_this) {
status = locktbl_lock(_this);
if (! status) {
_this->refs = 1;
_this->fp_dtor = fp_dtor;
_this->state = state;
status = locktbl_unlock(_this);
if (! status) {
*_pthis = _this;
return 0;
return status;

/* private/system destroy; called from 'refcount_release' */
int refcount_sys_destroy(
refcount* const _this
) {
assert(_this->refs < 1);
if (_this->fp_dtor) {

/* increment */
int refcount_acquire(
refcount* const _this
) {
int status = 0;
if (_this) {
status = locktbl_lock(_this);
if (! status) {
int refs = _this->refs++;
status = locktbl_unlock(_this);
if (! status) {
if (refs > 0) {
return 0;
status = EINVAL;
return status;

/* decrement */
int refcount_release(
refcount* const _this
) {
int status = 0;
if (_this) {
status = locktbl_lock(_this);
if (! status) {
int refs = --_this->refs;
status = locktbl_unlock(_this);
if (! status) {
if (refs < 1) {
return 0;
return status;

/* copy */
int refcount_copy(
refcount** const _pdest, /* ptr-to-shared */
refcount** const _psrc /* ptr-to-local */
) {
int status = locktbl_swaplock(_pdest);
if (! status) {
int inc_status;
*_psrc = *_pdest; /* shared-load; local-store */
inc_status = refcount_acquire(*_psrc /* local-load */);
status = locktbl_swapunlock(_pdest);
if (! status) {
return inc_status;
return status;

/* swap */
int refcount_swap(
refcount** const _pdest, /* ptr-to-shared */
refcount** const _psrc /* ptr-to-local */
) {
int status = locktbl_swaplock(_pdest);
if (! status) {
int inc_status;
refcount* const prev = *_pdest; /* shared-load */
*_pdest = *_psrc; /* local-load; shared-store */
*_psrc = prev; /* local-store */
status = locktbl_swapunlock(_pdest);
if (! status) {
return inc_status;
return status;


Sorry for any typos; I just quickly typed that out in the newsreader! A 100%
lock-based reference counting algorithm like the example above _is_ strongly
thread-safe. The reason you have to use two global arrays is because a
swap/copy operation needs lock two levels deep. You cannot do this with a
single locking table; here is why:

Humm... Would you be interested in looking a working implementation? I am
thinking of getting up on my website today or tomorrow... You won't need an
assembler to compile it either! Just C and POSIX.


Any comments/questions?

Chris Thomasson

Chris Thomasson said:
Walter Roberson said:
Chris Thomasson <[email protected]> wrote:

Sorry for any typos; I just quickly typed that out in the newsreader!

Crap! I found one:
/* Global Lock Table
#define LOCKTBL_HASHPTR(mp_ptr) \
(((mp_ptr)ptrdiff_t) % LOCKTBL_HASHPTR_DEPTH())

static pthread_mutex_t g_locktbl[2][LOCKTBL_DEPTH] = {

That last like needs to read as:

static pthread_mutex_t g_locktbl[2][LOCKTBL_DEPTH()] = {

I forgot the parenthesis in the call to LOCKTBL_DEPTH()!

Okay... I am going to create compliable code and some test applications. I
will post a link to it here and on comp.programming.threads when I am
finished so people can play around with it...

Walter Roberson

You can get strong thread-safety from mutexs. You basically have to use two
global array's of mutexs and hash the address of the reference count into an
index. If you use a mutex per-object your assertion that mutexs provide weak
thread-safety only basically holds true.

I made no such assertion.
Here is a rough-draft pseudo-code sketch of how you can implement
my refcount algorithm using 100% POSIX and some C:
static pthread_mutex_t g_locktbl[2][LOCKTBL_DEPTH] = {

I keep a printed copy of ISO/IEC 9945-1 IEEE-Std-1003.1-1990
literally within arms reach of my desk. Here's what it has to
say about pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_t, in between the arrows:


It says exactly the same thing about mutexs.

It speaks a little longer about mandatory locks, but only in the
Rationale, B.6.5.2 File Control:

Mandatory locks were omitted for several reasons:

(1) Mandatory lock setting was done by multiplexing the
set-group-ID bit in most implementations; this was confusing,
at best.

(2) The relationship to file truncation as supported in 4.2BSD was
not well specified.

