determining when a file has been moved/changed


Rob Baxter

I'm trying to implement a java program which will mirror the
functionality of the Unix utility tail -f (ie continually read the end
of a file). I have a fairly simple solution using FileInputStream &
bufferedReader in an infinite loop where I call Thread.sleep(1000)
every time the read returns null (indicating the end of the
FileInputStream has been reached).

The problem I am having is that I am using this to read the end of a
syslog log file and the files are logrotated every hour. When the
logrotate process renames the file I have opened my program continues
to read from the same file which is no longer being written to by
syslog. What I am looking for is a way to either be notified or be
able to determine when another process has moved/renamed a file I am
reading from. I've tried getting the file descriptor from the
FileInputStream and calling it's valid() method but it always returns
true even if I delete the file after it has been opened.

I know I can rig something up using the filesize to check if the file
has been rotated, but I was wondering if there was a more elegant
solution. any hints or advice are greatly appreciated (also if anyone
knows of a version of tail which doesn't suffer from this same problem
I'd be interested in seeing that also)


Michael Borgwardt

I doubt you'll find any tail utility that does not have this "problem"
on Unixoid file systems. The real problem is that these file system have
a concept of "file" that goes against your expectations, namely in that
a file and a path are two completely separate things. There is an extra
layer (inode layer) that abstracts files from directory entries, and
a file can be referred by several completely different names in different
directories, or even keep existing when there are no directory entries
pointing to it at all.


Rob said:
I'm trying to implement a java program which will mirror the
functionality of the Unix utility tail -f (ie continually read the end
of a file). I have a fairly simple solution using FileInputStream &
bufferedReader in an infinite loop where I call Thread.sleep(1000)
every time the read returns null (indicating the end of the
FileInputStream has been reached).

The problem I am having is that I am using this to read the end of a
syslog log file and the files are logrotated every hour. When the
logrotate process renames the file I have opened my program continues
to read from the same file which is no longer being written to by
syslog. What I am looking for is a way to either be notified or be
able to determine when another process has moved/renamed a file I am
reading from. I've tried getting the file descriptor from the
FileInputStream and calling it's valid() method but it always returns
true even if I delete the file after it has been opened.

I know I can rig something up using the filesize to check if the file
has been rotated, but I was wondering if there was a more elegant
solution. any hints or advice are greatly appreciated (also if anyone
knows of a version of tail which doesn't suffer from this same problem
I'd be interested in seeing that also)

The FileMonitor class @
might help you out.

If you know the name of the files to monitor, listen for them;
You'll be notified when they're created, modified or deleted.

If you don't know their names, listen at the directory instead.
When it is modified, files have been accessed.

Oscar kind

Michael Borgwardt said:
I doubt you'll find any tail utility that does not have this "problem"
on Unixoid file systems. The real problem is that these file system have
a concept of "file" that goes against your expectations, namely in that
a file and a path are two completely separate things. There is an extra
layer (inode layer) that abstracts files from directory entries, and
a file can be referred by several completely different names in different
directories, or even keep existing when there are no directory entries
pointing to it at all.

Absolutely correct.

OP: You need to poll the last changed date (a timestamp) using the file path
(and hence a File object), rather than waiting if there is data available
on the InputStream you're reading from.

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