

Default User

Mark said:
We don't know or care what drugs Dennis, Dan, Kaz, Lawrence*, Keith,
Eric, Richard*, Mark*, Han, or Antoninus are on - their apparent
behaviour here defines them, as far as we're concerned.
* not a footnote marker - a wildcard

I think "Richard" should get two wildcards, just for the sheer number
of Richards. This is far and away the Richardiest newsgroup that I read.


Bill Cunningham

Bill claims to write K&R C. This usually refers to the first edition
of K&R C. Pre the ANSI standard.

You don't write C in this style you write a bad mix
of C89 (so-called ANSI) and C99. Your layout is often bad
as well.

it is just bad design
I'm not quite sure of what bad coding means then. I prefer this for

double x=strtod
double y=strtod

that's a syntax error in all versions of C.

I understand what your trying to say. But for brevity I left off the
parameters. Perhaps I should've wrote...

double x=strtod(argv[1],NULL);
Which is the way I normally call this function.


Richard Bos

Mark McIntyre said:
... just FYI, it is often the case that a sufferer is in fact unable to
follow good advice precisely because of the nature of their illness.
Consider that its good advice not to bleed profusely, yet someone with
thrombocytopenia can't help it.

Oh, come on! You're not suggesting that Bill is haemorrhaging out of his
particle of common sense, are you?
And if you have severe memory loss issues....

.... you _don't know_ that you have them. Bill knows that he has problems
concentrating, but conveniently forgets it every time he chucks together
another bunch of junk code to put up on c.l.c. And then equally
conveniently remembers it when he's called to task over it. That's not
memory loss or confusion, that's an attitude problem.


Mark L Pappin

Default User said:
I think "Richard" should get two wildcards, just for the sheer number
of Richards. This is far and away the Richardiest newsgroup that I read.

It's also fairly Marky, I've noticed. Talk to Flash.

ObMarkness (since we're already OT):
I was at a school whose principal's name was Mark. Since I was
nearest the office phone when it rang, I did the Right Thing and
answered it. On the other end was another principal, also name of
Mark, who mis-assumed that I was the local principal. I got to say
"Sorry Mark, you've got the wrong Mark. I'll go get Mark."


Nick Keighley

Bill claims to write K&R C. This usually refers to the first edition
of K&R C. Pre the ANSI standard.

Oh for F***'s sake! Get the bloody quoting right!
Do it by hand if necessary.
You don't write C in this style[,] you write a bad mix
of C89 (so-called ANSI) and C99. Your layout is often bad
as well.

it is just bad design
I'm not quite sure of what bad coding means then. I prefer this for
double x=strtod
double y=strtod

that's a syntax error in all versions of C.

    I understand what your trying to say. But for brevity I left off the
parameters. Perhaps I should've wrote...

strtod on it's own isn't a function call, its a pointer to
a function (and if you don't know what one of those is then
don't worry)
double x=strtod(argv[1],NULL);
Which is the way I normally call this function.

I will avoid replying to you for at least a week as you beginning to
bug me.

Nick Keighley

It's also fairly Marky, I've noticed.  Talk to Flash.

ObMarkness (since we're already OT):
I was at a school whose principal's name was Mark.  Since I was
nearest the office phone when it rang, I did the Right Thing and
answered it.  On the other end was another principal, also name of
Mark, who mis-assumed that I was the local principal.  I got to say
"Sorry Mark, you've got the wrong Mark.  I'll go get Mark."

I lived in a shared house that had two Nicks, a Mick, and a Dick.
Answering the phone took time...

Bill Cunningham

Cluefest: forgetting stuff and knowing you forget stuff are not mutually
exclusive. Who amongst us hasn't walked into the kitchen and thought to
themselves "dang, I have no idea what I came through for".

Yes indeed. But do you do it atleast 6 times a day? Look at the
sideeffects of klonopin. That explains things.


Phil Carmody

[SNIP - don't know, don't care]

It morphs. Good enough proof of trolldom for many.


Richard Bos

Mark McIntyre said:
I believe you understood the metaphor perfectly.

Of course I did. That's why I replied with an equally broken one.
Cluefest: forgetting stuff and knowing you forget stuff are not mutually

Cluefest squared: holes in your memory are never _conveniently_ on and


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