IP Address to Decimal - is an one-liner possible?


Tiago Pinto

Hi guys,

A friend of mine needs to convert a string containing an IP Address
(such as "") to a decimal (that example would translate to
2130706433, <http://www.allredroster.com/iptodec.htm> said).

We got a solution (that can easily be written in 2 lines):

ip_d = 0 # let's start with zero
ip_s = "" # this our ip address as a string
ip_a = ip_s.split(".") # now it's an array
ip_i = ip_a.map{|i| i.to_i} # an array of ints
ip_i.reverse! # let's reverse so we can use the array's indexes as the
exponents when translating from base 256 to base 10)
ip_i.each_with_index{|e,i| ip_d += e*(256**i)} # this is pure math,
we're just changing bases here

Our challenge (between me and my friend) was getting an one-liner for
this. I think it'd be easy with something like Array#map_with_index or
Array#inject_with_index because we use the indexes, here.

What do you think? There's a way to do this? Is this just a silly question?

I know, we should be working, but we both love Ruby.

Tiago Pinto
Partner, Developer and Event Coordinator - Webreakstuff
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Company: http://webreakstuff.com/
Personal blog: http://whythehype.com/

Christopher Swasey

Hi guys,

A friend of mine needs to convert a string containing an IP Address
(such as "") to a decimal (that example would translate to
2130706433, <http://www.allredroster.com/iptodec.htm> said).

We got a solution (that can easily be written in 2 lines):

ip_d = 0 # let's start with zero
ip_s = "" # this our ip address as a string
ip_a = ip_s.split(".") # now it's an array
ip_i = ip_a.map{|i| i.to_i} # an array of ints
ip_i.reverse! # let's reverse so we can use the array's indexes as the
exponents when translating from base 256 to base 10)
ip_i.each_with_index{|e,i| ip_d += e*(256**i)} # this is pure math,
we're just changing bases here

Our challenge (between me and my friend) was getting an one-liner for
this. I think it'd be easy with something like Array#map_with_index or
Array#inject_with_index because we use the indexes, here.

What do you think? There's a way to do this? Is this just a silly question?

Use #inject, and instead of indexes rely on the size of the memo array:

"".split(".").map { |i| i.to_i }.reverse.inject([]) { |memo,
part| memo << part * (256 ** memo.size) }.inject(0) { |memo, part|
memo += part }



Our challenge (between me and my friend) was getting an one-liner for
this. I think it'd be easy with something like Array#map_with_index or
Array#inject_with_index because we use the indexes, here.

You already have the answer. Chain the calls that you have. It can
get a bit shorter, though:

$ ruby -e 'puts "".split(".").inject(0){|s,i| s+=i.to_i; s*=256}/256'


Gregory Seidman

A friend of mine needs to convert a string containing an IP Address
(such as "") to a decimal (that example would translate to
2130706433, <http://www.allredroster.com/iptodec.htm> said).

We got a solution (that can easily be written in 2 lines):

ip_d = 0 # let's start with zero
ip_s = "" # this our ip address as a string
ip_a = ip_s.split(".") # now it's an array
ip_i = ip_a.map{|i| i.to_i} # an array of ints
ip_i.reverse! # let's reverse so we can use the array's indexes as the
exponents when translating from base 256 to base 10)
ip_i.each_with_index{|e,i| ip_d += e*(256**i)} # this is pure math,
we're just changing bases here

Our challenge (between me and my friend) was getting an one-liner for
this. I think it'd be easy with something like Array#map_with_index or
Array#inject_with_index because we use the indexes, here.

What do you think? There's a way to do this? Is this just a silly question?

I know, we should be working, but we both love Ruby.

ip_s.split('.').inject(0) { |t,v| v.to_i + t*256 }

Chiyuan Zhang

addr.split(".").zip([256**3,256**2,256,1]).inject(0) { |sum, a| sum +
a[0].to_i*a[1] }


and this (less efficient):

eval(addr.split(".").inject("0") { |exp, num| "(#{exp})*256+#{num}" })

Ben Bleything

Hi guys,

A friend of mine needs to convert a string containing an IP Address
(such as "") to a decimal (that example would translate to
2130706433, <http://www.allredroster.com/iptodec.htm> said).

What do you think? There's a way to do this? Is this just a silly question?

Check it:

require 'ipaddr'
IPAddr.new( '' ).to_i
=> 2130706433

So, you can do this:

superx ~ > ruby -ripaddr -e 'puts IPAddr.new( "" ).to_i'



Alex Shulgin

What do you think? There's a way to do this? Is this just a silly question?

I know, we should be working, but we both love Ruby.

Everybody replied already, still I think left-shift deserves

"".split('.').inject(0) { |s,x| (s << 8) + x.to_i }
=> 2130706433

Ryan Davis

Everybody replied already, still I think left-shift deserves

"".split('.').inject(0) { |s,x| (s << 8) + x.to_i }
=> 2130706433

It does, and it is the only inject form I consider valid. However,
converting it to map leads to a 20-25% reduction in time.