(3) Any publicly readable file could be locked by anyone. Many
historical implementations keep the password database in a publicly
readable file. A malicious user could thus prohibit logins. Another
possibility would be to hold open a long-distance telephone line.

(4) Some demand-paged historical implementations offer memory mapped
files, and enforcement cannot be done on that type of file.

The same section mentions semphores long enough to say that they
are not included.

Mutexes and pthreads were not introduced until IEEE POSIX 1003.1c-1995.
(working group 1003.4a)

As I believe I indicated earlier, this is a rather heavy standard
to implement. Assuming its presence in comp.lang.c is somewhat like
assuming that airplanes are all fly-by-wire in a discussion with
small-aircraft enthusists.

Chris Thomasson

Walter Roberson said:
I made no such assertion.

I must have totally misunderstood your last sentence in the following
As I believe I indicated earlier, this is a rather heavy standard
to implement. Assuming its presence in comp.lang.c is somewhat like
assuming that airplanes are all fly-by-wire in a discussion with
small-aircraft enthusists.

Okay. I will post follow-ups to comp.programming.threads. I will post a
single link to the conversation here after I finish creating the code.

Chris Thomasson

Not to sound like a smart-ass bastard; but one quick point:

POSIX says that NO more than ONE thread may read/write a shared location at
any one time. IMVHO, this simply _IMPLIES_ some sort of mutual exclusion
technique. If you disagree, please post follow-ups over in
comp.programming.threads. David Butenhof can shed some light on the issue;
he is a highly appreciated and valuable contributed to that group.

Walter Roberson

Not to sound like a smart-ass bastard; but one quick point:
POSIX says that NO more than ONE thread may read/write a shared location at
any one time. IMVHO, this simply _IMPLIES_ some sort of mutual exclusion

Once more you are being cavelier about what POSIX is. POSIX
is not just one standard, it is a -set- of standards. And
POSIX.1-1990 says *nothing* about threads. If you want a POSIX
with threads, then you need to reference POSIX.1c-1995 or
POSIX.1-1996, and you have to understand that systems can
be completely POSIX.1-1996 compliant if they have dummy routines
for everything that just return a "Threads not supported" error.

Go ahead and cite a specific section and standard number that you
believe supports your view. I'd be amazed if said section does
not ultimately trace back to a clause that says, at heart,
"If you support threads at all, here is how they need to act."
And that conditional is crucial. If your OS doesn't support shared
locations and doesn't support threads, then whatever clause you
were thinking of is very likely irrelevant. Sort of like a
Standards Act that says "If you herd purebred Unicorns, then
you must paint them orange!": those of us that don't imagine
that we are herding purebred Unicorns are not affected by the

Once again: this is comp.lang.c. We deal here with what can be
done with the C language, as specified by ANSI and ISO.
POSIX and X and nethack are nice things that make the rest of our
life more interesting, but they must not be mistaken as being
parts of C, and any statement like yours saying, "See, you can do
it in C!" will be have its fine-print examined (if it isn't just
outright ridiculed.)

Chris Thomasson


IMVHO, it is a commonly known practice;
Go ahead and cite a specific section and standard number that you
believe supports your view.

RTM. I read the POSIX standard as a basic rule that expects controlled
access to a shared piece of state that is an analog of mutual exclusion.
Basically, only one thread shall ever be able to access a given piece of
shared state at any one time. If you use a single-threaded application,
equal to the realm of an execution of a Standard C program; you are still
following POSIX rules to the tee... Ditto for using various forms of mutual
exclusion; one thread at any one time... For instance, you can use a mutex
to regulate a plurality of thread's compatible accesses to a commonly held
data-structure. You can also create a mutex-like-entity out of condition
variables and a mutex that is responsible to enforcing access to a piece of
state that represents a predicate that a thread may wait on. Agreed? If not,
well, I welcome any opportunity to learn new and interesting logic that
adheres to common sense with open brains indeed!



Once again: this is comp.lang.c. We deal here with what can be
done with the C language, as specified by ANSI and ISO.
POSIX and X and nethack are nice things that make the rest of our
life more interesting, but they must not be mistaken as being
parts of C, and any statement like yours saying, "See, you can do
it in C!" will be have its fine-print examined (if it isn't just
outright ridiculed.)

