coverage analysis tools

  • Thread starter Stephanie Stowe
  • Start date

Stephanie Stowe

I would love a tool which can be run when testing a classic ASP app which
records what code has been executed. I have a problem I have to find
occurances of through thousands of thousands of lines of code. This would
help speed the task. Anyone know of such an animal? I am kind of google
impaired. I was unable to find the lyrics to rolly polly fishhead one time
and my DH found it in 10 seconds.



Stephanie Stowe

Curt_C said:
not sure I follow... wont FIND do this?

I did not explain this very well. I have to find the intersection between
response.redirect and modal windows. Imagine running code (IE only
supported) whihc has client side Javascript which opens a modal window with
some URL. Whatever that URL is posts back to the server to some page, and
the page that it is posted to has a response.redirect in it. I have to find

So I go looking for our function which we use to open a modal window. There
are hundreds and hundreds. So I start with the first one. But I am new here
and don't know the app very well. Did I mention that it is a huge app? So I
go to where the code is supposed be executed (in my mind) and that is not
executing that code. But it is executing SOME modal window. I should would
like to be able to tell where on my list of hundreds of instances of what I
am looking for I stumbled into so I could cross it off my list.

So I am hoping to find something that shows me what I have RUN not what I am
looking for. It has some added other benefits for the future, like aiding in
regression testing.


Stephanie Stowe

Is this generally a top post group? I cannot remember. I get hammered on
other groups for top posting.

No. I want to execute my ASP app and have something dance and blink on the
lines of code that were traversed.

Stephanie Stowe

Curt_C said:
dont worry about that too much. This is a pretty slow group since .NET
came around, people are pretty open.
Since OE defaults to top, and a large % of the posters are using OE it's
pretty common for top posting, but we'll read em no matter what :}

So you want these results in your development IDE then?

I don't care where it gives me the info, as long as it gives me the info. I
can imagine things like inserting a formatted in-line comment within the
source, or making some kind of report.
It sounds like you are trying to combine a spider and your dev be honest I have not heard of anthing that will do that. You
can find the coded entries but trying to get interpreted entries/values is
very tricky and I haven't come aware of anyting like this, especially not
in ASP.... sorry

Yeah, I have seen it in compiled and "managed" code. Rational has such a
product, I think. That is what made me think of it. Bummer man.

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