Ara's pack/unpack is always what I intuitively reach for in a problem
like this, but it turns out to be more expensive than a simple map/
left-shift form. IPAddr is very powerful, but there is a cost to that
power (parsing every IP form under the sun). If I needed anything more
than JUST converting to/from ints I'd use IPAddr.

# of iterations = 100000
user system total real
null_time 0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 ( 0.017184)
split/map/<<+ 1.040000 0.000000 1.040000 ( 1.042783)
split/map/pack/unpack 1.180000 0.000000 1.180000 ( 1.177197)
split/inject/<<+ 1.310000 0.000000 1.310000 ( 1.308850)
split/inject/+* 1.430000 0.010000 1.440000 ( 1.436653)
split/inject/+*= 1.640000 0.000000 1.640000 ( 1.637948)
split/zip/inject/+* 2.290000 0.000000 2.290000 ( 2.288469)
ohdeargodno 2.670000 0.000000 2.670000 ( 2.678789)
ipaddr/to_i 3.940000 0.010000 3.950000 ( 3.950504)

# of iterations = 1000000
user system total real
null_time 0.130000 0.000000 0.130000 ( 0.131523)
split/map/<< 10.490000 0.010000 10.500000 ( 10.578584)
split/map/pack/unpack 12.360000 0.010000 12.370000 ( 12.383726)
split/inject/<< 14.130000 0.030000 14.160000 ( 14.202936)
split/inject/+* 15.700000 0.040000 15.740000 ( 15.872160)
split/inject/+*= 18.000000 0.050000 18.050000 ( 18.176626)
split/zip/inject/+* 25.290000 0.060000 25.350000 ( 25.530274)
ohdeargodno 28.350000 0.070000 28.420000 ( 28.551007)
ipaddr/to_i 41.570000 0.080000 41.650000 ( 41.822529)

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

require 'benchmark'
require 'ipaddr'

max = (ARGV.shift || 1_000_000).to_i

puts "# of iterations = #{max}"
Benchmark::bm(22) do |x|
x.report("null_time") do
for i in 0..max do
# do nothing

x.report("split/map/<<+") do
for i in 0..max do
ip = 0
"".split('.').map { |n| ip = (ip << 8) + n.to_i }

x.report("split/map/pack/unpack") do
for i in 0..max do
"".split(".").map{|s| s.to_i }.pack("C*").unpack("N")

x.report("split/inject/<<+") do
for i in 0..max do
"".split('.').inject(0) { |s,n| (s << 8) + n.to_i }

x.report("split/inject/+*") do
for i in 0..max do
''.split('.').inject(0) { |t,v| v.to_i + t*256 }

x.report("split/inject/+*=") do
for i in 0..max do
"".split(".").inject(0) { |s,i| s+=i.to_i; s *=
256 } / 256

x.report("split/zip/inject/+*") do
for i in 0..max do
''.split(".").zip([256**3,256**2,256,1]).inject(0) { |
sum, a| sum + a[0].to_i*a[1] }

x.report("ohdeargodno") do
for i in 0..max do
"".split(".").map { |i| i.to_i }.reverse.inject([]) { |
memo, part| memo << part * (256 ** memo.size) }.inject(0) { |memo,
part| memo += part }

x.report("ipaddr/to_i") do
for i in 0..max do
IPAddr.new( '' ).to_i

Ben Bleything

Ara's pack/unpack is always what I intuitively reach for in a problem
like this, but it turns out to be more expensive than a simple map/
left-shift form. IPAddr is very powerful, but there is a cost to that
power (parsing every IP form under the sun). If I needed anything more
than JUST converting to/from ints I'd use IPAddr.

# of iterations = 100000
user system total real
null_time 0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 ( 0.017184)
split/map/<<+ 1.040000 0.000000 1.040000 ( 1.042783)
split/map/pack/unpack 1.180000 0.000000 1.180000 ( 1.177197)
split/inject/<<+ 1.310000 0.000000 1.310000 ( 1.308850)
split/inject/+* 1.430000 0.010000 1.440000 ( 1.436653)
split/inject/+*= 1.640000 0.000000 1.640000 ( 1.637948)
split/zip/inject/+* 2.290000 0.000000 2.290000 ( 2.288469)
ohdeargodno 2.670000 0.000000 2.670000 ( 2.678789)
ipaddr/to_i 3.940000 0.010000 3.950000 ( 3.950504)

Awesome! Glad to see I was able to provide the slowest solution ;)


Christopher Swasey

Awesome! Glad to see I was able to provide the slowest solution ;)


In my defence (ohdeargodno was my response), I focused on squeezing
the existing logic/train of thought into a single line, rather than
rewriting for efficiency. (Not that I'd have necessarily fared better
had that been a concern.)



It does, and it is the only inject form I consider valid. However,
converting it to map leads to a 20-25% reduction in time.

