Futures in Ruby


Adam Sanderson

I was looking at the Io documentation, just to see what the language
looked like and saw the asynchronous support, pretty cool. Then it
sort of dawned on my how Futures worked, no it isn't all that
complicated, but I it's amazing what you can avoid thinking about. Who
knows, I think looking into the gaze of a new language, and reading too
much of _why's Redhanded is likely to provide random inspiration. So
here is a quick implementation of transparent futures in ruby. Two
1. Is it worth tossing this on RubyForge or some such place?
2. I'd like to use BlankSlate, but it's part of Builder, but it seems
silly for this to depend on all of the Builder gem, so for demo
purposes BlankSlate is pasted in and taken out of the Builder

To try it out do something like this:
require 'future'
f = Future.new{sleep 5; 10} # Returns immediately
f + 1 # 11 after a pause


# Copyright 2004 by Jim Weirich ([email protected]).
# All rights reserved.

# Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution,
# and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the
# above copyright notice is included.

# BlankSlate provides an abstract base class with no predefined
# methods (except for <tt>\_\_send__</tt> and <tt>\_\_id__</tt>).
# BlankSlate is useful as a base class when writing classes that
# depend upon <tt>method_missing</tt> (e.g. dynamic proxies).
class BlankSlate #:nodoc:
class << self
def hide(name)
undef_method name if
instance_methods.include?(name.to_s) and
name !~ /^(__|instance_eval)/

instance_methods.each { |m| hide(m) }

# Since Ruby is very dynamic, methods added to the ancestors of
# BlankSlate <em>after BlankSlate is defined</em> will show up in the
# list of available BlankSlate methods. We handle this by defining a
hook in the Object and Kernel classes that will hide any defined
module Kernel #:nodoc:
class << self
alias_method :blank_slate_method_added, :method_added
def method_added(name)
return if self != Kernel

class Object #:nodoc:
class << self
alias_method :blank_slate_method_added, :method_added
def method_added(name)
return if self != Object

# Future
# Adam Sanderson fooling around on 2006-01-07
class Future < BlankSlate
def initialize(*args, &block)
@__thread = Thread.new do
@__value = block.call(*args)

def __getobj__
if @__thread
@__thread = nil

def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
__getobj__.send sym, *args, &block

def inspect
(@__thread) ? "Unevaluated Future on #{@__thread.inspect}" :

Jacob Fugal

So here is a quick implementation of transparent futures in ruby.

Also see http://jacob.fugal.net/blog/4

There are some significant differences in implementation between mine
and yours, particularly that yours is a mix between futures and
asyncs. If I understand correctly (which I may not), the body of a
future shouldn't be executed until requested. This is important in
that the body of the future may have side effects that shouldn't be
invoked until requested. Thus starting the thread that calculates the
future right away isn't quite correct. But as a mix between futures
and asyncs, I can see how it might be useful.

Jacob Fugal

Adam Sanderson



I think the semantics in this case are just semantics. The difference
between a "future" being executed on request and being executed in the
background is merely the difference between two implementations of the
executor service the task was run under (another implementation might
even calculate the future up-front.)

Jacob Fugal

I think the semantics in this case are just semantics. The difference
between a "future" being executed on request and being executed in the
background is merely the difference between two implementations of the
executor service the task was run under (another implementation might
even calculate the future up-front.)

Not really. As I said, there may be side-effects that shouldn't occur
until the value is actually processed. As far as delayed effects, true
this wouldn't matter as much. But say the future wraps a
mathematically intensive operation that may or may not be used in the
program. I certainly want to put off that operation until I know I
need it. To be clear, I'm not arguing that this interpretation is more
correct -- an implementation that calculates the future as soon as
possible or even in advance can be just as useful. My claim is only
that the difference *is* significant.

Jacob Fugal

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