Go visit Xah Lee's home page



Let's stop discussing about the perl-python non-sense. It is so boring.

For a break, just visit Mr Xah Lee's personal page
(http://xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah.html). You'll find lot of
funny information and quotes from this queer personality. Thankfully no
perl-python stuff there.

Don't miss Mr. Xah Lee's recent pictures at


My favor is the last picture. Long haired Xah Lee sitting contemplatively
in the living room. The caption says "my beautiful hair, fails to resolve
the problems of humanity. And, it is falling apart by age."


Let's stop discussing about the perl-python non-sense. It is so boring.

For a break, just visit Mr Xah Lee's personal page
(http://xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah.html). You'll find lot of
funny information and quotes from this queer personality. Thankfully no
perl-python stuff there.

Don't miss Mr. Xah Lee's recent pictures at


My favor is the last picture. Long haired Xah Lee sitting contemplatively
in the living room. The caption says "my beautiful hair, fails to resolve
the problems of humanity. And, it is falling apart by age."

And of each of us contributed something 50% as worthwhile as well
executed as his geometry pages to the Web, the Web would begin to
deliver 10% of its promise.

POST GET this ;)


Michael Goettsche

Let's stop discussing about the perl-python non-sense. It is so boring.

For a break, just visit Mr Xah Lee's personal page
(http://xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/xah.html). You'll find lot of
funny information and quotes from this queer personality. Thankfully no
perl-python stuff there.

Don't miss Mr. Xah Lee's recent pictures at


My favor is the last picture. Long haired Xah Lee sitting contemplatively
in the living room. The caption says "my beautiful hair, fails to resolve
the problems of humanity. And, it is falling apart by age."

I don't get why you guys blame Xah Lee as a person.
Ok, he posts some bullshit, but that doesn't make him a bad person. Read the
box about George Bush on his Homepage.. it shows that he is a well-thinking
person. So, don't blame him in general.


Daniel Bickett

I thought we had resolved to stop giving this troll so much negative
attention. Most of us know that that only increases the problem, and
yet now I see a handful of topics at the top-most of this list devoted
solely to him. I think we should go with the idea of a program that
tags his perl-python threads, and simply put him out of mind.

As for your statement in his defense, Michael, his "views" (if one
chooses to give him that much credit) are by no means profound. It
happens to be somewhat of a bandwagon to criticize Bush and cite those
very same "facts". Every now and then I'll get amused by what he is
doing with perl-python, and how he intentionally makes those mistakes,
but then when we have a real conversation it just makes me angry.

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