index a vector of properties



i need a class whose interface allows the class to be interrogated at
runtime by a client with no prior knowledge of the implementation.
i've accomplished this with an abstract base class Object which
contains a vector of properties, the Property class is declared as

template < class Name, class Type > class Property {...}

which the Object class uses like this

std::vector < Property < std::string, boost::any > > properties_;

there is a library of classes descended from Object. Each derived
class always writes the same names and types to its property vector,
for example an instance of class ObjectCar might say

properties_.push_back(Property < std::string, boost::any >
("color", "blue"));
properties_.push_back(Property < std::string, boost::any >
("numWheels", 4));

suppose you have a client process which knows about Objects but not
about ObjectCars. that process could receive an Object* pointing to an
ObjectCar and the process could interrogate the property vector to find
the names, types, and values it contains.

That's the design and it does what I need. The issue is, for a given
class such as ObjectCar, the 0th element of the vector is always a
property with name "color", what's an elegant way to fix this
relationship, given the completely abstract implementation of the base

at the moment i say

#define INDEX_COLOR 0
#define NAME_COLOR "color"

So code within ObjectCar, or within a client process which happens to
know the implementation of ObjectCar, might say

cout << "name = " << NAME_COLOR << "
value = " << boost::any_cast< std::string >(properties_[INDEX_COLOR]())
<< endl;

is there a better way to handle the case where the index and name of an
item in the property vector are known at compile time?



thanks very much for getting back to me.

i agree that
map < std::string, boost::any >
represents the problem more directly. thanks for that.

but i still have the problem that every ObjectCar has
propertyMap_["color"] = xxx
so i still have that magic string "color" kicking around. i'd like to
find a way to formalize the keys in ObjectCar's property map while
still leaving the base Object class totally abstract.

any feedback gratefully received.


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