I will post the code over in comp.programming.threads. I would like to hear
your opinion on the matter.

Chris Thomasson

Sorry for any typos; I just quickly typed that out in the newsreader!

I found another one:

/* swap */
int refcount_swap(
refcount** const _pdest, /* ptr-to-shared */
refcount** const _psrc /* ptr-to-local */
) {
int status = locktbl_swaplock(_pdest);
if (! status) {
int inc_status;

this variable is useless. delete that line.

refcount* const prev = *_pdest; /* shared-load */
*_pdest = *_psrc; /* local-load; shared-store */
*_psrc = prev; /* local-store */
status = locktbl_swapunlock(_pdest);
if (! status) {
return inc_status;

exchange that line with:

return 0;

return status;


I am almost done with version-0.001-(pre-alpha) library that does the POSIX
compatible reference counting.

Chris Thomasson

This is not really a bug but a confusing nuisance!

the variable names the in the refcount_copy/swap functions should be changes
as follows:

change every '_pdest' with '_psrc'

and vise versa.

in other words:

/* copy */
int refcount_copy(
refcount** const _psrc, /* ptr-to-shared */
refcount** const _pdest /* ptr-to-local */
) {
int status = locktbl_swaplock(_psrc);
if (! status) {
int inc_status;
*_pdest = *_psrc; /* shared-load; local-store */
inc_status = refcount_acquire(*_pdest /* local-load */);
status = locktbl_swapunlock(_psrc);
if (! status) {
return inc_status;
return status;

/* swap */
int refcount_swap(
refcount** const _pdest, /* ptr-to-shared */
refcount** const _psrc /* ptr-to-local */
) {
int status = locktbl_swaplock(_psrc);
if (! status) {
int inc_status;
refcount* const prev = *_psrc; /* shared-load */
*_psrc = *_pdest; /* local-load; shared-store */
*_pdest = prev; /* local-store */
status = locktbl_swapunlock(_psrc);
if (! status) {
return inc_status;
return status;

Chris Thomasson

Chris said:
This is not really a bug but a confusing nuisance!
the variable names the in the refcount_copy/swap functions should be
changes as follows:
change every '_pdest' with '_psrc'
and vise versa.


I forgot to change the function parameter names for the 'refcount_swap'
function; here is the good one:

/* swap */
int refcount_swap(
refcount** const _psrc, /*<--- This one! ptr-to-shared */
refcount** const _pdest /*<---- And this one! ptr-to-local */
) {
int status = locktbl_swaplock(_psrc);
if (! status) {
refcount* const prev = *_psrc; /* shared-load */
*_psrc = *_pdest; /* local-load; shared-store */
*_pdest = prev; /* local-store */
status = locktbl_swapunlock(_psrc);
if (! status) {
return 0;
return status;

I am very sorry for making these stupid typos. That's what I get for typing
code in the newsreader then cut-and-pasting it to source files. Luckily for
me, the algorithm is correct, the typos are out and code proofs are enforces
by mutual exclusion... Thing are easy now and almost ready to post. I will
do it tomorrow. Thank you all who decided not to flame me into crispy bacon


Chris Thomasson

Walter Roberson said:
Once more you are being cavelier about what POSIX is. POSIX
is not just one standard, it is a -set- of standards. And
POSIX.1-1990 says *nothing* about threads.


Luckily for me, some of the more "recent" additives to the POSIX standard
actually do say something about threads...


Chris Thomasson

Walter Roberson said:
Once more you are being cavelier about what POSIX is. POSIX
is not just one standard, it is a -set- of standards. And
POSIX.1-1990 says *nothing* about threads.


The old stuff says nothing about threads... The new POSIX standard which has
threads states that only one thread may access shared state at any one time.
How is that different than only using a single thread in the first place?
So, I guess you can say that PThreads actually revolves around the rule that
only a single-threaded access to state? How does that different
fundamentally differ from a single-threaded execution?


Walter Roberson

Luckily for me, some of the more "recent" additives to the POSIX standard
actually do say something about threads...
"The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6"
Section 2.9 Threads
|x> The functionality described in this section is dependant upon
support of the Threads option (and the rest of this section is
not further shaded for this option). _

"Threads option". OPTION.

In other words, a system can be perfectly compliant to the newest
POSIX specification and yet have no threads support at all.

