Is it better to use class variables or pass parameters?


Derek Basch

This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a "self" in
front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method
or should I pass around variable between the methods?


jk, I really do want other opinions.


Mc Osten

This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a "self" in
front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method
or should I pass around variable between the methods?

I think there is no clear "general" answer. A criterion could be that
instance variables should be those who define the state of the object, that
define its "meaning".

About the others to me it's a matter of taste.

Dave Benjamin

This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a "self" in
front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method
or should I pass around variable between the methods?

As a general rule, I only turn a parameter into an instance variable when
it would otherwise be a parameter of all (or nearly all) methods. Though
this is perhaps an overly mechanical perspective, I like to think of
instance variables as implicit parameters to every method. It helps me
keep scope under control and encourages better cohesion.

Steven D'Aprano

This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a "self" in
front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method
or should I pass around variable between the methods?

That depends on whether the variable is conceptually an attribute of the
instance or a parameter.

Attributes of the instance should be made instance attributes by (as you
put it) slapping a "self" in front of it. Parameters of the methods should
be passed around as arguments to the methods.

Terry Hancock

This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a
"self" in front of any variable that will be used by more
than one class method or should I pass around variable
between the methods?

My first reaction was that they should always be object
properties -- that passing values between methods of the
same object is always a bad idea. But on further reflection,
I'm not sure that's really the rule I use, so here's a
better attempt:

Are the values in question properties of the object?

If I make two calls to the object from unrelated processes,
should those values be the same, or different for each

If they need to be different for each caller, then you might
need to pass them around. If however, they are the same
because it's the same object, then they ought to be
expressed as properties of the object.

It's funny, I've never actually had any doubts about
which to use in practice, it always seems obvious, so
it's hard to recall what my actual thought process is
on the subject.

James Stroud

Derek said:
This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a "self" in
front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method
or should I pass around variable between the methods?


jk, I really do want other opinions.


I tend to think in terms of states. If a quantity/attribute is important
for the state of an object, then it should be an instance variable. If
it can be calculated from the state, then it can be made a read-only
property, etc. If it is irrelevant to the state of an object, it
probably should belong to another object or should be a global.

Here is an example from chemistry:

densities = {'H2O' : 1.0, 'Hg' : 13.6}

class CupOfLiquid(object):
def __init__(self, liquid, volume):
self.liquid = liquid
self.volume = volume
def spill(self, spill_vol):
newvol = self.volume - spill_vol
if newvol < 0:
raise SpillError, "Can't spill that much!"
self.volume = newvol
def get_mass(self):
return densities[self.liquid] * self.volume
mass = property(get_mass)

Notice that it would be quite awkward to remember the volume state of a
CupOfLiquid instance between method calls. One would need a global to do
this, which defeats the purpose of using classes (i.e. object
orientation). Notice also that the value of densities is independent of
the state of any CupOfLiquid instance, so it is a global.

As an exercise, try threading this object for evaporation. Hint, you
might need a "lid_closed" attribute.


Duncan Booth

Derek said:
This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a "self" in
front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method
or should I pass around variable between the methods?

Try to distinguish the state of the object from the parameters to methods.

An object should always have a consistent state. Say you call a method, and
that method calls a bunch of other methods. At almost any point during
those method calls execution can leak out to other bits of code (e.g. you
might think you are adding two values, but perhaps they have a user defined
addition operator) and that other code might just call methods on the same
object. This might not happen much in practice, but I think that if you
imagine all method calls as potentially happening in parallel it avoids a
lot of problems.

So, for example, if you had a method which returned a formatted
representation of something, and which took a precision as a parameter, you
shouldn't be saving the precision in the object: it isn't part of the
state, and if you save it as such one day you might find it changes under
your feet mid call.

A lot of objects benefit from being treated as immutable: i.e. initialise
them on creation, but never modify the attributes after creation. This has
the great benefit that you never need to worry about whether or not to copy
an object: you always just keep using the same object until an attribute
needs to change and then you just create a new one. Obviously this only
works for lightweight objects, but that should be most of them.

Passing one or two parameters around a host of methods is fine: if you are
passing more then it probably indicates you need to invent another object
to encapsulate the state associated with the method call. It is also likely
that it means you then want to move some of the code logic into the new
object. In other words, instead of:

obj.meth1(a, b, c, d) calls obj.meth2(a, b, c, d) calls obj.meth3, ...

(and perhaps meth2 only needs a, b and c so it can pass them on),
you want some helper object constructed with a, b, c & d and parts of the
original methods then get factored into methods on the help objects.

bruno at modulix

Derek said:
This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a "self" in
front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method

s/class method/method/

In Python, a "class method" is a method working on the class itself (not
on a given instance).
or should I pass around variable between the methods?

One of the first rules I learned (from experience...) was to restrict as
much as possible the scope of a variable. It usually makes code more
readable, more robust, and more modular. In fact, I sometime even pass
attributes of an object as args to a method of the same object, and/or
assign values returned from a method of an object to attributes of the
same object. This is more explicit than relying on side-effects.

So (as pointed by almost everyone in this thread...) the best criteria
here is : is this variable part of the state of an object, or is it just
a value used for a given computation ?

Note that if you find yourself passing the same huge set of variables
from method to method for a given computation, this may calls for a
refactoring... Python objects can be callable (ie function-like), so a
complex computation with lot of shared state (independant from the rest
of the object) may be best implemented as a separate temporary callable
object - which can take the calling object as a parameter if it needs to
access other attributes from it.

My 2 cents...

