GetRows Mystery



I'm facing an odd behavior in using the GetRows Method. I'm not sure what's
causing it because it has been working fine until now.

I have a sproc that returns 1 row. I display the RS info on the page using a
DO-WHILE loop. All fields have values.

I then rerun the same sproc, but this time extract the values into an array
using getrows. I loop through the array and display the content of each
element on screen. However, from the 14 fields, fields 0, 1, 12, 13, & 14
have data and all else are empty.

This is all done in a simple test script, nothing fancy.

I checked carefully that i didn't mix index or anything else silly and well
as have someone else look at it.

I know this is a longshot, but has anyone seen this behavior before? Maybe
some component installed is causing this problem. Just thought I'll ask.

Thanks for any info.

Ray at

What kind of database? What types of data are those columns? Access/memo?

Ray at work


IN the code below, i try it using the array, then try it using the recorset.
In all, 14 fields are returned.

set rs = cn.execute("spGetInfo 10, 20")

'-- use this portion to display info via Recordset
if not rs.eof then
for i = 0 to 14
response.write i & ": " & rs(i) & "<br>"
end if

'-- use this portion to display info via Array
'if not rs.eof then
' ar = rs.getrows
' for i = 0 to ubound(ar,1)
' response.write i & ": " & ar(i,0) & "<br>"
' next
'end if

set rs = nothing


I use the getrows approach or the recordset method, not both at the same
time. I keep one of them commented.

Ray at

This code, after uncommenting it, works as expected for me. ? It's not an
html issue is it, where your results actually are coming back but they're
not displayed because of a missing quote or something, is it? View source?
Just grasping at straws.

Ray at work


No, it's not an html issue or something simple. I think it may have to do
with configuration or some other component on the server. I just thought
someone may have run across this.

Bob Barrows

I've never run into this. Can you provide a CREATE TABLE script for your
table along with the stored procedure's creation script and some sample data
so I can test this? It would really help if you provide the sample data in
the form of an insert statement:
INSERT table VALUES(,,,,)

Bob Barrows

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