I know which sites you visited by your bookmark icons!


Raistlin Majere

Not really, but how can I protect my privacy from bookmark icon
updating? Can you open the code to the author of the Stealther

Raistlin Majere

Raistlin Majere said the following on 5/18/2007 11:25 PM:

I already knew you couldn't. I only read this message to see if you
thought you actually could.

What is "bookmark icon updating"?

I used the old version of Yahoo! Bookmarks to backup my bookmarks,
then I lost my bookmarks, then I imported my backedup bookmarks, but
it had not saved the icons, so everytime I visit a bookmarked site,
the bookmark icon is turned from default into an updated one.

I thought my problem was happening to others, but I was not thinking

Do you know a solution to my problem? Does any extension makes all
bookmark icons always default or updated?

Raistlin Majere

Open what code? And what is "Stealther extension"?

I forgot the last two questions. I will start from the Stealther
extension question.

If you visit adult sites and share your computer with others, you have
to keep deleting history, but there is an other solution.

With Stealther, when you visit an adult site, you do not leave a track
in your computer, so you do not have to erase history, because it was
never there.

The problem is that I needed Stealther to erase boomkmark icons too
and now I am in one big patience trouble! I have to visit and wait for
the loading of my bookmarked sites one-by-one, because it is after
loading that the bookmark icon is updated.

Now, the open code question. I wanted an extension that would make all
bookmark icons always default or updated. I do not know javascript,
but I know that extensions are programmed in javascript, so I wanted
somebody from here to program the feature that I needed in Stealther
and open the code to the author of Stealther.

I am wondering if del.icio.us has the same problem than the old
version of Yahoo! Bookmarks. It would be useful to make a feature like
that if del.icio.us has the same problem.

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