How to find a .class file in a bunch of JARs?


Owen Jacobson

'find' is definitely a must in the programmer toolbox, but there's a
little gotcha that I wanted to bring up here;

It's generally better to use the

{grep <pattern> `find <path> -name <filename-pattern> -print`}

Beware of tokenizing issues with this kind of command. Consider:

~/spacecase $ touch a\ b
~/spacecase $ touch c
~/spacecase $ find .
./a b

~/spacecase $ touch `find . -print` # using touch to illustrate
~/spacecase $ find .
./a b

This is probably a more common issue on Mac OS, where spaces are
normal, than on solaris, where spaces are supported but unusual.


Mark Space

maaxiim said:
It's generally better to use the

{grep <pattern> `find <path> -name <filename-pattern> -print`}


{find <path> -name <filename-pattern> -exec grep \{} \; -print}

for the simple reason that the first form will execute the grep once
for the generated list of names
matched by find, whereas the second form will launch a new instance of
grep for every file, which

That's a good point. I think everybody up-post was using pipes however,
which I think doesn't fork a new command per input line. (Or we would
have been using pipes, if I had remembered to put mine in.)

Just saying...

Mark Space

Owen said:
This is probably a more common issue on Mac OS, where spaces are
normal, than on solaris, where spaces are supported but unusual.

Also a good point. John did use print0, however, which uses null (0)
delineated strings, rather than print, which uses space delineated
strings. Xargs needs a -0 to interpret null delineated strings, I
assume that was just a typo in his command line.

find <path> -name \*jar -print0 | xargs -0t jar tf | grep ...

I believe this fixes the problem with spaces and all other special
characters in filenames (including newlines). I could be wrong about
that, I've only read the man pages, not tried it...

Xargs can be told via command-line parameters to "batch up" the strings
it receives so that it forks it's command argument less, or it can be
told to run the lines one at a time. This is pretty handy for
controlling how much forking it does. I think the default for xargs is
to buffer everything it can and run the command in one go. It only
spawns multiple commands if it runs out of buffer space.

John B. Matthews

Mark Space said:
Also a good point. John did use print0, however, which uses null (0)
delineated strings, rather than print, which uses space delineated
strings. Xargs needs a -0 to interpret null delineated strings, I
assume that was just a typo in his command line.

find <path> -name \*jar -print0 | xargs -0t jar tf | grep ...

"Typo" is a generous interpretation, but I got the command wrong! With
my -print0 and xargs -t, jar only sees the first found file. With
-print0 and xargs -0t, jar ignores the list of space-delimited
input-files if it includes more than one jar, at least on my
implementation. An alternative is to feed the results one at a time,
using the -n1 option:

find said:
I believe this fixes the problem with spaces and all other special
characters in filenames (including newlines).

Yes, but maaxiim was right, "...xargs is not so intuitive." :)


Mark Space

Harold said:
Except that there's a better, though less well known, alternative:

% find ... -exec grep pattern {} +

Notice the + instead of the \; - this has xargs semantics but without
the parsing flaws (or the non-intuitive nature) of xargs. In other words

Yup, it's right in the GNU man page too. In the ; version "The
specified command is run once for each matched file." but in the +
version "the command line is built by appending each selected file name
at the end; the total number of invocations of the command will be
much less than the number of matched files."

A good find.

There's some differences in the use of {} semantics for each version of
the command, but + seems like it will work in the vast majority of cases.

I think neither version will do exactly what I'd personally like: the
strings command is required for me. Jar doesn't list filenames in
addition to contents on the same line, and my grep doesn't seem to like
binary files.

I think:

find <path> -name \*jar -exec strings -f {} + | egrep ':.*<pattern>'

is still best for me. (Command line not tested.)

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