Getting a list of all current variables in a Perl program


James E Keenan

From a 1997 posting by Randal L Schwartz on this list, I got the
following code as a way to get a list of all (or most ??) identifiers in
a program at a given point.

print "\n\n" .
Dumper ({
map {
(defined $$_ ? ("\$$_" => $$_) : ()),
(defined @$_ ? ("\@$_" => \@$_) : ()),
(defined %$_ ? ("\%$_" => \%$_) : ()),
} sort keys %{__PACKAGE__."::"}

1. Are there any better ways to approach this problem?
2. In addition to package variables, how can I get a list of the
lexical variables declared at a given point in a program? (I think this
means the content of the scratchpad(s)?)


Jim Keenan

John W. Krahn

James said:
From a 1997 posting by Randal L Schwartz on this list, I got the
following code as a way to get a list of all (or most ??) identifiers in
a program at a given point.

print "\n\n" .
Dumper ({
map {
(defined $$_ ? ("\$$_" => $$_) : ()),
(defined @$_ ? ("\@$_" => \@$_) : ()),
(defined %$_ ? ("\%$_" => \%$_) : ()),
} sort keys %{__PACKAGE__."::"}

1. Are there any better ways to approach this problem?
2. In addition to package variables, how can I get a list of the
lexical variables declared at a given point in a program? (I think this
means the content of the scratchpad(s)?)

perldoc B::Xref
perldoc B::Showlex


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