C++ Class to do File Text Based Operations




I am looking for a possible C++ File class that allows to do standard
"Perl Like" operations on structured data files in ASCII text.

For example:

1) Get the first and third fields from each line into a string obj
2) Get ALL "words" in a "line" of the file


Basically, anything you would be able to do from a Perl script, but
thru C++. I am looking to use it in my program and I know there are
better programmers than me out there, so I thought I will check first!

THanks in advance!

Ivan Vecerina

anand said:
I am looking for a possible C++ File class that allows to do standard
"Perl Like" operations on structured data files in ASCII text.

For example:

1) Get the first and third fields from each line into a string obj
2) Get ALL "words" in a "line" of the file


Basically, anything you would be able to do from a Perl script, but
thru C++. I am looking to use it in my program and I know there are
better programmers than me out there, so I thought I will check first!

The two operations above can be written with a standard C++ istream.
But you may want to consider using a regular expressions library
for C++. Such as boost::regex http://www.boost.org/libs/regex/doc/.


NB: it is often redundant to post to both clc++ and clc++.moderated.
If you're concerned by off-topic replies/threads, use the moderated group.
If you want a quicker answer, clc++ is usually best.
But posting to both NGs usually will delay the appearance of your
post and reply on clc++ as well.

=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Juli=E1n?= Albo

anand said:
Basically, anything you would be able to do from a Perl script, but
thru C++.

That will be very difficult. You need to implement a C++ version of all
modules in CPAN, at least.

If you want to use all Perl machinery, the easiest way will be to embed perl
in your program.

Jeff Flinn

anand said:

I am looking for a possible C++ File class that allows to do standard
"Perl Like" operations on structured data files in ASCII text.

For example:

1) Get the first and third fields from each line into a string obj
2) Get ALL "words" in a "line" of the file


Basically, anything you would be able to do from a Perl script, but
thru C++. I am looking to use it in my program and I know there are
better programmers than me out there, so I thought I will check first!

Check out:





I'm totally unfamiliar with Perl, but the above libraries offer powerful C++
text and filesystem processing.

Jeff Flinn

Billy Patton


I am looking for a possible C++ File class that allows to do standard
"Perl Like" operations on structured data files in ASCII text.

For example:

1) Get the first and third fields from each line into a string obj
2) Get ALL "words" in a "line" of the file


Basically, anything you would be able to do from a Perl script, but
thru C++. I am looking to use it in my program and I know there are
better programmers than me out there, so I thought I will check first!

THanks in advance!

Couple of functions I wrote do do just what you ask. Excep no regular
expressions. THere is a split and a sub. You could extend these to use pcre
lib and get the location of a regular expression. I just haven't carried it
that far YET :)

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <locale>

bool StrSplit(const string in,char delim,vector<string>& out)
if (in.empty()) return false;
istringstream iss(in);
string token;
while(getline(iss, token, delim))
return true;

bool StrSub(string& cp,string sub_this,string for_this,int num_times)
int i,loc;
if (cp.empty())
cp = sub_this;
return true;
if (for_this.empty()) return false;
for (i = 0; i NE num_times; i++)
loc = cp.find(for_this,0);
if (loc GE 0) cp.replace(loc,for_this.length(),sub_this);
else return true;
return true;

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Texas Instruments ASIC Circuit Design Methodology Group
Dallas, Texas, 214-480-4455, (e-mail address removed)

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