How do i hide status bar in firefox using java script only



How do i hide status bar in firefox using java script only Plz help me
iam new to this group.

Randy Webb

Srinu said the following on 11/28/2005 11:59 PM:
How do i hide status bar in firefox using java script only Plz help me
iam new to this group.

Since you are new to this group you may want to spend the time to read
the FAQ of this group and search the archives. There is a ton of useful
information there that will explain to you that you can't do what you
are asking, why you can't and why you shouldn't.
<URL: >

The Magpie

Srinu said:
How do i hide status bar in firefox using java script only Plz help me
iam new to this group.
You may wish to spend a little time with the group FAQ since I suspect
this very issue is covered there along with many others you may find
both interesting and helpful.

As for your current query - you don't. Firefox allows or prevents
anything you may want to do with the status bar and text. My own set-up
says "status bar must always be present and must always contain status
text". That, I am afraid, means you can't touch it - and if you were to
try, then you would be committing a serious criminal offence in the UK
which could land you in a British jail cell for up to 14 years!

In general, assume that either the way to do it is described in
Javascript itself (look at the ECMAScript pages on W3C) or in the pages
for the browser (in this case on the Mozilla web page). If it is not
there, then don't even try.

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