Default submit button


Matt Howeson

I am sure this question has been asked many times, however I am yet to find
a satisfactory solution to the problem. I have a number of user controls
within an page, a login box, a search box, and contact form. I wish
to be able to ensure that when the user presses enter in the appropriate
textbox control, the correct form is validated and submitted.

I have tried a number of methods to achieve this goal, the main one being
setting the __EVENTTARGET hidden form field value to the id of the button I
wish to be "clicked" when the enter key is pressed. I do this by adding an
onkeypress attribute to each of the textboxes within the usercontrol. This
doesn't appear to be working however, and one button is always "clicked"
rather than the others.

I wondered if anyone may have some advice on how to handle this approach
where there are several user controls which would each have been a form in
their own right in old style asp. Also I'd be interested in how people
would handle the validation of such a scenario, I am inclined to just write
my own validation routines for the scenario, rather than rely on the inbuilt
validation, which doesn't appear to work well for this.

I have also found it necessary to check each of the validators individually
within the user control to check if the data submitted IsValid, if I try to
call Page.IsValid then it will validate all of the validation controls
within the page, not just within the user control. Am I missing something
here or is there anyway to validate only the controls within the current
user control.

This would seem to be a fairly common situation, however I am finding it
very difficult to easily achieve the results I am looking for using ASP.Net.
Any thoughts appreciated....

S. Justin Gengo


Here's how I'm taking care of it:

TextBox.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "javascript:if((event.which &&
event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode ==
13)){document.Form1." & Button.ClientID & ".click();return false;}else
return true;")

S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

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