Gecko layout engines


Samuël van Laere

Just a couple of (perhaps stupid) questions:
But will all browsers that are using Mozilla's Gecko layout engine display
the same layout of a site?
Is there any point of installing multiple Gecko engine browsers (Netscape
and Mozilla for example) just to test a site?
Can i asume that a test on Mozilla will work on all Gecko based browsers?

David Dorward

Samuël van Laere said:
Just a couple of (perhaps stupid) questions:
But will all browsers that are using Mozilla's Gecko layout engine display
the same layout of a site?

All browsers that are using the same _version_ of the Gecko engine will
display a site in the same way.
Is there any point of installing multiple Gecko engine browsers (Netscape
and Mozilla for example) just to test a site?

Last I heard, Netscape was still based off 1.0, whilst the main Mozilla
project is up to 1.4. Now Netscape is dead, I doubt we'll see another
version of it - so Netscape users will be stuck on 1.0.

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