encodeURIComponent vs. escape


Danny Vucinec


I've a problem reading querystring parameters that are 'uri encoded'. Anyone
has a solution for this?

To reproduce the problem, create a classic ASP containing the following code:


<p>Value sent via querystring: <%=
Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString("value")) %></p>
<input id="input" />
<button id="submit" onclick="window.location.assign('Test.asp?value=' +

Anthony Jones

Danny Vucinec said:

I've a problem reading querystring parameters that are 'uri encoded'. Anyone
has a solution for this?

To reproduce the problem, create a classic ASP containing the following code:


<p>Value sent via querystring: <%=
Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString("value")) %></p>
<input id="input" />
<button id="submit" onclick="window.location.assign('Test.asp?value=' +


Now, enter the value "Dré" and submit. The page will show the value "Dré",
but I except Request.QueryString("value") to return the original value, i.e.

encodeURIComponent correctly encodes using UTF-8 character codes.

Unfortunately IE would incorrectly allow the query portion of a URL to be
sent using whatever local encoding is being used. IIS 5 and 6
correspondingly expect the query portion to be encoded to match the sessions

Hence using encodeURIComponent to encode a string into the query generates a
correctly encoded URL which IIS mis-reads.

Use Response.Codepage = 65001 to allow ASP to correctly read the URL.

However unless you reset Response.Codepage to it's original value before
sending any output you will need to ensure you set Response.CharSet =
"UTF-8" and save the page as UTF-8. You will also need to ensure any pages
receiving form posts from the page also have Codepage set to 65001 before
attempting to read the form values.

Danny Vucinec

This is somewhat complicated in my web application. I found the following
solution for pages using encode/decodeURIComponent:

function decodeURIComponent(text)
return unescape(text);

function encodeURIComponent(text)
return escape(text).replace(/\+/, "%2B");

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