Extended deadline: Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) - IJCAI 2013 Workshop


Carlos Ferreira

** Apologies for cross-posting **

Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) Workshop
Beijing, China, August 3 - 9, 2013

in conjunction with

IJCAI 2013
23rd. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Beijing, China, August 3 - 9, 2013

== Call for Papers ==

Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) uses Data Mining techniques to extract
useful knowledge from data, namely when its characteristics reflect a
World in Movement.

The goal of this workshop is to convene researchers (from both academia
and industry) who deal with techniques such as: decision rules, decision
trees, association rules, clustering, filtering, learning classifier
systems, neural networks, support vector machines, preprocessing,
postprocessing, feature selection, visualization techniques, etc. for
UDM of distributed and heterogeneous sources in the form of a continuous
stream with mobile and/or embedded devices and related themes.

Authors are invited to submit original papers in all topics related to
Ubiquitous Data Mining. Selected papers will have to be presented during
the workshop.

The workshop will include extra time for audience discussion of the
presentation allowing the group to have a better understanding of the
issues, challenges, and ideas being presented.

Authors of best workshop papers will be invited to submit extended versions
of their work to Intelligent Data Analysis Journal.

-- Important Dates --

Paper submission: 28 April, 2013 ** EXTENDED **
Author notification: 20 May, 2013
Camera-ready copy: 30 May, 2013

-- Topics --

Topics include but are not restricted to:

- Adaptive Data Mining
- Distributed Data Mining
- Distributed Data Streams
- Grid Data Mining
- Learning in Ubiquitous environments
- Learning from Sensor Networks
- Learning from Social Networks
- Visualization Techniques for UDM
- Incremental On-line Learning Algorithms
- Single-Pass and Scalable Algorithms
- Learning in distributed neural network systems;
- Real-Time and Real-World Applications
- Resource-aware UDM
- Theoretical frameworks for UDM

-- Submission --

All papers should be submitted in IJCAI 2013 camera ready format for
publication in the symposium proceedings. The maximum length of papers
should not exceed 5 pages in the case of research and experience papers,
and 2 pages in the case of position papers (including figures,
bibliography and appendices). Submission guidelines must be strictly
followed. Papers should be submitted in PDF using the EasyChair
conference system available at


All workshop participants are required to register for both the workshop
and the main conference. IJCAI is the premier international gathering of leading AI researchers and practitioners from all over the world. Held biennially in odd-numbered years since 1969, IJCAI highlights the latest theoretical and applied results in all subfields of artificial intelligence.

-- Workshop Chairs --

João Gama, Michael May, Nuno Marques, Paulo Cortez

-- Organizing Chairs --

Manuel Filipe Santos, Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, Albert Bifet

-- Publicity Chair --

Carlos Abreu Ferreira

Looking forward to meeting you in Beijing!

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