I want to develop a platform (should be both an app and a website but firstly an app) that for all practical purposes will have a similar GUI to that of Waze for example.
It will be a map-based interface in which the user could perform some action and get some information about locations within the map.
How should I go about it if I know some python? Is there a recommended framework (such as kivy for example- which seemed a bit cheap to me but maybe youll argue that) that I should use?
Or would you think JS might be a better alternative to such a task?
It will be a map-based interface in which the user could perform some action and get some information about locations within the map.
How should I go about it if I know some python? Is there a recommended framework (such as kivy for example- which seemed a bit cheap to me but maybe youll argue that) that I should use?
Or would you think JS might be a better alternative to such a task?