checking and unckecking a checkbox



I have a script that I want to check the checkbox if something is writen in
a text field. Then uncheck it if it erased.
The check works but not the uncheck.
Here is the code:
String.prototype.trim =
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
function mark(fn, textfield, checkbox){
var check = (document.forms[fn][checkbox]);
var text = (document.forms[fn][textfield]);

text = text.value.trim();
if(text.value != ""){
checkbox.checked = 'true';
if(text.value == ""){
checkbox.checked = 'false';

in the form :
<input type="text" name="RepID"

Martin Honnen

Willie said:
checkbox.checked = 'true';
if(text.value == ""){
checkbox.checked = 'false';

checked is a boolean property so you should assign boolean values not
strings e.g.
checkbox.checked = true;
checkbox.checked = false;


Thanks, that was simple.

Martin Honnen said:
checked is a boolean property so you should assign boolean values not
strings e.g.
checkbox.checked = true;
checkbox.checked = false;

Doug Miller

text = text.value.trim();
if(text.value != ""){
checkbox.checked = 'true';
if(text.value == ""){
checkbox.checked = 'false';

'true' and 'false' are strings. <element>.checked is a Boolean property. Any
non-null string, when interpreted as Boolean, is true; only the null string ""
is false. Thus when you assign the value 'false' to checkbox.checked, it
receives the Boolean value true.

Also, your second 'if' is pointless; simpler is

if (text.value != "") {
checkbox.checked = true;
} else {
checkbox.checked = false;

or, simpler still,

checkbox.checked = (text.value != "");

Dr J R Stockton

Mon said:
I have a script that I want to check the checkbox if something is writen in
a text field. Then uncheck it if it erased.
The check works but not the uncheck.
Here is the code:
String.prototype.trim =
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');

Not needed.
function mark(fn, textfield, checkbox){
var check = (document.forms[fn][checkbox]);
var text = (document.forms[fn][textfield]);

check.checked = /\S/.test(text.value)

It will be checked if a non-whitespace character is found in the string;
otherwise cleared.

It's a good idea to read the newsgroup c.l.j and its FAQ. See below.

Tim Streater

David Cox said:
can js do something like:

checkbox.checked = (text.value == "");

Yes but personally I find such constructs to be unreadable; I spend 30
mins figuring out what it means. I would put:

checkbox.checked = true;
if (text.value == "") checkbox.checked = false;

This is because I have a simple mind. I am not impressed by the
programmer being a smartypants. I am impressed by neat and logical
layout that allows you to figure out quickly what is going on. Useful
when it comes to maintaining someone else's code.

Tim Streater

David Cox said:

Well, if it's only into the harbor we're probably OK. If he throws it
into the harbour, on the other hand, then we're in trouble.

David Cox

Martin Honnen said:
checked is a boolean property so you should assign boolean values not
strings e.g.
checkbox.checked = true;
checkbox.checked = false;

can js do something like:

checkbox.checked = (text.value == "");

David F. Cox

Doug Miller

can js do something like:

checkbox.checked = (text.value == "");

Yes, it can. See my earlier post in this thread. What the OP wants in this
case, though, is

checkbox.checked = (text.value != "");

David Cox

Doug Miller said:
'true' and 'false' are strings. <element>.checked is a Boolean property.
non-null string, when interpreted as Boolean, is true; only the null
string ""
is false. Thus when you assign the value 'false' to checkbox.checked, it
receives the Boolean value true.

Also, your second 'if' is pointless; simpler is

if (text.value != "") {
checkbox.checked = true;
} else {
checkbox.checked = false;

or, simpler still,

checkbox.checked = (text.value != "");

Doug Miller (alphageek at milmac dot com)

It's time to throw all their damned tea in the harbor again.

It is.

I must read the entire thread before posting.

I must read the FAQ before posting.

I must read my own post before posting.

I must remember I said all that last time. :-<

David F. Cox

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