Chris Thomasson

Walter Roberson said:
"The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6"
Section 2.9 Threads
|x> The functionality described in this section is dependant upon
support of the Threads option (and the rest of this section is
not further shaded for this option). _

"Threads option". OPTION.

In other words, a system can be perfectly compliant to the newest
POSIX specification and yet have no threads support at all.

I see.

Chris Thomasson

Here is version 0.001 (pre-alpha/rough-draft) example implementation of
strongly thread-safe atomic reference counted pointers in C and PThreads:

I am working on some example applications and will post those in a day or
two. Anyway, how does the code look to you? Try not to flame me too hard!



Here is version 0.001 (pre-alpha/rough-draft) example implementation of
strongly thread-safe atomic reference counted pointers in C and PThreads:

I am working on some example applications and will post those in a day or
two. Anyway, how does the code look to you? Try not to flame me too hard!

It looks interesting enough, but there are some details I don't quite
* why a table of 64 mutexes? Why not just carry a mutex around with
your reference counted pointer? Do you expect more than 32 instances
of the reference counter to exist in your typical use-case and do you
expect a real optimization from using a table of mutexes because of
* Why select the mutex to use from a piece of pointer arithmetic? Why
not use something more in the way of a unique ID for the pointer
instance? (something a fetchAndIncrement function on creation of the
instance would return) That would allow for something closer to
defined behavior and would probably distribute the burden on your
locks better (because you won't have any alignment issues to work
* I notice that you're basically protecting your counter with a lock.
Don't you think that interlocked instructions might be cheaper than
mutexes when you're simply playing with integers? I'd have a tendency
to use an atomicIncrement and a fetchAndDecrement for this kinda thing
- the former being an interlocked add and the second a CAS. I know
that interlocked instructions can be expensive, but I'd assume that a
mutex implementation would need them at some point anyway..
* I also don't quite see why you use a separate set of locks for
swapping: what happens if I read the "state" pointer from an refcount
instance while a second thread is swapping that same instance (i.e.
refs > 1). Do you expect that to be safe and, if so, how so? As you
don't systematically protect your state pointer, I don't see why using
a non-R/W lock that you only optionally use on the entire state of
your refcounter will help anything. I'd personally use a R/W pointer
that I'd lock in a shared state for any access, and in an exclusive
state for swapping - but if that's not necessary, please tell me
why :). You wouldn't be able to carry around the R/W lock with the
refcount instance, of course.

On the style-side:
* I presume that refcount_sys_destroy is meant to be static? (that
would avoid accidental calls from outside the acquire/release
* I'd have a tendency to allow access to "state" only through a real
accessor, so no-one is tempted to change the pointer within the
refcount structure (i.e. make the structure opaque): it saves binary
compatibility and head-aches in the long run - especially if your
intended audience doesn't necessarily know what they're doing.
that could be overly paranoid on my part, though..
* I'd also have a tendency to add some more assertions - especially
where the pre-conditions of your functions are concerned - but again,
that's in case you have an intended audience that doesn't necessarily
know what they're doing

Just my C$0.02


Casper H.S. Dik

blytkerchan said:
* I notice that you're basically protecting your counter with a lock.
Don't you think that interlocked instructions might be cheaper than
mutexes when you're simply playing with integers? I'd have a tendency
to use an atomicIncrement and a fetchAndDecrement for this kinda thing
- the former being an interlocked add and the second a CAS. I know
that interlocked instructions can be expensive, but I'd assume that a
mutex implementation would need them at some point anyway..

I think the point here is to implement the code in C + Pthreads; not
using assembler or OS specific primitives.
* I also don't quite see why you use a separate set of locks for
swapping: what happens if I read the "state" pointer from an refcount
instance while a second thread is swapping that same instance (i.e.
refs > 1). Do you expect that to be safe and, if so, how so? As you
don't systematically protect your state pointer, I don't see why using
a non-R/W lock that you only optionally use on the entire state of
your refcounter will help anything. I'd personally use a R/W pointer
that I'd lock in a shared state for any access, and in an exclusive
state for swapping - but if that's not necessary, please tell me
why :). You wouldn't be able to carry around the R/W lock with the
refcount instance, of course.

I don't see how an "atomic read" would work anyway it's a rather pointless
operation. (You've read a value and then all you know is that that value
was there somewhere in the past)


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