getting eclipse to recognize endorsed library over-rides (specifically, want it to pick up later ver


Chris Bedford

I am trying to get eclipse to pick up a later version of xalan than
that shipped wi/ my version of java sdk (1.4.2_01)

I have succeeded in getting this to work in ant and on the command
line by using <bootclasspath> in ant, and
-Djava.endorsed.dirs="…" on the command line.

I know my xalan.jar has the function definition I need (I even
disassembeled the byte codes with Decafe Pro -- a handy tool that
beats javap, BTW).

I put the xalan.jar file that I want the java compiler to use into:
$JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed (as per:

But eclipse does not pick up my xalan. (in particular it complains
about formatDate(String, String) being undefined for the type

Does anybody out there in eclipse land know the trick to use to
resolve this?

thanks very much in advance for your help,

Chris Bedford

here's an answer from my friend, Dan:

from cape clear's site:

To run the code generation tasks in your CSP file from within Eclipse
(or any IDE), you must be running Xalan XSLT processor version 2.4.0,
which is packaged with Cape Clear Studio. Eclipse automatically
detects a VM when it is installed. This could be JDK 1.4, which
includes Xalan version 2.2. You can replace this version of Xalan by
performing the following steps:
1. Copy the CapeClear/Server/lib/endorsed directory to the
jdk1.4/jre/lib directory of the default VM being used by Eclipse (even
if you have set your project to use a different JDK). For example,
with a default installation of Eclipse, the Detected VM directory
could be set to C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1. Copy the endorsed
directory into this location. You can find the Detected VM setting by
selecting Window, then Preferences, then Java, then Installed JREs.
Note: If this doesn't work, try removing the Detected VM and
restarting Eclipse. A new Detected VM will be set, which could be
different from the original one. Copy the endorsed directory into this
location. If the correct version of Xalan is still not being detected,
follow the steps in Running with Cape Clear Studios version of Ant.

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