Since we aren't using map's result, why not each?

# of iterations = 1000000
user system total real
null_time 0.218000 0.000000 0.218000 ( 0.219000)
split/each/<<+ 24.516000 0.140000 24.656000 ( 24.703000)
split/map/<<+ 26.109000 0.172000 26.281000 ( 26.281000)
split/inject/<<+ 30.797000 0.172000 30.969000 ( 31.000000)

Being an FP nut used to using folds, I'm always a little annoyed that
inject fares so poorly in these things; mainly we're just lacking a
C implementation of Array#inject.


William James

It does, and it is the only inject form I consider valid.

What you consider valid is of no importance.
converting it to map leads to a 20-25% reduction in time.

Using map for this is invalid if anything is.
Ara's pack/unpack is always what I intuitively reach for in a problem
like this,

Pack/unpack is far less intuitive than inject (to a normal
but it turns out to be more expensive than a simple map/
left-shift form. IPAddr is very powerful, but there is a cost to that
power (parsing every IP form under the sun). If I needed anything more
than JUST converting to/from ints I'd use IPAddr.

We don't care what you'd use. What made you think that
we do?

Premature optimization is moronic. So it's probable that
nothing can dissuade you.

for i in 0..max do

Don't come back until you know how to speak Ruby.

Lionel Bouton

William said:
Don't come back until you know how to speak Ruby.

In fact there could be a technical reason to use this syntax in this
particular context. I'll let you reflect on that.

But anyway, MINSWAN.


You may want to reconsider that attitude. Doesn't really pay to
question the credentials of long-standing members of this community.

William had complained about code which was in fact syntactically
valid and correct, and did so in a particularly rude way.

Social standing shouldn't be the issue here.


Ben Bleything

William had complained about code which was in fact syntactically
valid and correct, and did so in a particularly rude way.

Social standing shouldn't be the issue here.

True enough! I was primarily taking exception to telling Ryan not to
come back until he learned Ruby, in particular because it *was* Ryan (or
indeed any other person with similar experience.) I see your point, though.


Ryan Davis

# of iterations = 1000000
user system total real
null_time 0.218000 0.000000 0.218000 ( 0.219000)
split/each/<<+ 24.516000 0.140000 24.656000 ( 24.703000)
split/map/<<+ 26.109000 0.172000 26.281000 ( 26.281000)
split/inject/<<+ 30.797000 0.172000 30.969000 ( 31.000000)

Being an FP nut used to using folds, I'm always a little annoyed that
inject fares so poorly in these things; mainly we're just lacking a
C implementation of Array#inject.

coming back to this point... what do you mean by we're missing a C
impl of Array#inject? Granted, the impl is on Enumerable, but I
wouldn't think it would make THAT much of a difference... But I try my
best not to speculate (ever), so...

(my C coding skills absolutely suck these days, please point out

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

require 'benchmark'
require 'ipaddr'
$: << File.expand_path("~/Work/p4/zss/src/RubyInline/dev/lib")
require 'inline'

class Array
inline do |builder|
builder.c_raw <<-EOF
VALUE new_inject(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
long max = RARRAY(self)->len;
long i = argc ? 0 : 1;
VALUE memo = argc ? argv[0] : RARRAY(self)->ptr[0];

for (i; i < max; i++) {
memo = rb_yield_values(2, memo, RARRAY(self)->ptr);

return memo;

p "".split('.').inject(0) { |s,n| (s << 8) + n.to_i }
p "".split('.').new_inject(0) { |s,n| (s << 8) + n.to_i }

max = (ARGV.shift || 1_000_000).to_i

# # of iterations = 1000000
# user system total real
# null_time 0.130000 0.000000 0.130000 ( 0.129965)
# split/each/<< 10.940000 0.010000 10.950000 ( 10.968329)
# split/inject/<< 15.280000 0.020000 15.300000 ( 15.330062)
# split/new_inject/<< 15.020000 0.070000 15.090000 ( 15.629343)

puts "# of iterations = #{max}"
Benchmark::bm(22) do |x|
x.report("null_time") do
for i in 0..max do
# do nothing

x.report("split/each/<<") do
for i in 0..max do
ip = 0
"".split('.').each { |n| ip = (ip << 8) + n.to_i }

x.report("split/inject/<<") do
for i in 0..max do
"".split('.').inject(0) { |s,n| (s << 8) + n.to_i }

x.report("split/new_inject/<<") do
for i in 0..max do
"".split('.').new_inject(0) { |s,n| (s << 8) + n.to_i }

William James

Hi guys,

A friend of mine needs to convert a string containing an IP Address
(such as "") to a decimal (that example would translate to
2130706433, <http://www.allredroster.com/iptodec.htm> said).

''.split('.').zip([3,2,1].map{|n| "*256**#{n}+"}).join

eval ''.split('.').zip([3,2,1].map{|n| "*256**#{n}+"}).join

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