


I am trying to set up a site so that the version of the domain redirects to the version. Normally, the following two lines in
the .htaccess file work for me, but they aren't working in this case. I'm
not sure what all those lines in the file below mean but I see word
"FrontPage"... After I fix this I have 22 pages of FrontPage HTML to fix :(

Any ideas why the first two lines aren't working?


# Sends all requests to www version of domain name

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

# Everything below this line is the original htaccess file

# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthUserFile /home/my_folder/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
AuthGroupFile /home/my_folder/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp


I am trying to set up a site so that the version of the domain redirects to the version. Normally, the following two lines in
the .htaccess file work for me, but they aren't working in this case. I'm
not sure what all those lines in the file below mean but I see word
"FrontPage"... After I fix this I have 22 pages of FrontPage HTML to fix :(

Any ideas why the first two lines aren't working?

ughh... I'm tired. Too many hours staring at the screen. Nevermind


(RewriteEngine On)

Mark Parnell

Previously in alt.html said:
I am trying to set up a site so that the version of the domain redirects to the version.

Why? Better to go the other way around IMHO.
# Sends all requests to www version of domain name

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

The following is what works for me:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Mark Parnell

Previously in alt.html said:
Thanks for your reply. Why do you find that way is better? I find that more people link to my
sites with the "www" so I figured I would use as few redirects as possible.

Did you have a look at the link I posted? While their view is a bit
extreme IMHO, the whole www thing does annoy me, in particular sites
where you have to include it or else you can't access the site. I
realise that's not what you are doing of course. :)

BTW: Please fix your newsreader to wrap lines at a more conventional
length. 76-78 characters is usual.


Did you have a look at the link I posted? While their view is a bit
extreme IMHO, the whole www thing does annoy me, in particular sites where
you have to include it or else you can't access the site. I realise that's
not what you are doing of course. :)

Sorry, I didn't realize that you were linking to a site. I thought that
was just an example. I've been staring at this computer for too long.
I'll check out the site.

BTW: Please fix your newsreader to wrap lines at a more conventional
length. 76-78 characters is usual.

Sorry about that. I started using Pan on Windows and it doens't work
right. Sometimes it deletes characters while I am typing and if I delete
words on the wrong part of the line it destroys the
wrapping. I wanted to stop using Outlook Express. I haven't had good
results with Thunderbird for newsgroups, and Forte Agent had some kind of
problem with the installation so it doesn't work even when I try to
reinstall it. Any recommendations for a better newsreader for Windows?
Pan is fine when I am in Linux but I usually have had to boot into Windows


Did you have a look at the link I posted? While their view is a bit
extreme IMHO, the whole www thing does annoy me, in particular sites where
you have to include it or else you can't access the site. I realise that's
not what you are doing of course. :)

I just read that page. I agree that all sites should be accessible by
typing either form, but I think it's better to redirect to one or the
other so that the search engines don't think you have "duplicate content".
I prefer the "www" because most people
give you inbound links with "www" and I don't want to redirect them all.
Sites that don't work without the "www" are terrible. does it
(sorry, "") and before I figured it out I thought that the
site was down. They are probably losing a lot of traffic because of it.

Toby Inkster

WD10 said:
Sorry about that. I started using Pan on Windows and it doens't work
right. Sometimes it deletes characters while I am typing and if I delete
words on the wrong part of the line it destroys the wrapping.

Are you using version It's a beta. Drop back to 0.14.2 -- it
doesn't have that bug.

There have been rumours that 0.15.0 will be out RSN.


Are you using version It's a beta. Drop back to 0.14.2 -- it
doesn't have that bug.

There have been rumours that 0.15.0 will be out RSN.

It's not the beta. It says 0.14.2.

I'm not sure what is wrong with it. If I could find a way to erase Forte
Agent completely off my hard drive... I can uninstall it but when I
reinstall it it remembers all the previous settings and is still broken.
I deleted everything out of Program Files but it doens't help. It's
probably in an application data folder somewhere...

Mark Parnell

I deleted everything out of Program Files but it doens't help. It's
probably in an application data folder somewhere...

It's probably in your Windows registry. Good luck clearing it out of
there. :)


Mark Parnell said:
It's probably in your Windows registry. Good luck clearing it out of
there. :)

Version 1.x stores nothing relevant in the registry, all config info is
contained in good old ini files stored with the program files. I changed
my hard drive a few months ago, Agent ran flawlessly after a simple copy
of the \Program Files\ dir.


Version 1.x stores nothing relevant in the registry, all config info is
contained in good old ini files stored with the program files. I changed
my hard drive a few months ago, Agent ran flawlessly after a simple copy
of the \Program Files\ dir.

Hmm... I just checked my Program Files directory again and it had some
data in there still. That might have been from the third install though.
I might try again now that I have deleted it. I think I did last time
though and Agent still remembered some things from the last install. It
might be storing non-required data somewhere that is interfering with my
reinstall. I'll try again later...

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