Confusion about using Server.Transfer.


Ken Varn

I have Page1 that does a transfer to page2. When the user is done with
Page2, there is a button on Page2 that they can press to bring them back to
Page1. I use Server.Transfer to navigate from one page to the next.

The confusion that I am having is that when the user is done with Page2 and
clicks on the button to bring them back to Page1, I want Page1 to basically
come back with the exact same view that it had before the user navigated
away from it. However, I notice that when Page1 comes back, the
Page.IsPostback is set back to false, so all of my initialization code gets
run. I also notice that my ViewState is gone. I was hoping that somehow
the return trip back to the original page would behave something like a
postback with the original Page1 ViewState intact.

Maybe I am just not understanding how to do this correctly, but it seems
like it should be pretty trivial to return back to a page as with its
original state intact. The only other option I would have is to call
JavaScript to navigate backwards in the history buffer, but that just
doesn't seem right.

Ken Varn
Senior Software Engineer
Diebold Inc.

EmailID = varnk
Domain =

Scott Allen

Hi Ken:

ViewState is only effective when a form posts back to itself - in this
scenario Page2 doesn't know how to write out the ViewState for Page1.

I imagine your button is a hyperlink? You'll have to carry state
across the pages by passing information in the querystring, or holding
state on the server, like in the Session or Cache.

Ken Varn

It's my understanding that if I use Server.Transfer(NewUrl,true), then my
forms QuerryString is passed to the new page, and I have confirmed that it
does. The problem I am having, is there should be some way of having that
postback data available if I transfer back to the original page, which I
can't seem to figure out how to do. Somehow I need something like this
(although I know this is not how to do it):

Server.Transfer(OrigUrl, SavedFormPostbackData);

Since the postback data is transferred to the new page, one would think that
there would be a way to transfer it back to the calling page.

Ken Varn
Senior Software Engineer
Diebold Inc.

EmailID = varnk
Domain =

Mike Salter


Sounds like a problem I just figured out. I needed to to open a page in a
separate window, while preserving the original page. Try the code below.
When the user is done with Page2, just close it.
Mike Salter
(just another programmer)

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
string strBaseUrl = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
strBaseUrl = strBaseUrl.Substring(0,strBaseUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
Session["BaseURL"] = strBaseUrl;

// Somewhere in your code you decide to show Page2
string strBaseUrl = Session["BaseURL"].ToString();
+ strBaseUrl
+ "Page2.aspx','new_Win');</script>");

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