CRC16 not the same




I'm receiving a message from a device which includes the CRC16, i also
have to calculate the CRC16 and check if it matches the one received. My
problem is that the calculated CRC is not the same as the received one.

This is how the unit for calculating the CRC:

#pragma hdrstop

#include "CRC.h"

#pragma package(smart_init)

unsigned short int CRC16;

unsigned int CRCtab[] = {

/* 0*/ 0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50A5, 0x60C6, 0x70E7,

/* 8*/ 0x8108, 0x9129, 0xA14A, 0xB16B, 0xC18C, 0xD1AD, 0xE1CE, 0xF1EF,
/*16*/ 0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52B5, 0x4294, 0x72F7, 0x62D6,
/*24*/ 0x9339, 0x8318, 0xB37B, 0xA35A, 0xD3BD, 0xC39C, 0xF3FF, 0xE3DE,
/*32*/ 0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64E6, 0x74C7, 0x44A4, 0x5485,
/*40*/ 0xA56A, 0xB54B, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xE5EE, 0xF5CF, 0xC5AC, 0xD58D,
/*48*/ 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76D7, 0x66F6, 0x5695, 0x46B4,
/*56*/ 0xB75B, 0xA77A, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xF7DF, 0xE7FE, 0xD79D, 0xC7BC,
/*64*/ 0x48C4, 0x58E5, 0x6886, 0x78A7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823,
/*72*/ 0xC9CC, 0xD9ED, 0xE98E, 0xF9AF, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xA90A, 0xB92B,
/*80*/ 0x5AF5, 0x4AD4, 0x7AB7, 0x6A96, 0x1A71, 0x0A50, 0x3A33, 0x2A12,
/*88*/ 0xDBFD, 0xCBDC, 0xFBBF, 0xEB9E, 0x9B79, 0x8B58, 0xBB3B, 0xAB1A,
/*96*/ 0x6CA6, 0x7C87, 0x4CE4, 0x5CC5, 0x2C22, 0x3C03, 0x0C60, 0x1C41,
/*104*/ 0xEDAE, 0xFD8F, 0xCDEC, 0xDDCD, 0xAD2A, 0xBD0B, 0x8D68, 0x9D49,
/*112*/ 0x7E97, 0x6EB6, 0x5ED5, 0x4EF4, 0x3E13, 0x2E32, 0x1E51, 0x0E70,
/*120*/ 0xFF9F, 0xEFBE, 0xDFDD, 0xCFFC, 0xBF1B, 0xAF3A, 0x9F59, 0x8F78,
/*128*/ 0x9188, 0x81A9, 0xB1CA, 0xA1EB, 0xD10C, 0xC12D, 0xF14E, 0xE16F,
/*136*/ 0x1080, 0x00A1, 0x30C2, 0x20E3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067,
/*144*/ 0x83B9, 0x9398, 0xA3FB, 0xB3DA, 0xC33D, 0xD31C, 0xE37F, 0xF35E,
/*152*/ 0x02B1, 0x1290, 0x22F3, 0x32D2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256,
/*160*/ 0xB5EA, 0xA5CB, 0x95A8, 0x8589, 0xF56E, 0xE54F, 0xD52C, 0xC50D,
/*168*/ 0x34E2, 0x24C3, 0x14A0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405,
/*176*/ 0xA7DB, 0xB7FA, 0x8799, 0x97B8, 0xE75F, 0xF77E, 0xC71D, 0xD73C,
/*184*/ 0x26D3, 0x36F2, 0x0691, 0x16B0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634,
/*192*/ 0xD94C, 0xC96D, 0xF90E, 0xE92F, 0x99C8, 0x89E9, 0xB98A, 0xA9AB,
/*200*/ 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18C0, 0x08E1, 0x3882, 0x28A3,
/*208*/ 0xCB7D, 0xDB5C, 0xEB3F, 0xFB1E, 0x8BF9, 0x9BD8, 0xABBB, 0xBB9A,
/*216*/ 0x4A75, 0x5A54, 0x6A37, 0x7A16, 0x0AF1, 0x1AD0, 0x2AB3, 0x3A92,
/*224*/ 0xFD2E, 0xED0F, 0xDD6C, 0xCD4D, 0xBDAA, 0xAD8B, 0x9DE8, 0x8DC9,
/*232*/ 0x7C26, 0x6C07, 0x5C64, 0x4C45, 0x3CA2, 0x2C83, 0x1CE0, 0x0CC1,
/*240*/ 0xEF1F, 0xFF3E, 0xCF5D, 0xDF7C, 0xAF9B, 0xBFBA, 0x8FD9, 0x9FF8,
/*248*/ 0x6E17, 0x7E36, 0x4E55, 0x5E74, 0x2E93, 0x3EB2, 0x0ED1, 0x1EF0

void InitialiseCRC16(void)
CRC16 = 0;

void AddToCRC16(unsigned char ByteToAdd)
CRC16 = CRCtab[(CRC16 >> 8) ^ ByteToAdd] ^ (CRC16 << 8);

unsigned short int CRC16Result(void)

For this other msg i send the following to the AddCRC16 method:


I get 0xE65A instead of 0x1755.

Please help with any ideas of what may be wrong.

All da luv!!!

Ulrich Achleitner

I'm receiving a message from a device which includes the CRC16, i also
have to calculate the CRC16 and check if it matches the one received. My
problem is that the calculated CRC is not the same as the received one.

if you use the same algorithm on both sides ("device", and receiver), the
are several possibilites how the crc can differ:

- your transmission line is faulty
- you are not using the exactly same data on both sides
- ...


Tumzadoc said:
void AddToCRC16(unsigned char ByteToAdd)
CRC16 = CRCtab[(CRC16 >> 8) ^ ByteToAdd] ^ (CRC16 << 8);

You don't show anywhere how this is used, but that calculation doesn't look
right ot me. Shouldn't there be some masking going on there somewhere, not
just shifting? The above calculation will do an XOR on a table entry with
the previous CRC value shifted to the left 8 bits. That means that the
result will always have one of the table entries' lower 8 bits as the lower
8 bits of the answer. It just doesn't look right to me, somehow. This
looks nothing like the algorithm I know (and yes, I know there are more than
one way to do this). Perhaps if you showed us the algorithm that you
derived this from? (Also, is it the same algorithm that is used to compute
the CRC value for the transmitted data?)

By the way, as a general rule, you should be calculating values and
returning them to the calling function(s), instead using new values for
global variables. It may not matter here (but it may, and it could be the don't show the rest of the code), but it will certainly matter
when dealing with larger projects. Global variables inevitably lead to
problems, and are best avoided where possible.


Joseph Turian

I haven't examined the code deeply, but are you sure it's not a
byte-ordering problem?


I'm looping back what i'm suppose to be sending to the device and i also
calculate the CRC16 on receive to check if it's the same as the one i
receive and it's exactly the same. Which means my algorithm is correct.



I found the problem and it was not my code it was the software on the
device that was sending the wrong CRC.


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