if/else statement for perl script?


Stuart H

Since bash is horrible at date statements i had to convert my bash script
to perl....now i have a headache.. I had help to convert but now in
modifying i have messed it up..

i'm checking a returned value from a sql query and comparing it against
the date.
The two possible output types

[bluemoon@monitor]$ /usr/local/bin/sqsh -Uuser -Ppassword -S sql1 -h -i test.sql
[bluemoon@monitor]$ /usr/local/bin/sqsh -Usql1_replicator -Pkaiisdead -S mtsql1 -h -i test.sql
0 2003110311:53:42/298

i am usure as to how to include a if $SQLOutput= null then exit, else...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Date::Calc qw(Delta_DHMS);
use Date::Calc qw(Delta_Days);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
require Symbol;

$SENDMAIL_EXEC = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; # Path to sendmail(8)
$BLUEMOON_RECV_EMAIL = '(e-mail address removed)';
my $bluemoon_sender = "bluemoon_monitor\@domain.com";

my @today = (strftime("%Y", localtime(time)),strftime("%m", localtime(time)), strftime("%d", localtime(time)),strftime("%H", localtime(time)),strftime("%M", localtime(time)),strftime("%S", localtime(time)));
my @timestamp;

my $day;
my $year;
my $month;
my $hour;
my $minutes;
my $seconds;
my $Dd;
my $Dh;
my $Dm;
my $Ds;

my $SQLOutput;
my $zero;

my $bluemoon_body;

$SQLOutput=`/usr/local/bin/sqsh -Uuser -Ppassword -S sql1 -h -i bluemoon.sql`;

if ($SQLOutput = null then exit; else < ------- not sure how to do this in

/(.)(.)(........)(....)(..)(..)(..)(.)(..)(.)(..)(....)/) { $zero = $2;
$year = $4; $month = $5; $day = $6; $hour = $7; $minutes = $9; $seconds = $11; }
@timestamp = ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minutes, $seconds);
($Dd,$Dh,$Dm,$Ds) = Delta_DHMS(@timestamp,@today);

if (($Dd > 0 || $Dh > 0 || $Dm > 10) && $zero == 0 ) {
$bluemoon_body = join('',"Blue Moon Timestamp Check has
failed!\n\nThe UPLOADED Field = ",$zero,"\nThere has not been an update
in ", $Dd," days, ", $Dh," hours and ", $Dm," minutes.\n\nPlease restart
the interface or investigate\n\nBluemoon TimeStamp:
",@timestamp,"\nCurrent Timestamp: ",@today);

my $SEND_MAIL = Symbol->gensym;
open($SEND_MAIL, "|-") ||
exec($SENDMAIL_EXEC, '-i', '-t', "-f$bluemoon_sender");
print $SEND_MAIL <<"EOF";
Date: @today
From: $bluemoon_sender
Subject: Blue Moon is Down!


Thanks for any help

Roy Johnson

First of all, this is no longer a valid public newsgroup. You will
reach more people at comp.lang.perl.misc

Stuart H said:
i am usure as to how to include a if $SQLOutput= null then exit, else...

exit if $SQLOutput eq '';
would do it, if SQLOutput will really be empty: no newlines,
whitespace, etc. Otherwise, it might be better to do
exit if $SQLOutput =~ /^\s*$/;

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Roy said:
First of all, this is no longer a valid public newsgroup. You will
reach more people at comp.lang.perl.misc

To which group OP posted as well yesterday. A case of multi-posting.
You answered in clpmisc as well, btw. :)

To Stuart: Do *not* multi-post!


You've got a working shell script.

Why not just go with that ?

Just use Perl to create the date.

If that's what you really want ....

For example, if the following is the code to ~/bin/todays_date.pl :


use POSIX qw(strftime);

my @today = (strftime("%Y", localtime(time)),strftime("%m",
localtime(time)), strftime("%d", localtime(time)),strftime("%H",
localtime(time)),strftime("%M", localtime(time)),strftime("%S",
print @today[0] . '/' . @today[1] . '/' . @today[2];

Then get the date into a shell variable using this syntax (note the
parenthesis) :


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