FPC: Exception : Unknown Run-Time error : 210


Sa¹a Bistroviæ

Sa¹a Bistroviæ
Antuna Mihanviæa 13
40000 Èakovec
(e-mail address removed)-com.hr

FPC: Exception : Unknown Run-Time error : 210

Hi, I'm Sa¹a from Croatia.

And I have :

Windows XP PRO SP3.
Pentium II MMX 400MHz.
256 MB of RAM.

I tried to compile fp.pas.

But I get this error message :

'Running "c:\fpc\fpcbuild-2.2.0\fpcsrc\ide\fp.exe "'
'Starting value of ConsoleMode is $0000001F'
'Compiler Verison f p c b u i l d - 2 . 2 . 0 \ f p c s r c \ i d e \ f p .
e x e ' + same unknown exe characters as for GBD Verison
'GBD Verison f p c b u i l d - 2 . 2 . 0 \ f p c s r c \ i d e \ f p . e x
e ' + same unknown exe characters as for Compiler Verison
'Cygwin "C:\FPC\222A5D~1.0\BIN\I386-W~1\cygwin1.dll" version 1005.18.0.0'
'An unhandled exception occurred at $004A74E6'
'Exception : Unknown Run-Time error : 210'
' $004A74E6 TSWITCHES__ADDBOOLEANITEM, line 602 of
' $004A92F4 INITSWITCHES, line 1150 of
' $004020DF main, line 382 of c:/fpc/fpcbuild-2.2.0/fpcsrc/ide/fp.pas'

Sa¹a Bistroviæ

Sa¹a Bistroviæ said:
Sa¹a Bistroviæ
Antuna Mihanviæa 13
40000 Èakovec
(e-mail address removed)-com.hr

FPC: Exception : Unknown Run-Time error : 210

Hi, I'm Sa¹a from Croatia.

And I have :

Windows XP PRO SP3.
Pentium II MMX 400MHz.
256 MB of RAM.

I tried to compile fp.pas.

But I get this error message :

'Running "c:\fpc\fpcbuild-2.2.0\fpcsrc\ide\fp.exe "'
'Starting value of ConsoleMode is $0000001F'
'Compiler Verison f p c b u i l d - 2 . 2 . 0 \ f p c s r c \ i d e \ f p
. e x e ' + same unknown exe characters as for GBD Verison
'GBD Verison f p c b u i l d - 2 . 2 . 0 \ f p c s r c \ i d e \ f p . e
x e ' + same unknown exe characters as for Compiler Verison
'Cygwin "C:\FPC\222A5D~1.0\BIN\I386-W~1\cygwin1.dll" version 1005.18.0.0'
'An unhandled exception occurred at $004A74E6'
'Exception : Unknown Run-Time error : 210'
' $004A74E6 TSWITCHES__ADDBOOLEANITEM, line 602 of
' $004A92F4 INITSWITCHES, line 1150 of
' $004020DF main, line 382 of c:/fpc/fpcbuild-2.2.0/fpcsrc/ide/fp.pas'

What is right newsgroup for Free Pascal Compiler ?

Please HELP ! ! ! ! !

John Machin

What is right newsgroup for Free Pascal Compiler ?

Perhaps you were looking for comp.lang.pascal ... but you have arrived
at comp.lang.python.

Why bother with a newsgroup, when there seems to be a well-organised
website for FPC with a forum for answering questions? My googler led
me to http://community.freepascal.org:10000/ ... have a look for

On the other hand, if you are interested in a better language, please
do stay on here :)


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