Java Generics FAQ

  • Thread starter Angelika Langer
  • Start date

Angelika Langer

I've been putting together a page with FAQs regarding Java Generics at

It was intially intended as companion material to my seminars, but it
may well be of interest to a broader audience. It should at least
answer many of the beginner's questions. If you're interested, feel
free to use it. Comments are welcome.

Angelika Langer

Andrew Thompson


Kris Nuttycombe

Thanks for the excellent FAQ! I have another question for it (although
whether it is frequently asked remains to be seen!

I have the following interface:

public interface DataConverter<I,O> {
public O convert(I obj);

It appears that it should be legal to define the following method:

* Returns a Map<Class,DataConverter> that maps Java classes
* to DataConverter objects that know how to operate on
* data of the type specified by the map's keys.
public <C extends Class> Map<C,DataConverter<? extends C,?>>

I cannot, however, figure out exactly how to instantiate a Map that I
could actually return from an implementation of this method!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Jesper Nordenberg

Kris Nuttycombe said:
Thanks for the excellent FAQ! I have another question for it (although
whether it is frequently asked remains to be seen!

I have the following interface:

public interface DataConverter<I,O> {
public O convert(I obj);

It appears that it should be legal to define the following method:

* Returns a Map<Class,DataConverter> that maps Java classes
* to DataConverter objects that know how to operate on
* data of the type specified by the map's keys.
public <C extends Class> Map<C,DataConverter<? extends C,?>>

I cannot, however, figure out exactly how to instantiate a Map that I
could actually return from an implementation of this method!

What are you trying to do? <C extends Class> is pointless since Class
is final and there can't be any class that extends it. So your
declaration can be reduced to:

Map<Class,DataConverter<Class,?>> getDataConverters();

So you return a Map which maps from an instance of Class to a
DataConverter that takes an instance of Class (not necessarily the
same instance used as the key) and returns anything. Doesn't make much

Are you trying to create a Map which maps from a Class instance to a
DataConverter that only takes instances of that Class as argument and
that this should be checked during compile time? It's impossible to
create a Map that does that.

/Jesper Nordenberg

Sebastian Millies

Really? I havn't done anything with generics, but in the1.5 API docs
define Class as
public final class Class<T>extends Objectimplements Serializable,
GenericDeclaration, Type, AnnotatedElementI suppose the parameter specifies
the type of object that is represented by
the Class instance? So would not a Map which maps from a Class instance to a
DataConverter that only takes instances of that Class as argument be


Sorry, can't test this for lack of a JDK.

-- Sebastian

Sebastian Millies

short addition: re-reading the OP's requuirement, I guess that
should really be:


It would even be easy to add additional contraints on T,
perhaps in terms of an interface ConvertibleTo<E>, and
specify DataConverter as

public interface DataConverter<I extends ConvertibleTo<E>,E>

Does this make sense?

-- Sebastian

Kris Nuttycombe

That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks! I like the addition of
the ConvertibleTo<E> interface as well.


Jesper Nordenberg

Sebastian Millies said:
short addition: re-reading the OP's requuirement, I guess that
should really be:


This is not what I meant, but sure, this can be done, but it doesn't
make any sense. There is only one key you can use for such a map
(since there is only one instance of Class<T> for any T), so why are
you even using a Map in the first place?

I think the OP wants a map where you given a class can lookup a
DataConverter for a objects of that class. Something like this:

interface ObjectConverterMap<O> {
<T> void put(Class<T> key, DataConverter<? super T, O> value);
<T> DataConverter<? super T, O> get(Class<T> key);

Or maybe he wants a DataConverter for the class object:

interface ClassConverterMap<O> {
<T> void put(Class<T> key, DataConverter<Class<T>, O> value);
<T> DataConverter<Class<T>, O> get(Class<T> key);

Neither of these interfaces are compatible with the java.util.Map

/Jesper Nordenberg

Kris Nuttycombe

Aha, Now I understand what I was doing wrong. My confusion was between
the runtime and compile time types. Thanks!


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