Derek Basch

Wow! Thanks everyone. Such coherent and philisophical answers. I will
read them all over on a lazy sunday as this type ethereal stuff hurts
my head after about 30 seconds. All the gurus on the python list are so
friggin' smart. This should improve my coding after I digest it all.
Thanks Again!

Derek Basch

Derek Basch

So, if I am understanding what everyone is saying here. I should do my
best to distinguish between values that are part of the "state" of an
object and values that are more disposable and can change for each
computation of a value. So if I create an instance of a "wallet" class
and the color of the wallet is "red". The "red" value would be ideal as
a class variable as it is tied to the state of that wallet instance.
However, if the wallet class contains a function to compute the tax on
a purchased item, the purchase price would be a good example of a
passed parameter value. Am I on the right track?

Derek Basch

Derek Basch

One more question everybody. Say you have a class that performs a
series of evaluations on several strings of peptides. Let's say for the
sake of argument:


Heres the class:

class PeptideEvaluator:

def evaluate(self, peptide):
peptide_name = peptide + "Rules!"
result1 = self.test1(peptide, peptide_name)
result2 = self.test2(peptide, peptide_name)
result3 = self.test3(peptide, peptide_name)

def test1(self, peptide, peptide_name):
f = open(peptide_name + ".txt", "w")

def test2(self, peptide, peptide_name):
f = open(peptide_name + ".txt", "w")

def test3(self, peptide, peptide_name):
f = open(peptide_name + ".txt", "w")

So, you instantiate a class called "PeptideEvaluator" and pass in each
string to its "evaluate" method. Now you have to repeatedly pass the
peptide and peptide_name to each function. According to what everyone
has said declaring them as class variables is bad because they are not
related to the state of the "PeptideEvaluator". How can I avoid having
to pass the same parameters all over a class? I can';t quite seem to
wrap my head around this one.

Thanks again everyone,
Derek Basch

Terry Reedy

Derek Basch said:
So, if I am understanding what everyone is saying here. I should do my
best to distinguish between values that are part of the "state" of an
object and values that are more disposable and can change for each
computation of a value. So if I create an instance of a "wallet" class
and the color of the wallet is "red". The "red" value would be ideal as
a class variable as it is tied to the state of that wallet instance.
However, if the wallet class contains a function to compute the tax on
a purchased item, the purchase price would be a good example of a
passed parameter value. Am I on the right track?


Eric Brunel

One more question everybody. Say you have a class that performs a
series of evaluations on several strings of peptides.

Errr..., no? A class does not perform some operations. A class is a
template for objects. What are your objects? If you had a class Peptide
for example (I'm guessing here; I'm not exactly fluent in this domain), I
would have understood. But what you're describing here is not a class;
it's just a set of functions.
Heres the class:

class PeptideEvaluator:

def evaluate(self, peptide):
peptide_name = peptide + "Rules!"
result1 = self.test1(peptide, peptide_name)
result2 = self.test2(peptide, peptide_name)
result3 = self.test3(peptide, peptide_name)

def test1(self, peptide, peptide_name):
f = open(peptide_name + ".txt", "w")

def test2(self, peptide, peptide_name):
f = open(peptide_name + ".txt", "w")

def test3(self, peptide, peptide_name):
f = open(peptide_name + ".txt", "w")

So, you instantiate a class called "PeptideEvaluator" and pass in each
string to its "evaluate" method. Now you have to repeatedly pass the
peptide and peptide_name to each function. According to what everyone
has said declaring them as class variables is bad because they are not
related to the state of the "PeptideEvaluator". How can I avoid having
to pass the same parameters all over a class? I can';t quite seem to
wrap my head around this one.

QED: this "class" has no need at all for attributes, and does not even
have a constructor. This is usually a strong signal that what you're doing
is wrong. Just turn this class into a module containing functions. Or put
these methods into another class (the Peptide class may be a good
candidate if you have one; "evaluating" a peptide seems to be an operation
that you do on peptides).


Steve Holden

Derek said:
So, if I am understanding what everyone is saying here. I should do my
best to distinguish between values that are part of the "state" of an
object and values that are more disposable and can change for each
computation of a value. So if I create an instance of a "wallet" class
and the color of the wallet is "red". The "red" value would be ideal as
a class variable as it is tied to the state of that wallet instance.

Nope. Technically that would be an *instance* variable - each wallet
instance can have a different colour. [This may be what you mean in
whcih case please regard this as correcting your language, not your
thinking. Class variables are available, and are normally single values
share among all instances of a class.].
However, if the wallet class contains a function to compute the tax on
a purchased item, the purchase price would be a good example of a
passed parameter value. Am I on the right track?
Yes, that would be correct.


Terry Hancock

class PeptideEvaluator:

def evaluate(self, peptide):

So, you instantiate a class called "PeptideEvaluator" and
pass in each string to its "evaluate" method. Now you have
to repeatedly pass the peptide and peptide_name to each
function. According to what everyone has said declaring
them as class variables is bad because they are not
related to the state of the "PeptideEvaluator". How can I
avoid having to pass the same parameters all over a class?
I can';t quite seem to wrap my head around this one.

"PeptideEvaluator" suggests it's meant to act on some
"data" object and produce a "result" object (you're
reinventing functions, using object-oriented machinery?).

A more usual OOP approach is to make an object "Peptide"
which models the peptide, then put the methods on it.
When you instantiate "Peptide" you tell it what its sequence
is, and the methods provide your analysis -- you ask the
object itself to give you the results. Then, of course,
the peptide sequence *IS* a fundamental property of the

If you have to separate this functionality into a separate
object, you should immediately be asking yourself "why"? Is
there a compelling reason you need *two* objects that have
to communicate over an interface when one will do?
(Sometimes there are).

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