I get syntax errors from RDParser example I found on internet



I got this recursive decent parser from:

I get this syntax error:
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:13: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting
g.operation /[+-*/]/

if I change that line to:
g.operation /[+-]/
that line no longer has an error, so the / and * threw it off

then I get an error on another line:

g.string %r(["'](.*?[^\]|.*?)["'])
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:15: warning: character class has `[' without
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:15: unmatched :) /["'](.*?[^\]|.*?)["']/

Any ideas on what to change to make it work ?



require 'rdparser'

parser = RDParser.new do |g|
g.main 'line(s)'
g.line 'expression separator(?) comment(?)'
g.comment '"#" rest_of_line'
g.rest_of_line /.+$/
g.separator /;/
g.expression 'term operation expression | term'
g.term 'number | variable | string | brkt_expression'
g.brkt_expression '"(" expression ")"'
g.number /d+(.d+)?/
g.operation /[+-*/]/
g.variable /[a-z][a-z0-9]*/
g.string %r(["'](.*?[^\]|.*?)["'])

content = %q{
(34 - 3) * 42; # Comment here..
"a" + "bcd"

syntax_tree = parser.parse:)main, content)
puts RDParser.text_syntax_tree(syntax_tree)


I got this recursive decent parser from:http://www.rubyinside.com/recursive-descent-parser-for-ruby-300.html

I get this syntax error:
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:13: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting
g.operation /[+-*/]/

if I change that line to:
g.operation /[+-]/
that line no longer has an error, so the / and * threw it off

then I get an error on another line:

g.string %r(["'](.*?[^\]|.*?)["'])
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:15: warning: character class has `[' without
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:15: unmatched :) /["'](.*?[^\]|.*?)["']/

In the first, you need the - at the beginning of the (or escaped with
a backslash) or Ruby interprets it as a character range. You also need
to escape the first forward slash or Ruby interprets it as the end of
the Regex. So:


In the second, the backslash needs to be escaped. If it isn't, then it
is used to escape the following ] so the character class isn't closed
until the final ] which is just wrong. So:


Consider both issues were due to missing backslashes, they were
probably originally correct. I guess somewhere along the way the
backslashes were interpreted as escape characters and didn't make it
to the final page.



I get this syntax error:
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:13: syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting
g.operation /[+-*/]/
if I change that line to:
g.operation /[+-]/
that line no longer has an error, so the / and * threw it off
then I get an error on another line:
g.string %r(["'](.*?[^\]|.*?)["'])
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:15: warning: character class has `[' without
C:/rb-play/parser/try.rb:15: unmatched :) /["'](.*?[^\]|.*?)["']/

In the first, you need the - at the beginning of the (or escaped with
a backslash) or Ruby interprets it as a character range. You also need
to escape the first forward slash or Ruby interprets it as the end of
the Regex. So:


In the second, the backslash needs to be escaped. If it isn't, then it
is used to escape the following ] so the character class isn't closed
until the final ] which is just wrong. So:


Consider both issues were due to missing backslashes, they were
probably originally correct. I guess somewhere along the way the
backslashes were interpreted as escape characters and didn't make it
to the final page.


That first one I had tried before and it didn't work, but if I move
the * to the begining it does work:

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