HTTP 401.1 - Unauthorized: Logon Failed Internet Information Services




Please help me out in one problem with ASP.NET page.

The scenario is something like that, my page contains one data grid and
that grid contains around 5000 records (no paging is there). When my
page loads, it takes a bit long time to show all the records and show
all the records properly. Up till now everything is fine, but when I
clicked any operation on same page (which raise some post back event)
then the IE ask me for user credentials (without any post back). I
supplied the proper administrator credential but it is asking endlessly
and when I clicked cancel it shows me error page "HTTP 401.1 -
Unauthorized: Logon Failed Internet Information Services".

I scratched my head and come to know that this might be an issue with
catching. As the page size is too long the .NET or the IIS trying to
cache the page is there memory and the ASP.Net user don't have
permission to write is that directory.

I tried with so many combinations like using anonymous access and
adding administrator user in IUSR_user and IWAM_user, but didn't get
any success.

Please any body suggests me how to approach this?

I am using IIS 5.0 with ASP.NET 1.1 and .Net Framework 1.1

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