calling c++ from Ruby




I wrote this question on the newsgroup yesterday, but I didn't see it
actually get posted. Here it goes again. I'm trying to call a c++
function from Ruby and I'm getting some errors compiling the c++

Here is my code:
#include "ruby.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdarg.h>
VALUE MyTest = Qnil;
extern "C" VALUE create_project(char *c, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, c);
extern "C" void Init_mytest()
MyTest = rb_define_module("MyTest");
rb_define_method(MyTest, "create_project", &create_project,

And here is the error:
MyTest.cpp: In function ‘void Init_mytest()’:
MyTest.cpp:16: error: invalid conversion from ‘VALUE (*)(char*, ...)’
to ‘VALUE (*)(...)’
MyTest.cpp:16: error: initializing argument 3 of ‘void
rb_define_method(VALUE, const char*, VALUE (*)(...), int)’

If I don't put "char *c" in the arguments of create_project, it
compiles and works just fine. But if I don't have it, how can I get
the arguments?
I realize this is more of a c++ question, but if anyone has any
simple, fully working example of calling c++ code from Ruby, I would
like to see it.


Stefano Crocco


I wrote this question on the newsgroup yesterday, but I didn't see it
actually get posted. Here it goes again. I'm trying to call a c++
function from Ruby and I'm getting some errors compiling the c++

Here is my code:
#include "ruby.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdarg.h>
VALUE MyTest =3D Qnil;
extern "C" VALUE create_project(char *c, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, c);
extern "C" void Init_mytest()
MyTest =3D rb_define_module("MyTest");
rb_define_method(MyTest, "create_project", &create_project,

And here is the error:
MyTest.cpp: In function =91void Init_mytest()=92:
MyTest.cpp:16: error: invalid conversion from =91VALUE (*)(char*, ...)=92
to =91VALUE (*)(...)=92
MyTest.cpp:16: error: initializing argument 3 of =91void
rb_define_method(VALUE, const char*, VALUE (*)(...), int)=92

If I don't put "char *c" in the arguments of create_project, it
compiles and works just fine. But if I don't have it, how can I get
the arguments?
I realize this is more of a c++ question, but if anyone has any
simple, fully working example of calling c++ code from Ruby, I would
like to see it.


I don't know whether it has to do with the error you're getting, but I thin=
your create_project method is conceptually wrong, because if it should be=20
called from ruby, all arguments will be passed to it as VALUE s, not as cha=
or int or any other C type (this is because all ruby objects, on the C side=
are of type VALUE).

Also, if you want to create a method which can be called with any number of=
arguments from the ruby side, I think you should define it this way:

VALUE create_project(int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE self)

extern "C" void Init_mytest(){
MyTest =3D rb_define_module("MyTest");
rb_define_method(MyTest, "create_project", &create_project, -1);

The argc parameter is the number of arguments passed to the method (and yes=
it's an exception to the rule I spoke of above about the arguments always=20
having to be of type VALUE). argv is an array of VALUEs representing the=20
arguments passed to the method and self is... self. To access the arguments=
the method, you iterate on argv:

for (int i =3D 0; i < argc; i++){
// do something with argv

If some of the parameters of your method are required and some other option=
you can use the rb_scan_args function, which manages them for you.

=46or more information, have a look at the chapter about extending ruby in =
pickaxe (for the free online edition, the chapter is at, at the=20
Doxygen documentation of the ruby C api and, in particular, to the section =
functions starting with the letter R
( This p=
of the api contains a number of methods starting with rb_, which correspond=
(more or less) directly to ruby methods. Unfortunately, there's no descript=
of the methods, but you can get an idea of what they do looking at their na=
Lastly, you can look at the source code of ruby itself (that's how I found =
information I gave you above). There are C files for the core classes=20
(array.c, object.c and so on). All the calls to rb_define_method are at the=
end of the corresponding files, so you can quickly find out which C functio=
corresponds to which ruby method. You can download the ruby source code fro=
m=20 or browse the svn repository online at=20

I hope this helps


Todd Fisher

Mr_Tibs said:

I wrote this question on the newsgroup yesterday, but I didn't see it
actually get posted. Here it goes again. I'm trying to call a c++
function from Ruby and I'm getting some errors compiling the c++

Here is my code:
#include "ruby.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdarg.h>
VALUE MyTest = Qnil;
extern "C" VALUE create_project(char *c, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, c);
extern "C" void Init_mytest()
MyTest = rb_define_module("MyTest");
rb_define_method(MyTest, "create_project", &create_project,

And here is the error:
MyTest.cpp: In function �void Init_mytest()�:
MyTest.cpp:16: error: invalid conversion from �VALUE (*)(char*, ...)�
to �VALUE (*)(...)�
MyTest.cpp:16: error: initializing argument 3 of �void
rb_define_method(VALUE, const char*, VALUE (*)(...), int)�

If I don't put "char *c" in the arguments of create_project, it
compiles and works just fine. But if I don't have it, how can I get
the arguments?
I realize this is more of a c++ question, but if anyone has any
simple, fully working example of calling c++ code from Ruby, I would
like to see it.



I think you meant to use rb_define_singleton_method, instead of

Also, the method signature of your C/C++ function is important. If you
want to use variable number of arguments, it needs to look something
like this:

VALUE your_method_name(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)

Also, when using C++ you need to cast to correct types... so, in your
case you could fix the compile time error by casting:

rb_define_method(MyTest, "create_project", (VALUE
(*)(...))&create_project, -1);

Also, when using variable arguments you need to pass a -1, since it's an
unknown number of arguments. Ruby also has it's own set of methods to
use to access the arguments.

Have a look at rb_scan_args,

Hope this helps,

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