FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage question


Alex Nitulescu

Hi. I have two questions, please:

a) If I go DIRECTLY to Login, there's no Request.Params("ReturnURL"), and
therefore RedirectFromLogin won't work, because it will try to go to a page
named "Default", which in my case does not exist. Short of creating a
"mandatory" Default page, what can I do ? RedirectFromLogin not only
redirects me to whereever I came from, but it also creates a ticket - so how
can I still use it if the redirection part is not convenient in my case
(there's no Default.aspx page) ?
Should I check whether Request.Params("ReturnURL") is null, and in this case
set it somehow to the page I want the user to go after login ?
Request.Params("ReturnURL") is read-only !

b) If a user has several roles, how can I list them all ? Now I have some
ugly code like:

If User.IsInRole("Admin") Then
strRole &= "<li>Administrator"
End If
If User.IsInRole("Sales") Then
strRole &= "<li>Sales"
End If
If User.IsInRole("Support") Then
strRole &= "<li>Support"
End If
If User.IsInRole("Guest") Then
strRole &= "<li>Guest"
End If
lblRole.Text = User.Identity.Name & ", your application role is: <h2>" &
strRole & "</h2> !"

I'm asking this because of course there are ways to go around this, but I
wanted to encapsulate this "role" thing in global.asax in
Application_AuthenticateRequest. I could read again somewhere in my
application my "roles" XMLFile (or dbTable) and list all the roles for user
X, maybe even without checking for "IsInRole", but I'm looking for an
elegant, OO solution to this problem. Should I write a function which reads
all the roles for user X in an array and put this function in a module and
call it as well from Application_AuthenticateRequest as from wherever else I
need to list the roles for a specific user ?

Thank you for bearing with me.

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