Dynamically creating array index


Andrew Poulos

If I have an array whose elements may or may not also be arrays and I’m
given a string that relates to an appropriate index in that array how do
I use that string as the index? For example, if I have an array that
looks like this:

myArray = [[0,1],[2,3]];

and a string that looks like:

str = “1_1”;

I can do this to the string:

foo = str.split(“_”); // foo now equals [“1”,”1”]

Then how can I use foo as an index? That is, something like

bar = myArray[foo]; // bar should now equal 3

and it's sibling

myArray[foo] = 1;

I've managed something using a FOR loop and eval but it seems such a
hack. And the problem is complicated by the fact that the array may have
as many levels of nested arrays as the user creates.

Andrew Poulos

Jonas Raoni

Andrew said:
myArray = [[0,1],[2,3]];
and a string that looks like:
str = “1_1”;
foo = str.split(“_”); // foo now equals [“1”,”1”]

Then how can I use foo as an index? That is, something like

bar = myArray[foo]; // bar should now equal 3

Is this what you're looking for?!

function navigate(o, path){
for(var x; (x = path.shift()) != undefined && o[x] != undefined; o = o[x]);
return o;

var x = [[0,1],[2,3]];

alert(navigate(x, [1, 1]));

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