Independent Web.config for different applications


Dominic Messenger

I have a webservice that is implemented as an IIS application. What I
now need to do is scale this up as 10 separate webservices (identical
codebase), with 10 different web.config files as 10 separate IIS
applications. I can do this by copying the code 10 times, and
providing unique config files, but this is prone to error.

What I want to be able to do is have a single code base, and override
the web.config on an application by application basis. The base
web.config can contain default information, with each application
storing it's unique settings separately.

How do I go about this ? I understand the Configuration inheritance
model, but everything talks about virtual directories - what I want
are separate, independent applications, accessed independently.


Can't you just have a hierarchical web.config file? This is fairly easy to
You need to create a section handler.

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