Forked Login Implementation -- How to do this?


Steve Commisso

I'm trying to create a forked login where users of certain roles will be
redirected to specific pages.

The easy way to do this would be to do the redirecting in the
Page_Load() of the default page after login, but I'd like to skip this
step and just have the Login control go ahead and do it.

So my plan is this: override the OnLoggedIn() method of the Login
control with my own custom method that changes the DestinationPageUrl
property of the Login control.

Here's the code (in my code-behind page, Login.aspx.cs):

void OnLoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (System.Web.Security.Roles.IsUserInRole ("engineers"))
Login1.DestinationPageUrl = "Engineering.aspx";
Login1.DestinationPageUrl = "Default.aspx";

Here's the ASP code for the control (Login.aspx):

<asp:Login ID="Login1" Runat="server"

I'm running into a few problems:

1) I know my method is overloading properly because whatever I put for
the Url under the 'else' statement is where I'm redirected to. This
means that the IsUserInRole() method is always returning false -- but
isn't the OnLoggedIn() method supposed to fire right after the user is
validated? Because of this, shouldn't the IsUserInRole() method work
since there's a current user to check?

2) If I'm redirected to the Login page so that there's a ReturnURL="..."
in the address bar, that ReturnURL seems to override the
DestinationPageURL property, which I thought I had read overrides all
default redirections. I guess this is wrong?

So basically, is it feasible to do this 'forking' via the Login control?
Or am I going to have to do it somewhere else.

Thanks in advance,
Steve Commisso

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