Evaluating postfix expressions (Linked list Implementation)

Dec 7, 2009
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who can help me to solve this i'm begganer to use java and i try to solve it to much but i faild ....... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

We are accustomed to writing arithmetic expressions in infix notation, which means that the operator appears between the operands: 3 * ((4 + 6) / 2). An alternative is to use postfix notation, which means that the operator appears after the operands. The expression below is equivalent to the infix expression above: 3 4 6 + 2 / *

One advantage of postfix is that unlike infix, no parentheses are necessary. Another advantage is that postfix expressions are easily evaluated using a stack. This is done by processing the expression from left to right as follows:

 Make an empty stack s
 Scan the infix expression one item at a time, for each token (operator * - + / or single digit integers 0, 1, …9) in the infix expression:
 If it is an operand, push onto the stack.
 If it is an operator,
 pop two numbers from the stack,
 apply the operator, and
 push the result back onto the stack.
 If the stack does not have enough operands, the expression is invalid.

 At the end of input, check the stack. If it has just one item, that is the answer. Else, the expression is invalid.

Postfix expressions do not need ( ). They have only operands and operators.

Consider the expression 2 3 4 + 9 * 1 - +
Item Stack
2 2
3 2 3
4 2 3 4
+ 2 7
9 2 7 9
* 2 63
1 2 63 1
- 2 62 Note: oprnd1 - oprnd2
+ 64 Answer is 64.

Write a Java program to evaluate postfix expressions
Dec 7, 2009
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