IIS losing connection to Oracle



Following is a logon.asp script. This script works when
IIS is reset each day. The epapi object is a vendor api
program I do not have the code for! The logon process
involves three servers: the IIS server, a Novell Server
with executable programs on it including the API program,
and an Oracle server. The logon sequence is to use the
IIS anonymous user account to access the Novell Server
which in turn instructs the API programs as to the Oracle
instance to use. The Oracle tables contain user names,
applications, etc. The Novell Server only contains the
executable programs.

Each night both the Novell server and the Oracle server
are taken off-line and backed up.

Whereas I can login during the day, when the next day
arrives I fail the login and get messages similar
to "Can't connect to Oracle".

Is there a way to have IIS reestablish the connections it
is losing over night?

-------------part of ASP script ---------------------

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!--#include file="lib/redirect.asp"-->

nResult = epapi.Logon(Request.Form("cUsername"),

if nResult > 0 then
Session.Contents("loggedin") = true
Session.Contents("username") = Request.Form("cUsername")
Select Case nResult
Case -1
strError = "Invalid username or password"
Case -2
strError = "Missing license for Internet
Retrieval Module"
Case -3
strError = "User limit exceeded"
Case Else
strError = "Unknown error (" & CStr(nResult)
& ")"
End Select


Following is a logon.asp script. This script works when
IIS is reset each day. The epapi object is a vendor api
program I do not have the code for! The logon process
involves three servers: the IIS server, a Novell Server
with executable programs on it including the API program,
and an Oracle server. The logon sequence is to use the
IIS anonymous user account to access the Novell Server
which in turn instructs the API programs as to the Oracle
instance to use. The Oracle tables contain user names,
applications, etc. The Novell Server only contains the
executable programs.

Each night both the Novell server and the Oracle server
are taken off-line and backed up.

Whereas I can login during the day, when the next day
arrives I fail the login and get messages similar
to "Can't connect to Oracle".

Is there a way to have IIS reestablish the connections it
is losing over night?

-------------part of ASP script ---------------------

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!--#include file="lib/redirect.asp"-->

nResult = epapi.Logon(Request.Form("cUsername"),

if nResult > 0 then
Session.Contents("loggedin") = true
Session.Contents("username") = Request.Form("cUsername")
Select Case nResult
Case -1
strError = "Invalid username or password"
Case -2
strError = "Missing license for Internet
Retrieval Module"
Case -3
strError = "User limit exceeded"
Case Else
strError = "Unknown error (" & CStr(nResult)
& ")"
End Select

The code is insufficient to identify the Oracle part of the problem..What exact error do you get ( 'similar to' is not
precise enough) - provide both text and number if possible.

It appears that when Oracle is shutdown for backup ( which is not necessary, it can be backed up while running) - it
causes the IIS connection to fail ( for good reason) and apparently is not allowing IIS to reconnect when its logon
script is run each day..Does it run before Oracle has fully restarted? - Is the Connection tested first ?

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