Efficiently creating a vector<char> which is a copy of a char[]


Steven Reddie

I have a large char[] which I'd like to copy a portion of into a
vector<char>. I can't seem to locate a simple method for doing so. I
assume involving iterators will not result in memcpy not being used
and therefore will be less than optimal. Can anyone help me out?



Alf P. Steinbach

I have a large char[] which I'd like to copy a portion of into a
vector<char>. I can't seem to locate a simple method for doing so. I
assume involving iterators will not result in memcpy not being used
and therefore will be less than optimal. Can anyone help me out?

Check the std::vector constructors for constructing a vector from a
character array.

Check the resizing member functions and std::copy for copying into
an existing vector.

Jonathan Turkanis

Steven Reddie said:
I have a large char[] which I'd like to copy a portion of into a
vector<char>. I can't seem to locate a simple method for doing so. I
assume involving iterators will not result in memcpy not being used
and therefore will be less than optimal. Can anyone help me out?

A good implementation of std::copy will use memcpy, memmove or
something similar in the case you describe. You could also use



I have a large char[] which I'd like to copy a portion of into a
vector<char>. I can't seem to locate a simple method for doing so. I
assume involving iterators will not result in memcpy not being used
and therefore will be less than optimal. Can anyone help me out?

std::vector<char> v(chararray, chararray + sizeof(chararray));

will collapse to a memcpy or memmove call on most (all?) vector
implementations I know of. Trace in with a debugger to confirm.


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C FAQ: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html

Steven Reddie

tom_usenet said:
On 5 Feb 2004 21:28:39 -0800, (e-mail address removed) (Steven Reddie)

std::vector<char> v(chararray, chararray + sizeof(chararray));

will collapse to a memcpy or memmove call on most (all?) vector
implementations I know of. Trace in with a debugger to confirm.

Thanks guys. It looks like I'm misreading the docs. This last form
of constructor must be the one defined as:

template<class InputIterator> vector(InputIterator _First,
InputIterator _Last);

which implies that InputIterator for a vector<char> is or is
implicitly constructed from a char*. It's been a while since I've
used the STL that it seems that I'm forgetting some really basic




Thanks guys. It looks like I'm misreading the docs. This last form
of constructor must be the one defined as:

template<class InputIterator> vector(InputIterator _First,
InputIterator _Last);

which implies that InputIterator for a vector<char> is or is
implicitly constructed from a char*.

That constructor is the one that matches. You end up calling:

vector<char>::vector<char*>(char* _First, char* _Last);

That templated constructor should dispatch to a memmove/memcpy
implementation, since char is a scalar and char* is a simple pointer
or the same type.


C++ FAQ: http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/
C FAQ: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html

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