HTML Help!



I have a webpage that has a pic to the left top, and i want text a ways off
on that same line. I use dreamweaver to design and i cant space or tab it
over. I dont want to have to use frames. How to people get text and a pic on
the same line without having them be side by side. I notice sometimes that
dreamweaver wont even let me type text on the same line.



msk111 said:
I have a webpage that has a pic to the left top, and i want text a ways off
on that same line. I use dreamweaver to design and i cant space or tab it
over. I dont want to have to use frames. How to people get text and a pic on
the same line without having them be side by side. I notice sometimes that
dreamweaver wont even let me type text on the same line.

Use tables?

Sid Ismail

: I have a webpage that has a pic to the left top, and i want text a ways off
: on that same line. I use dreamweaver to design and i cant space or tab it
: over. I dont want to have to use frames. How to people get text and a pic on
: the same line without having them be side by side. I notice sometimes that
: dreamweaver wont even let me type text on the same line.

<img src="cow.gif" width=200 height=300 alt="cow jumping over moon"
hspace=20 vspace=10 align=left>The text on the right of the image goes
<br clear="all">


William Tasso

I have a webpage that has a pic to the left top, and i want text a
ways off on that same line.

loads of ways to achieve this. have you considered:

<div style="text-align:right;">
<img src="pic.gif" alt="good stuff" style="float:left;">
<span>some text over on the right</span>

or similar.

/aside: is that better? /
I use dreamweaver to design and i cant
space or tab it over.

we're talking about HTML (and CSS). xXPs noted but the choice of tool is
irrelevant in this instance.
I dont want to have to use frames.

How to
people get text and a pic on the same line without having them be
side by side. I notice sometimes that dreamweaver wont even let me
type text on the same line.

Every problem looks like a nail when you only have a hammer.


How would you choose how much the text moves over? I havent studied into
HTML a whole bunch.


I have a webpage that has a pic to the left top, and i want text a ways off
on that same line. I use dreamweaver to design and i cant space or tab it
over. I dont want to have to use frames. How to people get text and a pic on
the same line without having them be side by side. I notice sometimes that
dreamweaver wont even let me type text on the same line.


<!-- position change pixels (px)-->
<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; left:25px; top:410px; ">
<img src="your text or image .gif" border="0" alt="">

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